NatGeo: The liquid bomb plot.


ACCESS: Top Secret
15 July 2009
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This was the ~2006 incident using peroxide and sugar-powder to make carry-on bombs disguised as soft drinks that prompted the liquid volume restrictions...

I didn't realise the plot had been ~48 hrs from go-stage...
Government exaggerated bullshit designed only to harass passengers at airports some more. They could never make a bomb out of that in an airplane lavatory without setting themselves on fire. They NEVER even came close to making a bomb out of that, let alone "48 hours beforehand", which is a blatantly false claim. I've read the government wasted some millions in the process ordering chemists to prove that you could make a bomb out of the ingredients and that they failed miserably, although I can't find back a link to that easily.

Skeptical responses to the arrests
Several commentators expressed scepticism over the allegations.[54][55][56] Many mentioned the Forest Gate raid, the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes and the Iraq War, all based on intelligence that turned out to be wrong, as reasons for their doubts.[57][58] Muslim sections of the British population were also reportedly sceptical that the plot was carried out by other Muslims.[59] Former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray was sceptical of the account of the plot. He based his criticism on the facts that "None of the alleged terrorists had made a bomb. None had bought a plane ticket. Many did not have passports." He also suggested that suspected ringleader Rashid Rauf invented the plot under torture in Pakistan.[60]
The Register ran a story on the practicalities of producing TATP on board an airplane from constituent liquids and concluded that, while theoretically possible, the chances of success would be extremely low. Although following additional details revealed at the trial The Register wrote that the plot and bombing method chosen was viable [61]
On 18 September, retired Lieutenant-Colonel Nigel Wylde, a former senior British Army Intelligence Officer with decades of anti-terror and explosives experience, declared the plot to be "fiction". He said the explosives in question could not possibly have been produced on the plane. "So who came up with the idea that a bomb could be made on board? Not Al Qaeda for sure. It would not work. Bin Laden is interested in success not deterrence by failure," Wylde stated. He further suggested that the plot was an invention of the UK security services in order to justify wide-ranging new security measures that threaten to permanently curtail civil liberties and to suspend sections of the Human Rights Act of 1998.[62] Due to the mountain of evidence, including forensic material, he expected the men to face "a very long trial of (between) five and eight months."[63]
Pity you cut and pasted only the bits of the wiki article that fitted your view on the subject..having read it I can see now evidence of a design to "harass passengers at airports some more". I also look forward to you posting evidence of the claim that the government wasted millions to prove you could make a device and failed miserably as you stated.
If you access the wiki on Acetone peroxide you can see several instances where TATP has been made by terrorists for use, and as you have posted "following additional details revealed at the trial the Register wrote that the plot and bombing method were viable".
In addition several martydom tapes were made by the suspects so as far as im concerned thats good enough for me..
I'm too lazy and too busy to go at length to go and google articles for you that you find more trustworthy than wikipedia. The cost of the investigation has been reported to be upwards of 35 million pounds. Considering the wiki on acetone peroxide: did you bother to actually read it?

  • A member of the French anti-speed camera group Front national anti-radars (FNAR) was hospitalised after losing both hands to an accidental explosion of his TATP based bomb.[19]
  • The Northwest Airlines Flight 253 attempted al-Qaeda bombing on Christmas Day, December 25, 2009, was by a bomb that in part contained TATP.[20]
  • On September 10, 2010, a TATP bomb accidentally exploded injuring the bombmaker in a toilet at Hotel Jørgensen in the Danish capital Copenhagen.[21]
  • In Charlotte NC in September 2010 a pen bomb exploded at the Turning Point Academy school. Police said the bomb squad was able to identify the explosive that was used in the pen bomb explosion at Turning Point Academy. Police said the explosive – triacetone triperoxide (TATP) – is extremely potent and unsafe, they found a large quantity of the explosive inside the student's home. Police said the amount in the home "...was capable of extreme damage and loss of life within the community." [22]
In short: blowing off both hands, only setting underwear on fire, accidentally exploding while making in a toilet and even police stating it is extremely unsafe. Only successful uses seem to have been made well in advance using laboratory equipment, NEVER in situ in a toilet or airplane lavatory. So yes, you can make a viable bomb with it, but not in some toilet or lavatory using smuggled ingredients. Let alone using peroxide of low grade strength for bleaching hair and using Tang. A plot by moronic amateur jihadis bent on destroying freedom blown out of proportion by an equally moronic government bent on destroying freedom.
Blowing out the fuselage beside the toilet compartment might do enough damage for their purposes...

Besides, they only have to get lucky *once*...
You deserve what you get for your stupidity to letting governments go this far:
D'uh, this is why the term 'officious' was invented...

Slightly OT: Heard on news this morning, that some-one paid an 8-yr girl in Pakistan to carry a gift-wrapped box to a police jeep. When she got close, the bomb in box was detonated by remote control...
Nik said:
Slightly OT: Heard on news this morning, that some-one paid an 8-yr girl in Pakistan to carry a gift-wrapped box to a police jeep. When she got close, the bomb in box was detonated by remote control...

I bet it was Amish separatists. They're *always* pulling wacky hijinks like that.
Nik said:
Slightly OT: Heard on news this morning, that some-one paid an 8-yr girl in Pakistan to carry a gift-wrapped box to a police jeep. When she got close, the bomb in box was detonated by remote control...
It was in Afghanistan and Taliban officials deny using child bombers, it might be Afghan interior ministry propaganda. Who knows.
Simon666 said:
....Taliban officials deny using child bombers.....

And of course the Talibananas are known for their cast-iron credibility and truthfulness.

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
And NATO commanders deny blowing up children until confronted with incontrovertible proof too, so what's your point?

War is hell. That's why it was made a crime..
Gridlock said:
And NATO commanders deny blowing up children until confronted with incontrovertible proof too, so what's your point?

War is hell. That's why it was made a crime..

So what's my point? My point is that I am extremely unlikely to accept as true anything coming from nutball religious extremists, be they christian, muslim, jew or whatever.

Whether or not NATO commanders are more or less credible has no influence on that.

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
Lauge said:
So what's my point? My point is that I am extremely unlikely to accept as true anything coming from nutball religious extremists, be they christian, muslim, jew or whatever.
I'm also extremely unlikely to accept as true anything coming from any Afghan ministry official or NATO official for that matter. That's why I said "who knows". Propaganda, lies and denials are as old as warfare itself and practiced by both sides. Unverifiable facts warrant skepticism.

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