New Forum Section - Product Showcase

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
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I have created an experimental forum section called "Members Product Showcase". This is aimed at authors, modelmakers, publishers who are members of this site and have a product that is likely to be of interest to members of the forum.

It uses a slightly different layout which is aimed at "Articles" rather than discussions. The idea is to give better exposure to these products which tend to get quickly lost in the forum discussions.

I've moved a few posts which meet the criteria from Bookshelf and Marketplace. Posts will need to be approved by a moderator, so we can ensure the products posted are appropriate.

Let me know what you think!

If you already posted your product, you can let me know and I can move it, assuming you think its a good idea....
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It only really works for finished products. Works in progress should be in Bookshelf & Marketplace still I think.
I've also moved some other forums around in a way that makes sense to me. I think it is more compact and logical. Feedback accepted :)

If you are an author or publisher of a book that is available, feel free to make post in the Members Product Showcase. The first image in your post will be the preview image on the main page.
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I am a bit puzzled by all this.

Some books, such as mine, have been moved across there by Admins, but many others written by our members have not. What is the logic behind this?

Putting myself in the role as a visitor or new member seeing the "Bookshelf & Marketplace" and the "Member's Product Showcase" for the first time, what am I going to think? I'd suggest that most will assume that the "Bookshelf & Marketplace" is the mainstream forum and the "Members' Product Showcase", a "place for forum members to post about their own [stuff]" is a self-promotional home for low-readability rabbit holes and bad artwork. I know it's not meant to look like that, and the experienced members who have commented here see things differently, but I am just trying to be honest here. Perhaps the description could be rewritten to indicate its premium positioning, or that the stuff in there is genuine marketable quality?

I am somewhat concerned that my book has been selected as an experimental guinea-pig and moved across without advance warning, and I'd like some reassurance that it has found the right home there.
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The idea was to give extra prominence to really good books and articles by members that get lost on page 20 of Bookshelf and Marketplace. I got tired of people posting a second hard drawing from a book by Jared or Scott, when there are some awesome products available to buy which will directly reward the original author.

The idea was kind of similar to stickying posts in Bookshelf and Marketplace, or having a section for ProjectTech.

I muddied it up by posting about Scott's new book in there. That was a mistake I've corrected. This section should be for existing products you can buy today, not things you can get in the future.

It would be lower turnover of topics and larger visibility from the "Article" format. Yes, it's a bit of an experiment. I'll see if I can rejig it a bit and reword to make it clearer.

I asked for suggestions for other posts I could move there and haven't received any, so maybe it wasn't a good idea?
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I think it's a good idea, being for 'our' people. Some, like myself, take time to get used to new ideas while others can decide right away but it takes all sorts. I took a while to get used to new sections and moves of layout but it will all be good given a little time.
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