Michel Van Rockets illustrations

Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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Normally I draw and development stuff for German and French Sci-Fi authors.
stuff like:Cyborgs, Aliens, Spacecraft...

here something new to me: Illustration for Europe Rockets History book

Wat look fun to me, became hard work
because inaccurate drawings or incorrect data in books :mad:

i understand now trouble of Scott Lowther and Justo Miranda to make good illustration.
and i thank them for they remarks in This Forums, it help allot on my work ;D

each picture show rockets in same scale
the French Diamant family
the European Launcher
the Ariane 5 Prototype 1978 vrs final design of 1985


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Michel Van said:
Wat look fun to me, became hard work
because inaccurate drawings or incorrect data in books :mad:

I'll tell you what the world needs: a book that combines the best features of Peter Always "Rockets of the World" (accutate, reasonably detailed and large-ish diagrams of launch vehicles) and the International Reference Guide to Space Launch Systems (performance capabilities and data) and Astronautix.com (data on all the engines and whatnot).

Put those together, and give the book proper scope - every launch vehicle to have ever flown, plus all launch vehicles in current development, plus some of the more likely projects over the years - and you'd really have something.
thanks for tip

Peter Always "Rockets of the World"
Amazon UK price lies at 1186 British pound :eek:
Amazon US price lies at $96 B)

Astronautix.com has allot errors
specially in European rockets data :mad:

but i will do my best to make accurate drawings
Orionblamblam said:
Put those together, and give the book proper scope - every launch vehicle to have ever flown, plus all launch vehicles in current development, plus some of the more likely projects over the years - and you'd really have something.

yes - a tome that needs to be sold with its own gtransport wheel barrow as a free gift! because it will be about 4500 pages of A1 size :cool:
Orionblamblam said:
Michel Van said:
thanks for tip

Peter Always "Rockets of the World"
Amazon UK price lies at 1186 British Pound :eek:

Over a thousand pounds???? That's nuts.

complet crazy !

also the book "Terraforming" by Martyn J. Fogg
the only scientific handbook about terraforming

i got it for 40 British pound
now you have to pay 1300-800 British pound for it :eek:
Black Arrow sure is tiny, I think it's the shortest orbital launcher in the world. The Brits were on to something there...
Michel Van said:
also the book "Terraforming" by Martyn J. Fogg
the only scientific handbook about terraforming

i got it for 40 British pound
now you have to pay 1300-800 British pound for it :eek:

Yeesh. I looked on Alibris... the cheapest it's going for there is $350.

And "Rockets of the World" starts at about $100, but quickly jumps up to around $500.

Damn. Shoulda invested in *those.* Hmm. Maybe it's time to check in with that Madoff feller and see how my life savings are doing...
mz said:
Black Arrow sure is tiny, I think it's the shortest orbital launcher in the world. The Brits were on to something there...

Black Arrow is absolute minium for satellite launch
payload 100 kg after official record, but UK sat Prospero X-3 mass is 66kg
the First stage of BA had to replace on EUROPA 1, the second stage Coralie
because electronic problem back in 1967,but that was chancels

Diamant BP4 has payload of 150 kg
BP4 used payload fairing of Black Arrow, Extra build for them !
The Black Arrow was tiny (among other reasons) because it used H2O2. H2O2 is very dense, unlike the darn LH2...
Orionblamblam said:
And "Rockets of the World" starts at about $100, but quickly jumps up to around $500.

"Rockets of the World" by Peter Alway, is back in print



Beautiful drawings. I especially enjoy the half cut-away view.

I'd like to see more.
i forgott to put final work online :-[
i made 18 illustration for the Book

Picture one from left to right
ELDO-A (Europa 1), Europa TA version L17 & P10, ELDO-B1 & B2

Picture two from left to right
Europa III (1973), LS3, Ariane 1


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little Photoshoping
on Titan I with Polaris SLBM as uppertage
based on ABMA's Proposed National Integrated Missile and Space Development Program, from March 1958


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More stuff by me
but for the Alternate History forums Space Jockeys

from Eyes Turned Skywards Time line (Apollo instead the Shuttle and Europa rocket is a success)

ESA Europa Rocket

Thrust augmented version first launch 1975

Soviet Vulkan Rocket

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