McDonnell Douglas flying train...


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
2 August 2006
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...for lack of a better description. I think it was around ten to fifteen years ago I saw a McDonnell Douglas concept for what looked like a wingless cargo plane (Maybe it had stub wings?) that would fly down a monorail track/channel IIRC, for moving cargo at high-speed between Chicago and Detroit.

Anyone have information on the design? I only saw an image once and I think it was in either AvWeek or the Chicago Tribune.
I believe there was some work done either in Korea or Japan on a similar concept. Perhaps that's being referenced? The asian research involved what looked like a bizjet with tandem low mount wings with large vertical winglet fins.
No, this actually liked look like a fat cigar shaped cargo plane, IIRC. It was big, not bizjet sized. Of course, I'm not saying they weren't similar in function. I thought I had it saved somewhere and I still might, it's just that everyone of my files I've checked so far doesn't have it. I still have boxes of information in the basement. Maybe I'll get to those within the next year. ;)

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