Nikitin- Shevchenko VG Designs



Hello folks,
I'm new to this (excellent) forum and I'm interested in early variable geometry ideas. I think I read somewhere that, after the Nikitin-Shevchenko IS-1, IS-2, IS-4 series, Shevchenko designed a whole series of unbuilt aircraft around the same polymorphic principles. I'd really appreciate any help locating data/images etc. of these unbuilt 'folding fighters'.
Many thanks,

Re: Nikitin- Shevchenko VG Designs after IS-4?

Hello wingknut,

I also enjoy the folding fighters. Please find attached an article published in my UNKNOWN! magazine.


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Re: Nikitin- Shevchenko VG Designs after IS-4?

Thank you very much, Justo - really helpful article and images.
All best,

Re: Nikitin- Shevchenko VG Designs after IS-4?

This should be the postwar Shevchenko design.

SOURCE: Vojenská Letadla (vol 5) by Václav Nĕmeček (p 177) (Prague, 1982)


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Re: Nikitin- Shevchenko VG Designs after IS-4?

Apparently, contrary to some reports, the Is-4 never flew (hence the exaggerated performance figures).

Can anyone make sense of this? It mentions a 20mm armed version of the IS-4:

Also, does anyone know if the wing could be lowered while keeping the landing gear retracted?
Re: Nikitin- Shevchenko VG Designs after IS-4?

Green/Swanborough "Fighters Of The World" mentiones, that development of
the IS-types was stopped with the beinning of the war and the IS-4 never
completed. Of course, the source for this statement isn't mentioned.
Re: Nikitin- Shevchenko VG Designs after IS-4?

Thanks very much for the 1947 jet N-S design - am I right in thinking that the N-S jet was both a 'folding fighter' and a variable sweep design?
I think the undercarriage wasn't capable of being lowered/raised independently of the lower wing on the IS-1, IS-2 or IS-4. The earliest version I know of that was designed for independent undercarriage/wing movement was the (unbuilt) IS-18. (See text with 1947 design above.)
All best,
Re: Nikitin- Shevchenko VG Designs after IS-4?

So if you extended the wing the landing gear dropped?
Re: Nikitin- Shevchenko VG Designs after IS-4?

Avimimus said:
Also, does anyone know if the wing could be lowered while keeping the landing gear retracted?

Here you are a drawing of the undercarriage retraction system


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Re: Nikitin- Shevchenko VG Designs after IS-4?

I have come across this most unusual design, which appeared on a page with more conventional biplanes, some Polikarpov projects I believe.

Is this also by Polikarpov? Did that bureau even exist when the jet age came about, anyway?

And how do you explain the arrows? Was the wing supposed to retract before folding back? I must say this is rather puzzling...

Sorry for my ignorance and thanks to anyone who can help!


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Re: Nikitin- Shevchenko VG Designs after IS-4?

Puzzling is the right word ! Found this design, too, in "vojenska letadla 5", with the short
caption shown below. AFAIK, it says, that it is a design from 1947 by the soviet designer
Sevcenka (Czech form of "Shevchenko", I think).
For me, the wing seems to have a very elaborate mechanism, tilting the center section upwards,
the outer section downwards (so changing from a straight wing with deheadrl to a gull wing)
and swinging the whole (gull-)wing for high speed flight.


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Re: Nikitin- Shevchenko VG Designs after IS-4?

Shevchenko was responsible for the folding "ploymorph" wing biplanes done under Nikitin investigated in the late 30s and early 40s.

My best guess would be that this is a more modern, evolved version of the same concept.

EDIT: and right as I happen to post this I find the solution to this mystery:
Thanks to whomever for solving the puzzle and merging the topics!!! ;)

Jemiba said:
it says, that it is a design from 1947 by the soviet designer
Sevcenka (Czech form of "Shevchenko", I think).

Yes, the Czech "Š" is the same the English "Sh", "Č" is the same as "ch" and the final "a" is the mark of the genitive (indicates possession) if memory serves.
Please see:,15711.0.html
Yes, the Czech "Š" is the same the English "Sh", "Č" is the same as "ch" and the final "a" is the mark of the genitive (indicates possession) if memory serves.
Stargazer, you are getting better at this. ;D
Who we can believe ?,

in Kryl'ya Rodine 6/1996,they called this aircraft Nikitin-Shevchenko IS-14,but
my dear Justo displayed it as anther design !.


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Mentioned in Justo's drawing ( replay 8) as the IS-14 I saw..
lark said:
Mentioned in Justo's drawing ( replay 8) as the IS-14 I saw..

My dear Lark,

I meant this.


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hesham said:
Who we can believe ?,

in Kryl'ya Rodine 6/1996,they called this aircraft Nikitin-Shevchenko IS-14,but
my dear Justo displayed it as anther design !.
In mid-1941, the OKB-30 was closed. Latest collaboration tandem V. Shevchenko and V. Nikitin was twin-boom multipurpose aircraft with the designation IS-16. It is known that the work on this aircraft (up to manufacture a full-size model) was conducted prior to the summer of 1941.
Subsequent projects Shevchenko period 1942-1947 were his own initiative without Nikitin. It is unlikely that the jet interceptor project dating back to 1947, had the designation of IS-14.
(via Google translate)
third figure - magazine "MK"
last picture - [font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]from book[/font] - Alberto Trevisan "Storia ed Evoluzione dei Caccia Sovietici a Reazione,1945-1955"


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Amazing and marvelous explanation my dear Borovik,

many thanks.


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Snapshots below from a short (25-second) film on YouTube, which includes an animated sequence showing IS-1 wing-folding and unfolding viewed head-on.
Source: Nikitin Shevchenko IS-1, (Valentin Izagirre Bengoetxea).


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I was looking at this design in some detail. It seems to show essentially no incidence on the wings, and also no incidence for the aircraft itself while on the ground (i.e. the wheels ensure the aircraft will be completely level while taxiing). This hardly seems ideal for a STOL design. Furthermore the lack of slats (at least in the inline engine versions) and lack of flaps (at least on the lower wing) would seem to undermine its short-takeoff credentials.

So, how accurate are these drawings of the IS-4? Did it have flaps? Did it really lack wing incidence?

P.S. The lack of incidence on the wings of the IS-1 and IS-2 in drawings seem to suggest this - although their tail dragging landing gear would allow a greater effective incidence during takeoff.


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From; Козырев - Авиация Красной Армии (Москва, 2011)

was that a real artist drawing to IS-3,or a misprint ?.


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hesham said:
was that a real artist drawing to IS-3,or a misprint ?.

This is a misprint. Actually, this is a picture by B. Kaplunenko representing IS-4 during takeoff, from Modelist-Konstruktor magazine No.8/1975 (the technical drawings attached to the previous reply by Avimimus are from the same magazine). Of course the original picture was colorful. Here it is.

P.S. I've never heard about any Nikitin/Shevchenko project named IS-3; probably it never existed.


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Thank you my dear Redstar,

but Mr. Bill Gunston emphasis on IS-3 was existed but never known anything about it.
Hi! Nikitin- Shevchenko IS-1, IS-2, IS-4, IS-14 and IS-18.
"One of the vitavshih ideas then in the designers ' heads was the following: Could the best properties of manoeuvrable biplanes and high-speed last be combined in one machine? This question was tried to answer aircraft-self-taught Shevchenko. Monobiplan is a plane with two wings on takeoff and landing, and one on the main regimes-that's what the designer would have helped the then aviation. How do we get rid of this obstructive, extra wing-of course not forever, of course, but until the end of the flight, when the car starts to land and it needs to be filled with a lack of lift by increasing the bearing area

The conclusion of the An is a retractable wing. But the wing is a very responsible and complex element of the structure with enormous loads. Not so long ago, there was a retractable chassis on the airplanes, forcing the designers to solve a lot of complex technical problems. Would not the cleaning of the wing of undesirable changes in the aerodynamics of the machine, how would the consoles behave, and would the wing become a source of destructive fluctuations? These questions could be answered by the calculations Produvk in the wind tunnel, finally the pilot aircraft's flight tests.

In November 1938, at the scientist of the Council of the Shevchenko Air Force, he reported on a sketched project of such a machine. At the beginning of 1939, shows the authoritative commission a full-size layout, and finally takes a sample from the assembly shop.
The Mi-1 was called A is blasted with in a giant wind tunnel. M. B. Keldysh, future president of the USSR, checked his vibrations. In June 1940, Monobiplan first ascended into the air, and after a month, a pilot of the Air Force Tester, now emeritus USSR pilot, the hero of the Soviet Union, George Shilnov is conducting the first cleaning of a wing in flight. Obletyvali Mi-1 Testers Stepan Suprun and Alexei Grinchik, later in our aviation history as the first reactive MIGA. In January 1940, the second Monobiplan, the Mi-2, was ready.
The third combat fighter, the Mi-4, was completed with a powerful 18-ciliidrovym engine of liquid cooling m-120. Already tried Monobiplany demonstrated excellent properties. Doting, speed has increased, but the engine revolution has not changed-the air resistance has been reduced. When landing high-speed, the cars again released the removed wings and became craft consisted. The aircraft were at a minimum landing site.

The health of Shevchenko itself can be surprising: in parallel with the center fighter, the Monobiplan of the 3 chassis is designed. The maximum speed is 720 km/h, and the landing through the extra wing is only 107 km/h!
Four "Live", bomber specimens and eighteen projects of retractable wing aircraft-the outcome of the team and its leader from 1938 to 1941."

Justo san's contribution.;topic=3359.0;attach=27072;image



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From Kryl'ya 2011,

here is some photos to IS-2,IS-16 & IS-18.

Also a mystery Projects without drawings;

- IS-3 fitted with one AM-37 engine
- IS-Kh fitted with one M-90 engine
- IS-PB fitted with two M-107 engines,mounted in tandem


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My 5 cents Nikitin/Shevchenko subject

Soursce: original technical description, test flight report and original drawings


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Dear Avimimus,
Almost doubling the wing area is more effective than slats or flaps. Doubling wing area reduces: stall speed, approach speed and ground roll.
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hesham said:
hesham said:
- IS-Kh fitted with one M-90 engine

I think my translation is wrong,they wrote; ИС-X,and maybe it means IS-10 ?.

The designation Shevchenko-Nikitin IS-Kh is just Шевченко-Никитин ИС-X in Russian alphabet, which is properly called Grazhdanka.
The Grazhdanka letter X is just written down as Kh in English like in transcriptions od Russian words :
- Никита Сергеевич Хрущёв = Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev ;
- город Харьков = Kharkov city.
ucon said:

The mediaeval Russian old Cyrillic alphabet was modified and replaced by the Grazhdanka alphabet, introduced by tsar Peter the Great
as Petrinian Grazhdanka in 1708 - 1711.
riggerrob said:
Dear Avimimus,
Almost doubling the wing area is more effective than spats or flaps. Doubling wing area reduces: stall speed, approach speed and ground roll.

I'll buy that... it seems like quite the missed opportunity though.

I also still wish I knew what the wing incidence was (i.e. angle of attack relative to the propeller) as it might clear up the aerodynamics a bit!

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