Office of Technology Assessment


I look at pictures all day
Senior Member
24 January 2006
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Check this out:

LOTS of good stuff in there. You'll have to look around a bit as there are numerous civillian projects such as oil from shale in there, but there are some real great documents available. I recommend the MX Missile Basing plan, it's pretty interesting.
You mean this one:,1063.0.html

Oh whoops, I had looked for a link to the OTA site here and couldn't find one, that figures ;D
SOC said:
Oh whoops, I had looked for a link to the OTA site here and couldn't find one, that figures ;D

Don't worry. If something's been posted I'm sure someone will let you know if you post it again. I know they do me. :p
The oil from shale entry is of relevance to secret projects as that is where the synthetic fuels of the future will come from. Check out the USAF's work on synthetic fuels, they have been performing a lot of tests using a B-52 amongst others. Interesting stuff, and worth keeping an eye on.


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