Origin of Buran, Soviet Houston story


The Shadow knows what lurks in the hearts of men
13 May 2008
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I thought I would post this inquiry here.

Within the last year, I had read (and then lost) a link to a story on the Web about one of the alleged reasons the Buran space shuttle program went forward.

During the lead up to the Apollo-Soyuz mission, it is alleged that Soviet space officials while in Houston happened to pass by an off-limits office and saw on the wall a poster of the US space shuttle bombing Moscow.

I am not saying the story is accurate; I am asking if anyone has the actual link to this story so I can read the whole context of this claim.

Any help that can be supplied will be greatly appreciated.

I have thought it appeared on the space review website, but I couldn't find it there.

Thanks in advance.

I saw this article in my effort (so far) to try to track down the origin story. It doesn't include the Houston story in it, though. But thanks.
During the lead up to the Apollo-Soyuz mission, it is alleged that Soviet space officials while in Houston happened to pass by an off-limits office and saw on the wall a poster of the US space shuttle bombing Moscow.

I am not saying the story is accurate...

You know, it could go either way.
1) The likelihood of someone at NASA having a poster/painting on their wall depicting the Shuttle nuking Moscow seems pretty damned unlikely. That's not the role for NASA, and it's be P inC as all hell, even in the mid seventies.
2) On the other hand, as some sort of a *gag?* Someone suspected that the Rooskies might be peeking where they weren't supposed to, so someone set something up for them to see? That could happen. And then there'd be a talking-to

And then...

3) On the gripping hand, someone set it up assuming peeking Rooskies... but not as a gag, but as CIA-approved trickery? If so.... GENIUS. It got the USSR to blow massive wads of cash on the worst spacecraft design in history. Well done!
there is an Ian M Banks story, planet/civil war, one side had space access - 1 shuttle - other side had -cant remember - the hero mil adviser, comes in, and devises a plan, doesnt tell them what it is, but gets authorisation, basically its a suicude mission to fly the shuttle into the enemies Capital City. They did, and I think they won.

Maybe the soviets liked Ian M Banks Sci fi.....

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