Private Group Wants To Fly New Gemini Capsules


ACCESS: Top Secret
16 January 2008
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:D :D :D We'll see, I guess! No bucks, no Buck Rogers.
Yes, the "Gus-mobile" was a good design. And I feel it's big brother, the "Big G" would have been just as good too if given the chance. But don't take my word for it.
"SpaceX's Falcon 9 is also a proven design,"

Is he on the drugs? Proven by what? There was not any Falcon 9 launch yet!

Also the whole idea is completely wrong. As the platform for the space tourism its ineffective - only two men crew on the very expensive rocket. And as the science payload delivery platform, there is no any need for the manned mission of that kind. I think that the only good part of it is that they can incorporate the universities, so the students will have the challenging experience to design the spaceship by enhancing the original Gemini.

"Right now, our challenge is to raise the $70 million to pay for the launch vehicle and get this off the ground,"

By "our" he means the group of 10 people, not including the Bill Gates. Really easy task.
Trying to fly a reproduction Gemini on a Falcon IX is sentimental foolishness. If F9 can launch a Dragon capsule with seven passengers, why use the same rocket to launch a two-person capsule? Dragon is much more profitable because it's launching more people per mission.
Know what? I say they should go wild and give the Big Gemini its day. Now that would make an excellent space tour bus.
XP67_Moonbat said:
Know what? I say they should go wild and give the Big Gemini its day. Now that would make an excellent space tour bus.

Big Gemini last chance was late 1971, before Nixon gave the go-ahead to the shuttle. I'm writting an alt-history based on that; the shuttle is canned by Cap Weinberger OMB in October 1971.
NASA is forced toward Titan III + Big Gemini, and launch a space station (Liberty, not Freedom !) in the year 1980.

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