Lyulka AL-31F Engines

First hello to everybody, this is my first post on this forum.

I have just a short question: is this manual the same thing that is available for some time on This manual is good in describing the engine's control programs, but when it comes to detail "aggregats" description is pretty much useless, cause MOST of the detailed drawings adiacent to this manual (for ex hidromechanical sys like say nozzle/AB regulator..) are in a separate book, not available.

So is the same manual, cause you know I don't wanna download it again..

Fox_One said:
First hello to everybody, this is my first post on this forum.

I have just a short question: is this manual the same thing that is available for some time on This manual is good in describing the engine's control programs, but when it comes to detail "aggregats" description is pretty much useless, cause MOST of the detailed drawings adiacent to this manual (for ex hidromechanical sys like say nozzle/AB regulator..) are in a separate book, not available.

So is the same manual, cause you know I don't wanna download it again..


yes, it is not the original documentation of the AL-31F. This manual is an abstract of the original, some kind of teaching aid, a suport documentation for students of the Zhukovsky academy (Военно-Воздушная инженерная академия им. Н.Е. Жуковского). The title of the original documentation looks like.

Двигатель 99:Руководство по технической експлуатации. Книга 1,2,3...Техническое описание, инструкция по експлуатации и ремонту двигатела, графическая часть.....
Salyut-designed blisk fan-stage for AL-31F upgrades, seen at ILA2006. Seems to have a rather fancy bladeshape.


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