Servicing Satellites In Orbit ?

Me: You can't take the sky from me.
Sp4ceX: Hold my hydrazine.
Strawberry Reservoir, Utah, this morning.

Beautiful shot enhanced with techno-awesomeness.

Yah, right.

You spelt ruined by unnecessarily complicated technological solution to a simple logistical problem which also fills spare payload slots for your cheap space launch business wrong.

ps When there's 20k plus of these things up there it really won't be pretty.

pps Quit trolling.
pps Quit trolling.

"Trolling?" Perhaps you should step away from posting your own views when you cannot comprehend that other people may see things differently.

Some of us see worth, value and beauty in mankind progressing upwards and outwards. Just because you cannot understand that doesn't mean we're insincere.

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