Mosquito Mark XX AZ-E 627 Sqn flown by Wing commander Guy Gibson

Foo Fighter

Cum adolescunt hominem verum esse volo.
Senior Member
19 July 2016
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G'day folks,

Trying to find the serial number of the aircraft flown by Wing commander guy Gibson on the night of 20/9/1944.

I am aware that the aircraft has a twin, a B mark 35 painted to represent her but am unsure of the RAF serial number. Cannot find that anywhere.

Searched high and low but the searches return results with the twin and just about every other Mossie built. Anyone able to point me at the correct info please?
Thanks but probably not that aircraft. The original was lost with Gibson 20/9/1944.

Seems to support the profile you posted. Odd that an aircraft would take on the RAF serial number of an aircraft lost almost a year before.

The accident report also states the loss was due to blue on blue fire. The story have heard os loss due to being hit by bombs dropped by the main bomber stream above. Possibly while re marking the target.

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