Philip Bono of McDonnell-Douglas


Donald McKelvy
Senior Member
14 August 2009
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Does anyone have a picture of Philip Bono the creator of ROMBUS, Pegasus, ICARUS, Ithacus, Selene, Deimos etc. who was employed at McDonnell-Douglas? My image searches seem to hit Salvatore Philip Bono aka "Sonny" Bono the late Congressman and former husband of Cher and the television program "Sonny & Cher." :mad:

Does anyone have some decent biographical information on Philip Bono?
Triton said:
Does anyone have a picture of Philip Bono the creator of ROMBUS,

One of the few I've seen...
Thank you Orionblamblam, I didn't realize Philip Bono is pictured next to the model. I just thought it was some exec at McDonnell-Douglas.
When he died in '93, I was in the Iowa State (University) Space Society; we got some sort of notice from *somebody* about his death with some bio and photos (probably one of the glossy space magazines that was published at the time), that being one of them. I've seen a few others, including a standard headshot, but it's been about 15 years. That's about all I have.
I found another picture of Philip Bono

The Rombus Concept by Philip Bono
Astronautics & Aeronautica, Januar 1964


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:eek: B)
Philip Bono Collection Images at San Diego Air and Space Museum Archives
fightingirish said:
:eek: B)
Philip Bono Collection Images at San Diego Air and Space Museum Archives

Lot's of goodness!!
Update!!! :eek: B)
Philip Bono Collection Images at San Diego Air and Space Museum Archives
Philip Bono papers listing.

Series IV: Papers and Reports by Philip Bono

Folder 1 -- ROOST (2 reports): Integrated Systems Study for a One-Stage Orbital Space Truck, December 1962; Economic Potential of a One-Stage Orbital Space Truck, August 1962.

Folder 2 -- Saturn (2 reports): Saturn SIVB Stage as a Test Bed for Booster Recovery, May 1966; Recent Trends in Post-Saturn Propulsion -- Expendable Solid or Reusable Liquid Systems?, September 1967.

Folder 3 -- Two reports: Enigma of Booster Recovery -- Ballistic or Winged?, May 1967; Implications of Booster Recovery on Unconventional Propulsion Systems, May 1964.

Folder 4 -- Two reports: Variable-Payload Booster -- Next Generation of Large Launch Vehicle?, April 1967; Rocket-Sled Launching Technique and its Implications on Performance of Reusable Ballistic (Orbital Global) Transport Systems, October 1967.

Folder 5 -- Three reports: On the Application of Space Techniques to Terrestrial Transportation, October 1964; A New Dimension in Terrestrial Transportation -- Byproduct of the Space Age, undated; Reusable Rocket Booster as a Military Terrestrial Transport, October 1967.

Folder 6 -- Two reports: A Near-Term Technique for Land-Recovery of an Earth Orbital Stage, October 1966; The Influence of Unconventional Structures and Materials on Booster Reusability, April 1964.

Folder 7 -- Three reports: The Rombus Concept, January 1964; Rombus -- An Integrated Systems Concept for Reusable Orbital Module (Booster and Utility) Shuttle, June 1963; Reusable Booster for Lunar Logistics and Planetary Exploration, 1964.

Folder 8 -- Four reports: Beyond the Supersonic Airlines, November 1964; Advanced Launch Vehicle Concepts, March 1963; Advanced Rocket Concepts, January 1964; Reusable Booster for Lunar Logistics and Planetary Exploration, September 1964.

Folder 9 -- Two Journal of British Interplanetary Society articles: Rocket-Sled Launching for Reusable Ballistic Transport Systems, 1970; Expendable Solid and Reusable Liquid Systems in Post-Saturn Propulsion, 1970.

Folder 10 -- Magazine articles: Rocket Troop Transport, Ordnance Magazine, July-August 1968; Global Rocket Transport Offers Instant Thrill-a-Minute Travel, Society of Automotive Engineers Journal, 1965; Advanced Rocket Concepts, Mechanical Engineering Magazine, January 1964.

Folder 11 -- Magazine articles: Five articles on Rombus, rocket transport, Pegasus, and Reusable Spacecraft.

Folder 12 -- Magazines articles: Three articles on Military Transport, and ROOST.
Quick recap of Bono papers, 1962-1967-1970

ROOST (2 reports):

- Integrated Systems Study for a One-Stage Orbital Space Truck, December 1962

- Economic Potential of a One-Stage Orbital Space Truck, August 1962.

Advanced Launch Vehicle Concepts, March 1963

Rombus -- An Integrated Systems Concept for Reusable Orbital Module (Booster and Utility) Shuttle, June 1963;

The Influence of Unconventional Structures and Materials on Booster Reusability, April 1964.

The Rombus Concept, January 1964;

Reusable Booster for Lunar Logistics and Planetary Exploration, 1964.

Implications of Booster Recovery on Unconventional Propulsion Systems, May 1964.

On the Application of Space Techniques to Terrestrial Transportation, October 1964

Beyond the Supersonic Airlines, November 1964

Advanced Rocket Concepts, January 1964

Reusable Booster for Lunar Logistics and Planetary Exploration, September 1964.


Saturn SIVB Stage as a Test Bed for Booster Recovery, May 1966

A Near-Term Technique for Land-Recovery of an Earth Orbital Stage, October 1966

Recent Trends in Post-Saturn Propulsion -- Expendable Solid or Reusable Liquid Systems ? - September 1967.

Enigma of Booster Recovery -- Ballistic or Winged? May 1967

Variable-Payload Booster -- Next Generation of Large Launch Vehicle? April 1967

Rocket-Sled Launching Technique and its Implications on Performance of Reusable Ballistic (Orbital Global) Transport Systems, October 1967.

A New Dimension in Terrestrial Transportation -- Byproduct of the Space Age, undated; Reusable Rocket Booster as a Military Terrestrial Transport, October 1967.


Rocket-Sled Launching for Reusable Ballistic Transport Systems, 1970

Expendable Solid and Reusable Liquid Systems in Post-Saturn Propulsion, 1970

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