Russian mystery Ram-Fighter


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26 May 2006
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please see this hypothetical Ram-Fighter of 1930s,and its strange concept.


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Thank you my dear GTX,

from long time ago,I spoke about a project to Grokhovski,called G-34
with ramming wing as a fighter design,but does that aircraft relate
to it or not ?.
hesham said:
..from long time ago,I spoke about a project to Grokhovski,called G-34
with ramming wing as a fighter design,but does that aircraft relate
to it or not ?.

Don't know, but reading the automatically text, I would just think of it as a notional description
of a future ram fighter. It is said to be powered by piston engines, driving contra props, but reaching
speeds of up to 1000 mph, as the "exhaust gas is directed to a particular channel" ! And it should be
possible to fly it via remote control. I think, it's a text just describing someones dreams,how to defend
his country, but not truely a concept for an aircraft.
May be my dear Jemiba,

but the Grokhovski G-34 still mystery.
Well, of course, we still have no hard information about it, maybe because plans, drawings and
other data were lost, or maybe because there never was much about this aircraft at all, as often
for concepts. A "mystery" probably is something else, or we had to call most projects, we don't know
completely a "mystery". ;)
About the relation of Grokhovski to that ram fighter, I would be very cautious. He actually was an
aircraft engineer/designer and in this design, I cannot see too much influence of aviational technology
of the late thirties. The idea looks great at first glance, to ram an enemy aircraft with the hardened
nose, but don't forget, that it's still shown as prop aircraft ! And perhaps we should think a moment
about the acceleration, the pilot would have to stand, even if this thing would slice thraough a bomber
"as a hot knife through butter". Ram tactics were developed and (rarely) used at the end of WW II in
Germany and, I think, in Japan, and AFAIK, they were always regarded as VERY hazardous, to say the
least ! The author of that "invention" tries to sell this ram fighter as a kind of ultimate wonder weapon
against the bomber, during a time, when the bomber still hadn't shown his full destructive power.
Nowadays, we probably would call such a drawing "fanart" .
hesham said:
from long time ago,I spoke about a project to Grokhovski,called G-34
with ramming wing as a fighter design,but does that aircraft relate
to it or not ?.
The idea for this aircraft ram (as a concept) belongs M.S.Malkov engineer (later an employee of the Central Design Bureau of scientific and operational framework /TsNEB/ V.V.S. Air Force.)
It has nothing to do Grokhovski. Appearance (impression art) of ramming aircraft by Grokhovski I was posting earlier: reply#7,13952.msg137101.html
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