SNECMA engines list


Senior Member
6 June 2006
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This is a very incomplete list...

M-26 Super Atar (4700 kgp dry, 6400 kgp reheat)
M-28 Super Atar Improved variant : 5200 kgp dry, 8500 kgp reheat)
M-35 P&W J-58 (licence build for Concorde, 1963. Rejected in favor of the Olympus 593. )
M45 French variant of the RB-172. Intended to power the AFVG,(M45G) civil variant for the VFW-614 (M45H) mach3 variant ??? (M-45B-2S)
M49 Larzac Alpha Jet engine
M52 mach-3 engine (competitor to the M45B-2S
M53 Program started in july 1968. Ran on testbench in February 1970, flight tested on a Caravalle in July 1972, supersonic in the F1E in December 1973. Mirage 2000 and 4000.
M56 Civil turbofan of the 10 tons thrust class. Become CFM-56

M88 New military turbofan, Rafale (and Novi Avion).
M51 Mach 3/Mach 4 engine. It was a competitor to the M52 for the Mach 3/Mach 4 secret fighter program. Leaved for the M53
I have some new "M" Snecma motors :eek: ;) ;) ;) (from Snecma Archives)

Ex :

M 67 : Mach 2 ( New Concorde)
M 72 : "baby" CFM56

will publish an update ....
New "M" from snecma archives :eek: ;) ;):

M35 : VSTOL fighter
M36 : VSTOL fighter
M48: high Mach fighter
M50 : Experimental turbo
M51 : high Mach fighter
M52 : High Mach fighter
M57 : turboprop (from M45)
M59 : Mach 2 fighter
M61 : turboprop (from Larzac)
M62 : Mach 2.2 fighter
M63 : high speed low altitude fighter
M65 : from M45 - buisness jet
M66 : from M59 - new PC
M67 : New supersonic/after Concorde
M69 : Fighter (Super Jaguar) - probably the grandfather of the M88
M70 : experimental
M72 : "Baby CFM 56" (maybe the CFM 56-3)
M73 :Fighter - probably one of the grandfathers of the M88
M74 : fighter

well, a suivre ....
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
May I add some info in regards to the M69. This engine, in the same class as the RB199, was to be developed to use in the Mirage 3000.


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VictorXL188 said:
May I add some info in regards to the M69. This engine, in the same class as the RB199, was to be developed to use in the Mirage 3000.
I'll try to find Something in my archives.

What is the year of the article and the magazine ?

Edit : oups, I saw later that you gave the answer (Air International 09/78) in another topic :,757.0.html
Snecma : les débuts difficiles de la coopération internationale (1965-1972)

L’abandon en 1960 du réacteur M26/M284
Super Atar développé entre
1955 et 1958 pour propulser à Mach 3 le
« Super Griffon » (programme arrêté) prive le
motoriste d’un réacteur militaire puissant

A l’autre bout de la chaîne des produits, la
SNECMA, à la demande du ministère de l’Air
en 1961, lance l’étude d’un réacteur léger
capable de fonctionner horizontalement et
verticalement, l’expérience du « Coléoptère »
ayant démontré la faisabilité de cette solution.
Le M36 présenté en 1962 est compact et ultraléger
(180 kg) et délivre 2 000 kg de poussée.

En 1962, d’autres études démarrant pour
Dassault (programme ADAV), la SNECMA
engage les programmes M36 SF à tuyère

le M41 A à simple flux, le M41
à double flux et le M41-Z0M2 (altitude zéro
mètre vitesse Mach 2) délivrant 3 000 kg de

Aucun de ces projets n’aboutit, les
Services techniques de l’aéronautique ayant
fait le choix d’une autre solution, que l’on
retrouvera sur le Dassault « Balzac »

dont le JT-11 B3, la version civile du J-58 (le
plus puissant réacteur militaire du moment) a
le potentiel requis. Le projet de réacteur civil
franco-américain SNECMA-Pratt & Whitney
prend le nom M35

avec Bristol-Siddeley (12 réacteurs
prototypes M-45 vendus)

Les développements basés
sur un corps hautes pressions de l’ATAR ont

L’étude du réacteur de dix tonnes
désigné M56 piétine.

En 1965, la SNECMA commence l’étude
d’un petit réacteur double flux d’une tonne de
poussée destiné aux avions d’affaire et de
liaison dont le Dassault « Mystère » 20 (deux
réacteurs GE CF-700) constitue l’archétype.
Le moteur est désigné M49.
That Mirage 3000 and M69 enigma is exciting.
The F-15 -size 4000 had been rejected in 1975 as too expensive.
The 3000 however would be a F-17 in size... and the AdA badly wanted a twin jet to replace the Mirage IV.
Problem: the M53 was F110 F100 size turbofan. It drove any twin jet into 4000 size and cost.
M53 was NOT F404 in size by any mean. Where it gets very interesting is that RB.199, F404, EJ200 and... M88 are all the same size. Well then M69 would be M88 ancestor - just like the RB199 XG40 and EJ200 are all related.
putain, shazam !!

LA SNECMA ETUDIE UN NOUVEAU MOTEUR: LE M 69 La SNECMA étudie un nouveau turboréacteur de 7,5 tonnes de poussée, dénommé M 69, et qui pourrait équiper le futur Intercepteur bimoteur dont les spécialistes de l'Armée de l'Air ...

Air et cosmos march 1978 (715 to 730 )

look ma ! Rafale as early as 1978... and freakkin hell, as a Mirage 3000 ? right between Uncle 2000 and father 4000 lol.
Rapport du Sénat / Sénat parliamentary report - June 28, 1978. Right between the 2000 and 4000 first flights.
With that snipet inside.


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Dear colleagues,

could you help me to identify this Renault V-8 engine with air cooling
Size: 1100 * 800 * 900 mm
Weight: 142 kg

Thank you in advance!


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Sorry for the necroposting.
Some additional useful info from Fana HS°72 (dedicated to Rafale development)
  • M80 7647 kgp to be used on twin engine aircraft
  • M81 10197 kdp can replace M53 as they have the same dimension and accommodation
  • M82 12262 kgp to be used on single engine aircraft
What was this ?.


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Does anyone have info about M74?

M74 was just Larzac, wasn't it? That M74 designation comes up a lot with discussions on the ALR Piranha 4. ALR, itself, mentioned Larzac M74-08 for its Piranha 4 but M74-05 and M74-07 also pop up (perhaps as typos?).
M74 was just Larzac, wasn't it? That M74 designation comes up a lot with discussions on the ALR Piranha 4. ALR, itself, mentioned Larzac M74-08 for its Piranha 4 but M74-05 and M74-07 also pop up (perhaps as typos?).
ALR's brochure that I have states that the Piranha Y-4A will be equipped with the Larzac M74-05. So I'm trying to find out if this M74-05 was actually produced.

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