My latest hare-brained notion


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5 April 2006
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While travelling, I picked up a copy of "Paul Matt Scale Airplane Drawings," volumes 1 and 2. It occured to me that I'm doing something similar to what Matt did with regards to making accurate drawings of aircraft... differences being, his drawings were specifically for modellers, mine are illustrations for magazines/books. Would there be interest in Matt-style drawings for "projects?" I'm thinking:
Lockheed L-2000 SST
Boeing 2707 SST
Boeing X-20 Dyna Soar (with additional drawings of Transstage and Titan III)
Space Shuttle (not a project, but still...)
Project Orion 10-meter baseline
Project Pluto
North American X-15 (another non-project, but I have buckets of good data)

The drawings would be small enough as high-quality files that I could simply e-mail them, or I could have prints made. Electronic versions would cost maybe $2.00 or so, while prints would be substantially more (the Matt prints are about $20 for two to three 17X22 sheets). Is this a concept that has merit? Let me know...
I guess my thinking on this is, how is that different from what you're doing now with the drawings on CD?
Scott - do you mean re-drawn in some CAD program original drawings, closing gaps and uncertain areas as you did, for example, with that AMSA design? In fact, I think that most people will prefer to have 'virgin' manufacturers drawings - while redrawing them for closing to one standart is a right attribute for 'US Bombers'. Or, I'm wrong - because I just never seen the example of what you are offering in a-la Matt style.
Orionblamblam said:
Well. I can tell that *that* idea has people thrilled beyond the capacity for rational thought.... ::)

Didn't see it until just now. I'd be interested in the 2707 and Pluto 3-views (or more) and cross sections.
Sundog said:
I guess my thinking on this is, how is that different from what you're doing now with the drawings on CD?

The stuff on CD is straightforward scanns (plus cleanup) of existing "official" drawings. But a lot of them are kinda lean on a lot of details... details that *can* be found in *other* drawings. Take, for instance, the X-20. I have X-20 drawings. I have transtage drawings. I have Titan III drawings (including some fabulously detailed UA-1205 drawings). But I have *never* seen a good, detailed scale drawing of an X-20 on a Titan III. I have drawings showing the "shingle" pattern of the TZM heat shields, but none that show it in place on the vehicle as a whole. Also, a lot of the available X-20 drawings are not pristine... scans made from copies of folded-up blueprints adds in a lot of garbage.

Or the Project Orion nuclear pulse vehicle... I have details galore, but overall vehicle drawings are pretty bland. Or the Lockheed L-2000 SST drawings that I posted yesterday... chock full of details and info, but not "clean," and certainly not meant for modellers. A lot of the available "project" drawings are small, and new drawings would make for more accurate models. And, done properly, more *attractive* drawings. A lot of the Paul Matt stuff is just plain beautiful art.

I'm only suggesting doing this for aircraft that actually have enlough available data to do it completely accurate with minimal guesswork.
With prices for electronic versions around $2 (per sheet or whole set?) what discussions could be, Scott? Go on!
I would definitely buy L-2000, B-2707, Pluto and Orion, Shuttl and X-20...but aren't you expect them the same destiny as these A-20 ones hanging for free access on the net one day (me apart)? In the other hand, I don't know of cases of spreading US Bombers preview for free (OK, we are honest guys here)
If these include accurate cross sections on the drawings, I would certainly be interested.
Sundog said:
If these include accurate cross sections on the drawings...

But of course.

Currently a toss up between X-20 and 10-meter Orion as to which one comes first. likely Orion, since I need to make Orion drawings form issue 4 of APR. Might as well use that opportunity as a test case.
i'm in for orion, pluto, and X-20, please,

Lockheed L-2000 SST
Boeing 2707 SST
Space Shuttle
Project Pluto - I'm for everything...Pluto is a No.1
Orionblamblam said:
Would there be interest in Matt-style drawings for "projects?"

I'd be surprised if anyone said "no" regardless of aircraft type. Certainly I won't be saying "no."

lol, use of double-negative
for me : orion, pluto, and X-20, please !
you got also Gemini Spacecraft, I take it

for Orion in issue 4 of APR
has it some info about Sowjet Version of Orion ?
or it only US Orion...
Michel Van said:
has it some info about Sowjet Version of Orion ?
or it only US Orion...

A Soviet Orion???
I suppose it was only American stuff, brainchild of Freeman Dyson.
Or did Russians had a their own Freeman Dyson too?
archipeppe said:
A Soviet Orion???
I suppose it was only American stuff, brainchild of Freeman Dyson.
Or did Russians had a their own Freeman Dyson too?

The Soviets had Andrei Sakharov who proposed a similar concept, but everything I've seen on it indicates that it never got to be much more than one man's doodlings.
Orionblamblam said:
The Soviets had Andrei Sakharov who proposed a similar concept, but everything I've seen on it indicates that it never got to be much more than one man's doodlings.

Sure, you're right.

I only didn't know that Sakharov came up with the same idea....
archipeppe said:
Orionblamblam said:
The Soviets had Andrei Sakharov who proposed a similar concept, but everything I've seen on it indicates that it never got to be much more than one man's doodlings.

Sure, you're right.

I only didn't know that Sakharov came up with the same idea....

he had, but is Possible Soviet Military say to him "use Atombomb as Rocket engine ? Sakharov, you need a vacation!" ;D

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