Russia To Send Asteroid Apophis Back into Deep Black Space


Donald McKelvy
Senior Member
14 August 2009
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"Russia To Send Asteroid Apophis Back into Deep Black Space"

Russia’s Federal Space Agency Roscosmos will start working on a project to save planet Earth from the collision with Asteroid Apophis, which, as scientists predict, may happen in 2036.

Anatoly Perminov, the head of Roscomos, said in an interview with the Voice of Russia Radio Station that the flight trajectory of the massive asteroid was gradually approaching the Earth. A scientist, who shared the information with Mr. Perminov, also told the official that Apophis was three times as large as the legendary Tunguska Meteorite.

NASA specialists, though, believe that the collision is extremely unlikely.

“I don’t remember exactly, but it seems that by 2032 Apophis will ram into Earth,” Perminov said.

As a matter of fact, Apophis will be flying in close vicinity to Earth in 2036.

Mr. Perminov also said that his organization had already received a number of projects to break the flight path of the asteroid. The head of Roscosmos said that it could be possible to build a special purpose spaceship which would allow to avoid the collision and preserve the asteroid without any nuclear explosions.

Russian specialists will choose the strategy to save planet Earth from Apophis and then invite world’s leading space agencies to join the project.

Asteroid Apophis, named in honor of the Ancient Egyptian God of Chaos, was discovered in 2004. The asteroid is expected to near Earth several times from 2029 to 2036.

NASA scientists initially said that the asteroid posed a serious danger to the Earth, but they later revised their predictions.

Additional observations provided improved predictions that eliminated the possibility of an impact on Earth or the Moon in 2029. However, a possibility remains that during the 2029 close encounter with Earth, Apophis will pass through a gravitational keyhole, a precise region in space no more than about 600 meters across, that would set up a future impact on April 13, 2036.

Additional observations of the trajectory of Apophis revealed the keyhole will likely be missed and on August 5, 2006 Apophis was lowered to a Level 0 on the Torino Scale. As of October 7, 2009, the impact probability for April 13, 2036, is calculated as 1 in 250,000. An additional impact date in 2037 was also identified; the impact probability for that encounter is calculated as 1 in 12.3 million.

Anatoly Perminov also shared his thoughts about future flights to the Moon and Mars.

“I am certain that man will fly to Mars, but it will happen after a manned mission to the moon. It will most likely happen in 2032,” the official said. “I know that the European Space Agency, the USA and Russia have different perspectives in their space research programs. I know that the ESA is concentrated on a mission to Mars, whereas Roscosmos and NASA are busy with lunar exploration programs,” Perminov added.

Perminov also said that in 2010 Russia would be prepared to become fully accountable for the transport support of the International Space Station.

“Russia is prepared to execute this goal. We have been cooperating with NASA for two years on this subject and we finally signed the agreements stipulating the delivery of astronauts to the ISS on board Russian Soyuz booster rockets,” Perminov said.
Russian research about intercepting & destroying the Asteroid Apophis

Spazio: Russia Salvera' La Terra Dall'Asteroide "Apophis"
Mer 30 Dic - 20.57
(AGI) - Mosca, 30 dic. - La Russia sta mettendo a punto un sistema per distruggere o deviare dalla sua traiettoria assassina 'Apophis', l'asteroide scoperto nel 2004 di 350 metri di diametro che potrebbe abbattersi sulla terra il 13 aprile del 2036. Lo ha rivelato il capo dell'Agenzia Spaziale russa Anatoly Perminov secondo cui malgrado la Nasa abbia ridotto le chance di una collissione il pericolo e' serissimo. Apophis passera' nel 2029 a 30.000 chilometri dalla Terra ma secondo i russi il pericolo maggiore si registrera' 7 anni dopo .
This news is on AGI intalian on line site of news.
Russia study & research about a sistem to intercept & distroy the Asteroid Apophis , diameter 350 meters , may be crash down on earth the 13-04-2036. New from Anatoly Perminov ( Russia Space Agency) his opinion this is a real danger ( not for the NASA).
Apohosis will be far 30000 km from earth in the 2029, but in the earth can be a target in the 2036...

where the russians found the money for this mission/project? and is similar at one movie of 70's with Sean Connery if i remember in correct way
Re: Russian research about intercepting & destroying the Asteroid Apophis

blue max said:
Spazio: Russia Salvera' La Terra Dall'Asteroide "Apophis"
In Russian:

blue max said:
where the russians found the money for this mission/project?
Russia will sell gas to Europe.
Re: Russian research about intercepting & destroying the Asteroid Apophis

probably yes!
???but they will save us.
Re: Russian research about intercepting & destroying the Asteroid Apophis

I think the title and even the contents of this topic are deceiving, because we don't know whether this is fake or real information. Is it possible to clarify this and make it sound less like a Stargate SG-1 spin-off? Thanks.
Re: Russian research about intercepting & destroying the Asteroid Apophis

this is the news from (copy ) by the topic of moderator , as in the first topic the russian space agency thinking at a real danger specially for the 2036 , in wich way they want to obstacle or intecept Apophis I don't know , probably is the real target of this study ( probably open at NASA and ESA) to know the best way to intercept the asteroid ( laser ? tesla? same N missile?) ..or same similar at the movie "meteor" is a movie by Usa 1979,103 min , with a cast all stars ( connery - henry fonda) and Usa and URSS fire vs. the meteor the missile Hercules and "the Great Piotr" to distroy it. Sometimes the reality is better than SF ;)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Space scientists in Russia are preparing to boldly go where no man has gone before, except for the actor Bruce Willis.

The head of the Russian space agency said today that it was considering a Hollywood-style mission to send a spacecraft to bump a large asteroid from a possible collision course with Earth.

Anatoly Perminov told the Russian radio station Golos Rossii: "People's lives are at stake. We should pay several hundred million dollars and build a system that would allow us to prevent a collision, rather than sit and wait for it to happen and kill hundreds of thousands of people."

The mission would be aimed at an asteroid called Apophis, he said, which is expected to pass close to the Earth in 2029 and again in 2036. "Calculations show that it's possible to create a special-purpose spacecraft within the time we have, which would help avoid the collision. The threat of collision can be averted."

The Hollywood action films Deep Impact and Armageddon both featured space missions scrambling to avert catastrophic collisions, the latter led by Willis.

But the creation of a system to deflect asteroids has long been the subject of scientific debate. Some experts have proposed sending a probe to circle around a dangerous asteroid and gradually change its trajectory. Others suggested sending a spacecraft to collide with it and alter its momentum, or using nuclear weapons.

Perminov said details of the project still needed to be worked out. But he said the agency would invite Nasa, the European Space Agency and others to participate.

When Apophis was discovered in 2004, astronomers made headlines when they said there was a one in 37 chance that the 350-metre-wide rock would collide with Earth in 2029. Further studies ruled out such an impact, but there remains a one in 250,000 chance it could strike in 2036.

Perminov said he had heard from a scientist that Apophis is getting closer and may hit the planet. "I don't remember exactly, but it seems to me it could hit the Earth by 2032," he said.

Nasa has estimated that if the asteroid hit the Earth, it would release more than 100,000 times the energy released in the nuclear blast over Hiroshima. Thousands of square miles would be directly affected by the blast but the whole of the Earth would see the effects of the dust released into the atmosphere.

Nasa experts have already discussed the option of landing an astronaut on an asteroid to test whether it could develop techniques to deflect a doomsday rock.

Breaking it up with an atomic warhead could generate thousands of smaller objects on a similar course, which could have time to re-form. Scientists agree the best approach, given enough time, would be to nudge the object into a safer orbit.

Matt Genge, a space researcher at Imperial College London, has calculated that something with the mass, acceleration and thrust of a small car could push an asteroid weighing a billion tonnes out of the path of Earth in just 75 days.

Perminov said: "We will soon hold a closed meeting of our collegium, the science-technical council, to look at what can be done. "There won't be any nuclear explosions. Everything will be done according to the laws of physics."

Mirrors, lights and even paint could change the way the object absorbed light and heat enough to shift its direction over 20 years or so. With less notice, mankind could be forced to take more drastic measures, such as setting off a massive explosion on or near the object to change its course.
Re: Russian research about intercepting & destroying the Asteroid Apophis

Topic renamed for a more accurate description.

Regards Bailey.
Re: Russian research about intercepting & destroying the Asteroid Apophis
Check this page for current assessment of impact risks.

Currently the worst seems to be 2007 VK184, about 100 meters in diameter and one in a ten thousand impact probability (cumulative of all passes) in the years 2048 to 2057.

Apophis is more unlikely of about one in a million, though it's bigger at about 300 meters.

No global apocalypse from such small asteroids, though they could destroy cities.
Re: Russian research about intercepting & destroying the Asteroid Apophis

"No global apocalypse from such small asteroids, though they could destroy cities."

now I sleep calm... ::)
thanks for the link very interesting
and very interesting also are the Torino and Palermo scale about the impact danger zone
Re: Russian research about intercepting & destroying the Asteroid Apophis

When one considers that the odds of Apophis hitting Earth are so low, I think the Russians are using this Asteroid as an excuse to weaponize space.
Re: Russian research about intercepting & destroying the Asteroid Apophis

It's all nothing but PR.
Perhaps this thread instead?,8961.0.html
Apophis in Deep Black Space ...... just with a spacecraft :" Go Home Apophis , go home !!" :D :D

I hope in future we will exploit deposits of minerals on asteroids !

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