Pax Orionis Prelude: The Cuban War


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5 April 2006
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I thought this might be of interest to some:

Pax Orionis is an alternate history project based on a simple idea: what if Project Orion had come to pass?

I have been working on a non-fiction book on nuclear pulse propulsion for a long, long time. A few years ago it occurred to me to write small fictional vignettes to describe various aspects of the Orion program. The first little story told the tale of a fleet of “Orion Space Battleships” going to war. It became clear to me that the idea wasn’t going to work… I simply couldn’t tell a meaningful tale in just a few paragraphs. But several people suggested that I should turn the short yarn into a full-fledged story. And so… here we are.

“Cuba” tells the story of how history as we know it changed into a new history that was primed to produce spacecraft powered by atom bombs…
So, how are you going to prevent radioactivity to leak from your nuclear pulse engine on lift off? No sane country would allow it to be built. Are you suggesting that the US Government is insane?
Did you read his story? The US got some nuclear wastelands out of the Cuban war.
Under the conditions he describes, i think it's plausible that Project Orion was pursued.

Thanks OBB, i enjoyed the read.
I hope your next release will be about the 84 War with some Project Orion bombers in operational action.
Kadija_Man said:
So, how are you going to prevent radioactivity to leak from your nuclear pulse engine on lift off? No sane country would allow it to be built. Are you suggesting that the US Government is insane?

USAF were considering "Lofter" means the Orions take off by Rocket power, either Solid or Huge Chemical stage
the Orions are lifted up to hight of 80 km/ 50 miles here the Booster separates and returns
here on edge of Atmosphere the Orion start up it nuclear puls engine.

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i read it and like it !
it remind me little bit of those two AH classic
"The Cuban Missile Crisis: second Holocaust" by Robert L. O'Connell
"The Cuban Missile War" by Amerigo Vespucci (pseudonym)

Except that USSR survived at the moment, note the hint with US Military Archeologist in Spacesuits doing excavation in Moscow left overs
on Anti foreigner booger you can put the French also on the list
during Cuba Crisis was NATO HQ installed in Paris and surroundings
France is the most centralized governed nation in world and that from Paris, had Soviets nuked NATO HQ as a result Paris would be vaporized.
The French President had realize that during real Cuba crisis and push french nuclear weaponization then kick NATO out of France in 1966.
Here the French do it faster would really consider as Traitors and wimps by US public
and if Prez Goldwater instal the updated Monroe doctrine, hell in Europe France become the dominant power !
again a French kick of NATO from France would Goldwater use to return the US troops in France back home.
What about Britain the "Leftist" Labor party get elected or ouster by anti communist British Military ?

i wonder about the hint of Military on edge of Putsch means Curtis Le May try ouster Kennedy and got shot ?
or will Khrushchev be replace by Soviet Hardliner General in 1963 ?

On East Germany West Germany during Cuba Crisis
There Military were on High Alert and close the borders, of corse there will be like describe people try to cross the Border into west (also to East !)
but they mostly shoot by West germans border forces to believe they are Enemy forces or Spies...

Have you consider to post this Time Line at ?

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