NORAD tracks Santa.

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ACCESS: Top Secret
6 June 2008
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This is a fun thing they do every year. Here's an offering from one of their most recent Facebook posts. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas to all, especially the hard-working authors among us and who follow us, and who bring us the things which occasionally grace the base of the tree when the jolly old man goes flying. B)
Something about this sort of thing just grates on me. I think the idea of the military going out of its way to be silly is inappropriate. The military shouldn't be silly. It should be terrifying.
The NORAD Tracks Santa program is staffed entirely by volunteers and relies totally on private donations, no tax dollars are used to fund this program. I believe that it is a public relations boost to the United States Air Force. I don't believe that it diminishes the professionalism or credibility of the United States Air Force in any way.
Shrug. It just seems "off" to me. Next there'll be officially sanctioned programs tracking the Tooth Fairy, the Hanukkah Zombie, the Mahdi and the Honest Politician.
NORAD Tracks Santa began because of a telephone number printing error in a Sears advertisement. Colonel Harry Shoup didn't want the children who telephoned to be disappointed. I just don't see how the credibility of a fighting force is diminished by demonstrations of love and courtesy to others. I don't believe that the Toys for Tots charity diminishes the Marine Corps Reserve. Folks at home also love to see our men and women in uniform celebrating holidays and the tearful reunions of our men and women in uniform being re-united with loved ones at the end of deployments. It makes the American people feel good to know that our men and women in uniform love their spouses, children, and mothers winning hearts and minds. I believe that any potential adversary realizes that the United States is prepared to use military power to protect its interests.
Flash Traffic: This just transmitted from NORAD head-quarters, "Weapons Free!"
Looks like the Russians beat 'em to it:

"Russia Shoots Down Santa’s Sleigh Near North Pole"
Dec 24, 2014


Russia shot down Santa Claus’s sleigh today in international airspace over the Arctic Ocean.

According to local reports, the sleigh was beginning its annual Christmas Eve journey around the world when it was struck by a surface-to-air missile fired from the Russian island of Novaya Zemlya - just a few hundred miles from the North Pole. Santa and nearly all of his reindeer were killed instantly.

Norwegian fisherman soon located the debris field in the frigid waters of the Arctic Ocean. Images of the debris aired on CNN and other international news networks show broken limbs, teddy bears, and gift wrapping strewn throughout the sea.

Although Russia has officially denied involvement in the incident, American intelligence forces say they have proof the missile was fired from a Russian military installation on the island. Several ultra-nationalist politicians in Moscow have praised the downing, which targeted an popular Western celebrity.

“Santa Claus is a symbol of Western decadence and consumerism,” said Alexi Onnatopp, leader of the far-right Golden Bear party,”Whoever killed this fat, corrupt man is a patriot and a hero.”

Today’s events bear striking similarities to the downing of Malaysian Flight 17, which was shot down by pro-Russian rebels in Eastern Ukraine this summer using a similar surface-to-air missile. All 285 passengers and 15 crew were killed aboard that flight travelling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.

Remarkably one reindeer survived today’s blast and is currently being treated for his injuries at a hospital in Norway. Authorities have yet to officially release its name, but sources close to the investigation confirm that it is Rudolph -- the crimson-snouted misfit immortalized in an eponymous 1939 song.

“We were able to rescue him first because of his red nose,” says Lars Sommerhielm, an admiral in the Royal Norwegian Navy, “It stood out amongst the ocean waves. The others we couldn’t get to in time.”

In a speech from the oval office President Obama vowed an appropriate response to the tragedy, which may include tightening sanctions on an already crumbling Russian economy.

“Today Russia has gone too far,”he told reporters,“Vladimir Putin has threatened the hopes and dreams of children around the world. He will be brought to justice.”

A funeral for Mr. Claus has been set for December 28th at the North Pole. President Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron, French President Francois Hollande and other international dignitaries are scheduled to attend.
Comments, stating that NORAD's Santa tracking is distracting them from their essential
task may still be ok, but the last posts didn't even mention the original theme ! Drifting
off to political rant is something, we don't even want in the Bar, as the drinks then don't
taste as good as the should. So we have to pull the plug, sorry.
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