RAF purchasing Boeing H-47ER


ACCESS: Top Secret
18 June 2008
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A while back, US Defense Secuirty Co-Operation Agency approved possible purchase of H-47ER (Extended Range) Chinooks to us Brits. These be akin similar to the Nightstalkers MH-47G

Anyhow as of last 24 hours 2 Billion deal has been signed

Correct. It also will likely have the "extended" nose to fit assorted avionics in, like TFTA or Wx radar.
Delivery is likely to be put off quite a bit though. Pennywise and pound foolish rides yet again.
Delivery is likely to be put off quite a bit though. Pennywise and pound foolish rides yet again.
Boeing is likely happy with this circumstance as it puts pressure on the U.S. government to insure that the production line remains active until the UK can fund the new aircraft.

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