Radio Wave Emission from Proxima Centauri being investigated by scientists

Within our limited perspective, radio doesn't seem the most efficient means of transmitting between known star systems that are inhabited.
Lasers offer a far more logical solution and in turn an explanation for why sublight (tardion) civilisations might not have revealed themselves to us. We just aren't in the line of sight between such communications and unless the beam passes through a gas cloud or asteroid/comet field, where we might catch reflections of the beams, we've got precious little chance of seeing it.

Of course once we engage ideas of entanglement based communication, this raises all sorts of problems and potential pitfalls.
We just don't know what non-random simultaneous behaviour between particles might produce.......

Although there is one theory that opens that door......and in turn is an explanation for the idea of consciousness itself......which means even if we can get that to work, it's not necessarily any other civilisation we might end up talking to......
In 1957, astronomers of the Ohio State University started to scan the cosmos by means of a radio telescope searching signs of radio transmissions from hypothetical extraterrestrial civilizations.

Acting with an anthropocentric mind, they addressed their instruments to the stars Tau Ceti (spectral class G) and Epsilon Eridani (spectral class K) for being the nearest among those like our sun. In their search, they selected the wavelengths between 18 and 21 centimeters, corresponding to the spectral lines of the hydroxyl radical and the hydrogen, the band of electromagnetic spectrum named Water hole. They were looking for the existence of water in these star systems.

But water is not the only possible solvent for life chemistry, it all depends on environmental conditions. In 99 per cent of the cosmos, temperatures are so low that water can be replaced by liquid ammonia, liquid methane, liquid hydrogen fluoride, liquid nitrogen, liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen, liquid helium or liquid argon. Even mercury and lava could be considered in environments with extreme temperatures and pressures.

Carbon is also not essential, which can be replaced by phosphorus or silicon.

In my opinion the search for ET is poorly raised because, in short, it all depends on what we are looking for, how we are looking for it and what we hope to find.

Alien life is very possible due to the abundant variety of amino acids found by radio astronomers in interstellar clouds.

Intelligent alien life is statistically probable (Frank Drake equation).

Intelligent alien life interested in interstellar travel is less probable. It would have to be an energy rich culture, with the curiosity of a young civilization (in ours, it only lasted 40 years) or with the conquest spirit of some mad individuals. Difficult that all these factors coincide in the same society.

Chronologically speaking, it is not very probable that two civilizations evolve at the same time and are ready for contact. A few thousand years are not much for a galaxy and a too long period for the UN, NATO or the III Reich.

There's the theory of cyclical history as proposed by Oswald Spengler (and developed in fiction by A.E. van Vogt, Robert A. Heinlein and Isaac Asimov). According to that theory, a civilization can be ‘young’ and even barbaric, and yet high-tech, since civilizations comes and goes, though most of the technological progress done by the previous civilizations aren't forgotten.

Humanoid form is the result of hazard and millions of random mutations.
The reason why the Hollywood ETs are humanoid is economic…. a guy disguised with a rubber head.
Actors wish to show their faces to increase their popularity and for that reason the aliens in the TV series Stargate are almost human.

If there are intelligent creatures somewhere in the cosmos, the only sure thing about them is that they won't look like us, ET may have any shape except that of a pretty girl.

Gestalt organisms, smart clouds, natural computers integrated by metallic particles in a magnetic field, flying plants, organic film on water, metallic skeleton creatures, giant sponges, planetary wide fungus, energy balls, solar parabolas, insect evolved in low gravity, organisms made of neutron matter, alive comets, wave vortices, thinking crystals and six meters long caterpillars may be shaped by the evolutionary pressures of another world.
Not exactly if you think about the quantum entanglement effect.
I aree with you about the nonsense of radio waves As interstellar communication system, but let's assume that an advanced civilization detected out radio signal and it trying to answer Us the same way.
using a technology based on the spin-spin theory:oops:
New development
There is indication of a Planet in Habitat zone of Alpha Centauri A !
sadly not enough Data to confirm it
It could be a Gas giant in size of Neptun or half of Saturn

Odd was there not a Sci-if Movie that had this setting ?
Gas giant with Habitat Moon around Alpha Centauri A
called Avatar...
The above has already posted in the astronomy thread. I didn’t post it here as it’s different star.
If the moon has oceans the tides must be gigantic when the gravitational forces of the star and the gas giant are combined


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There would also be the additional tidal effects of Alpha Centauri B. However the planet is currently unconfirmed and any moon theoretical- in fact given the gravitational environment of a binary star system with a gas giant, I’d think moons would often be ejected.
If the moon has oceans the tides must be gigantic when the gravitational forces of the star and the gas giant are combined

The Moon will be twisted from a sphere into Tri-axial ellipsoid were it long axe points to it's planet
The Main tide would be Static* an on top come the Tide by both Stars and other moons of Gas Giant.

* if the Moon orbit hat almost circular orbit,
wen Moon got strong Ellipse orbit the Main tide "knead" the moon like Io by Jupiter
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this?
I am a dimwit on biology but it always struck me that non-humanoid intelligent alien life was a creation of imaginative authors.
After all we have here on Earth every conceivable permutation of lifeforms with any number of legs or none. Yet only apes and their human descendants have evolved to live in groups using tools.
Why should this be any different on any planet with similar conditions for creating life?
Why should this be any different on any planet with similar conditions for creating life?

It would not much different compare to Earth and Humans
Once Life become to exist is incredibly tough.
And the Cosmos trow allot of things against Life

Live survived Komet impact, Snowball Earth, Perm/Trias mass extinction, supernova explosions
same will goes on other planets were Life thrive
But there is a twist: Evolution will produce lifeforms adapted to there surrounding like Water, Land or Air
They could look quite similar to earth animals: analog to Fish, mammal or bird. (this called Convergent evolution)
But evolution will not produce other humans on other planets, but shape other intelligent beings

It can be wen we see first alien beings they could be analog of Birds, Reptile, koalas...

I'm recommend this Book on matter
Life in Darwin's Universe, Evolution and the Cosmos
Gene Bylinsky
1981 Doubleday & Company Inc.
Yet only apes and their human descendants have evolved to live in groups using tools.
Some birds and octopuses also use tools. Of course on this particular planet there is another predominant species pre-empting their much further evolution, but the potential is there.
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this?
I am a dimwit on biology but it always struck me that non-humanoid intelligent alien life was a creation of imaginative authors.
After all we have here on Earth every conceivable permutation of lifeforms with any number of legs or none. Yet only apes and their human descendants have evolved to live in groups using tools.
Why should this be any different on any planet with similar conditions for creating life?
Because many parts of apes evolutionary path were nothing more than a pure game of chance.
Gentlemen thank you for your various answers.
I guess until we find "intelligent" life we won't know.
Perhaps given our likely evolution into bio-cybernetic life, perhaps even merging human minds with artificial lifeforms that is where contact will take place.
The search for the 'Others' is poorly raised because, in short, it all depends on what we are looking for, how we are looking for it and what we hope to find.
I think Einstein should be discarded. If any type of faster than light travel is possible then that should be the direction for research. Quantum entanglement may be a clue. Otherwise, without an FTL drive that operates at a speed of at least 10 light years an hour, there will be no practical space travel beyond the solar system.

As far as detecting possible transmissions from alien civilizations, various means should be tried. Beyond that, certain assumptions can be made but only within a research environment, science-fiction books notwithstanding.

The human body is far too complex to become partly cybernetic.
It seems likely that light speed is the legal speed limit, in which case there is probably just too much space for any intelligent life to recognize game. Nuclear fission is an achievable way of getting unmanned probes to neighboring start systems, but the cost would be prohibitive barring a fairly existential level goal. It seems like any break through in energy production or any physical effect that surpassed 0.99 c would likely first be used as a weapon that devastated the human race long before it could be utilized in a controlled fashion for travel.
I think it safe to assume that any fully developed FTL drive would receive the highest security classification.
Science Fiction writers have 'solved' the issue by imagining a subspace transmitter using Faster Than Light (FTL) technology, something that violates Einstein's established paradigm. Everyone knows this is impossible, but my neural network by defect tells me it will finally be built by someone who did not know it... or we will stay here until the sun freezes!

The FTL hypothesis starts out from the assumption that technological progress has no upper limit. But we must consider the possibility that the human mind be incapable of solving the problem. Nor can we lift a ton of weight, fly, run at 100 mph, breath underwater, or see Uranus, heat, or bacteria... but we have found a way to build machines that do it for us.

Maybe Artificial Intelligence will uncover the secrets of the FTL.
Interstellar travel will only stop being a utopia when the theoretical physicists became desperate to consider all the time lost in the face of a barrier that had been existing only in their own minds.

If they are unable to develop a new Physics, they will end up being replaced by an Artificial Intelligence that does not respect the established paradigm.

In October 2019, the Sycamore-Google quantum computer solved its first ‘impossible’ problem operating in multidimensional mode.

The origin of the quantum paradox consists of the double reality that exists on an atomic scale where an electron can be both a wave and a material object. The understanding of this phenomenon exceeds the human capacity and that of digital computers, but a quantum computer is able to solve some classic problems that had defeated several generations of theorists operating ‘from within’ the Quantum World.

Hereafter, it was only a matter of asking the right questions to the new oracle and to interpret the answers correctly, because the answers can also be so incomprehensible that it is necessary to create a quantum translation interface, a computer designed imitating the neurological structure of the human brain.

In 2017, Swiss scientists from the Blue Brain Project managed to create a digital simulation of the human brain using Neuron software. A mathematical analysis of the model revealed that some of the activity of our neural networks develops, at the quantum level, in one multidimensional universe.

That explains why a brain of such limited volume can do so many things using only a few watts. You go to sleep with a problem in your head and wake up with a solution without knowing where it came from... how in the world is that possible?

What the Swiss discovered is that the brain uses other dimensions where time does not exist, or where times goes by at different speed, to solve complex problems. It was possibly a desperate measure of evolution to prevent humanity from extinction half a million years ago.

The brain reacts to a stimulus by building a temporal structure with multidimensional blocks, starting with rods (first dimension), planks (second dimension), cubes (third dimension) and then more complex geometries with 4D, 5D until +11D and when the problem is solved the entire logical structure disintegrates to allocate the used neurons to other tasks.

Do superior brain functions take place in Hyperspace?

Might that be the scientific definition of soul?

At last, we will know if the Schrödinger cat is alive, although he must be very angry, after spending 85 years locked in a box: open with caution.
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In the case of the atom, subatomic particles have been identified. Any solid material is proof that atoms have mass and volume. The wave aspect refers to functions at a very small scale.

If a device could be built that can mimic the human brain then it would be classified as well.
It seems likely that light speed is the legal speed limit, in which case there is probably just too much space for any intelligent life to recognize game. Nuclear fission is an achievable way of getting unmanned probes to neighboring start systems, but the cost would be prohibitive barring a fairly existential level goal. It seems like any break through in energy production or any physical effect that surpassed 0.99 c would likely first be used as a weapon that devastated the human race long before it could be utilized in a controlled fashion for travel.
But some scientists have proposed the existence of a certain particle called Tachyon that lives in an alternative world, on the other side of Alice looking glass, and always travels Faster Than Light.

Einstein's theories forbid travel at the speed of light, but they do not forbid overcoming it.
Interstellar travel will only stop being a utopia when the theoretical physicists became desperate to consider all the time lost in the face of a barrier that had been existing only in their own minds.

If they are unable to develop a new Physics, they will end up being replaced by an Artificial Intelligence that does not respect the established paradigm.

In October 2019, the Sycamore-Google quantum computer solved its first ‘impossible’ problem operating in multidimensional mode.

The origin of the quantum paradox consists of the double reality that exists on an atomic scale where an electron can be both a wave and a material object. The understanding of this phenomenon exceeds the human capacity and that of digital computers, but a quantum computer is able to solve some classic problems that had defeated several generations of theorists operating ‘from within’ the Quantum World.

Hereafter, it was only a matter of asking the right questions to the new oracle and to interpret the answers correctly, because the answers can also be so incomprehensible that it is necessary to create a quantum translation interface, a computer designed imitating the neurological structure of the human brain.

In 2017, Swiss scientists from the Blue Brain Project managed to create a digital simulation of the human brain using Neuron software. A mathematical analysis of the model revealed that some of the activity of our neural networks develops, at the quantum level, in one multidimensional universe.

That explains why a brain of such limited volume can do so many things using only a few watts. You go to sleep with a problem in your head and wake up with a solution without knowing where it came from... how in the world is that possible?

What the Swiss discovered is that the brain uses other dimensions where time does not exist, or where times goes by at different speed, to solve complex problems. It was possibly a desperate measure of evolution to prevent humanity from extinction half a million years ago.

The brain reacts to a stimulus by building a temporal structure with multidimensional blocks, starting with rods (first dimension), planks (second dimension), cubes (third dimension) and then more complex geometries with 4D, 5D until +11D and when the problem is solved the entire logical structure disintegrates to allocate the used neurons to other tasks.

Do superior brain functions take place in Hyperspace?

Might that be the scientific definition of soul?

At last, we will know if the Schrödinger cat is alive, although he must be very angry, after spending 85 years locked in a box: open with caution.
Have there ever been any experiments on detecting gravitational field fluctuations inside and around the human brain that are not attributable to the movement of molecules (like blood, etc)?
Interstellar travel will only stop being a utopia when the theoretical physicists became desperate to consider all the time lost in the face of a barrier that had been existing only in their own minds.

If they are unable to develop a new Physics, they will end up being replaced by an Artificial Intelligence that does not respect the established paradigm.

In October 2019, the Sycamore-Google quantum computer solved its first ‘impossible’ problem operating in multidimensional mode.

The origin of the quantum paradox consists of the double reality that exists on an atomic scale where an electron can be both a wave and a material object. The understanding of this phenomenon exceeds the human capacity and that of digital computers, but a quantum computer is able to solve some classic problems that had defeated several generations of theorists operating ‘from within’ the Quantum World.

Hereafter, it was only a matter of asking the right questions to the new oracle and to interpret the answers correctly, because the answers can also be so incomprehensible that it is necessary to create a quantum translation interface, a computer designed imitating the neurological structure of the human brain.

In 2017, Swiss scientists from the Blue Brain Project managed to create a digital simulation of the human brain using Neuron software. A mathematical analysis of the model revealed that some of the activity of our neural networks develops, at the quantum level, in one multidimensional universe.

That explains why a brain of such limited volume can do so many things using only a few watts. You go to sleep with a problem in your head and wake up with a solution without knowing where it came from... how in the world is that possible?

What the Swiss discovered is that the brain uses other dimensions where time does not exist, or where times goes by at different speed, to solve complex problems. It was possibly a desperate measure of evolution to prevent humanity from extinction half a million years ago.

The brain reacts to a stimulus by building a temporal structure with multidimensional blocks, starting with rods (first dimension), planks (second dimension), cubes (third dimension) and then more complex geometries with 4D, 5D until +11D and when the problem is solved the entire logical structure disintegrates to allocate the used neurons to other tasks.

Do superior brain functions take place in Hyperspace?

Might that be the scientific definition of soul?

At last, we will know if the Schrödinger cat is alive, although he must be very angry, after spending 85 years locked in a box: open with caution.
Have there ever been any experiments on detecting gravitational field fluctuations inside and around the human brain that are not attributable to the movement of molecules (like blood, etc)?
That's not what I'm getting at. I'm talking about the possibility of the [human] brain having some form of gravity control.
Right now...light years away...there is doubtless a new form of degenerate stellar matter that released an emission that just so happens to sound just like the first five minutes of an I LOVE LUCY episode to fake us out again.
I recalled there was a concept of Bi-static/Multistatic radar which use Radio wave from star as uncooperative transmitter.

I think it's RAND study titled "Stellar Radar".
Cross posting this which I posted in the SETI thread the other day at I had forgotten this thread even existed.

Article looking at how SETI’s work is getting more difficult due to space junk as well as the increasing amount of technology that can produce spurious signals. At least for SETI it looks like a radio telescope on the far side of the moon would be as useful to them as it would be too general radio telescope astronomy.

The first observation at issue was potentially the most distant supernova ever observed. The paper describing it observed a flash in the near-infrared that coincided with the location of one of the Universe's first galaxies. If the flash originated there, the red shift caused by the intervening distance would mean that the original burst was in the UV range, suggesting it was the product of a supernova. That would mean we had observed the death of one of the first stars formed in the Universe, a potentially significant finding.

But since then, other papers have suggested that, giving the timing and source of the observations, the location would also have coincided with the position of a defunct Russian booster. And the odds of having watched a bit of space junk are considerably higher than the odds of us happening to be watching when a star that distant exploded. So, the papers argued that we probably haven't actually seen a supernova.

The researchers then checked the telescope's archives and found 15 blc1-like signals there as well, including one four days prior to their own observations. At least one of these 15 was clearly a local source, since it persisted even as the telescope was pointed at different targets. Finally, when the researchers searched archives of a recent project called turboSETI, they came up with another 111 blc1-like signals. Most of these signals had also been rejected as likely to be radio interference because they also showed up regardless of where the telescope was pointed.

While the researchers can't conclusively identify the source, they were able to determine that it was produced by interactions between two individual devices. In other words, the signal is likely to just be a technological accident, and in this case, at least one of the components happened to be switched on and off in a way that lined up with when the telescope was pointed at Proxima Centauri.

Analysis of the Breakthrough Listen signal of interest blc1 with a technosignature verification framework

The aim of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) is to find technologically capable life beyond Earth through their technosignatures. On 2019 April 29, the Breakthrough Listen SETI project observed Proxima Centauri with the Parkes ‘Murriyang’ radio telescope. These data contained a narrowband signal with characteristics broadly consistent with a technosignature near 982 MHz (‘blc1’). Here we present a procedure for the analysis of potential technosignatures, in the context of the ubiquity of human-generated radio interference, which we apply to blc1. Using this procedure, we find that blc1 is not an extraterrestrial technosignature, but rather an electronically drifting intermodulation product of local, time-varying interferers aligned with the observing cadence. We find dozens of instances of radio interference with similar morphologies to blc1 at frequencies harmonically related to common clock oscillators. These complex intermodulation products highlight the necessity for detailed follow-up of any signal of interest using a procedure such as the one outlined in this work.

A radio technosignature search towards Proxima Centauri resulting in a signal of interest

The detection of life beyond Earth is an ongoing scientific pursuit, with profound implications. One approach, known as the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI), seeks to find engineered signals (‘technosignatures’) that indicate the existence of technologically capable life beyond Earth. Here, we report on the detection of a narrowband signal of interest at ~982 MHz, recorded during observations towards Proxima Centauri with the Parkes Murriyang radio telescope. This signal, BLC1, has characteristics broadly consistent with hypothesized technosignatures and is one of the most compelling candidates to date. Analysis of BLC1—which we ultimately attribute to being an unusual but locally generated form of interference—is provided in a companion paper. Nevertheless, our observations of Proxima Centauri are a particularly sensitive search for radio technosignatures towards a stellar target.


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