Soviet 'Taran' Flying Rams and Aerial Mines.



This was originally on the Spitfire / Focke Wulf ramming fighter thread but I thought these two might merit a thread of their own:
1) I've seen references to a purpose-designed Soviet flying ram called the Grokhovskij G-39 "Cucaracha" but information seems scarce:
2) The same site mentions the 'Taran' Ta-1 project:
Proposed Ta-1 variants supposedly included radio-controlled glide bomb or 'flying mine' versions, plus various manned rammers. I think none were built.
Any more information on either project would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
In the Osprey Encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft 1875-1995 by Bill Gunston
the 'Kukaracha' in the Grokhovskii chapter is described as a experimental
lightplane with wings swept at 35° wingtip rudders and no horizontal tail.

M-11 pusher engine . 160km/h . construction of wood ,ply and fabric.
Structural failure on ake of...
Not exactly on the "Taran" concept, sorry:
In his Encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft 1875-1995, Bil Gunston also mentioned a flying wing project designed by Ilyushin as TsKB-16.
Is there more information available now on that particular design?

Thanks in advance,


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Same question concerning the flying scale-model of the Putilov (OOS) Stal-5, test flown in late 1935 by V. V. Karpov & Y. G. Paul.

Thanks in advance,


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Hi - I'm afraid the best I can do on the flying scale-model Putilov Stal-5 is to refer you to this aviation-models site (whence the attached came):
No more info. there though than in the scanned article above, alas.
All best,


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    Putilov Stal-5 (Model 2).jpg
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    Putilov Stal-5 (Model 3).jpg
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This is strange. The photo on the site is exact the
same from the Osprey Encyclop. which mentions it as a lightplane.

There's a 3-view and more extensive description of the OOS Stal'-5 in
Soviet X-planes by Yefim Gordon & Bill Gunston( page 148)

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