Lockheed LFC


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22 January 2006
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From Spanish popular science magazine in the 80's

LFC for Laminar Flow Control

Some data:

4xPropfan engines
Mach 0,80
weight: 75 ton
span: 76 m
lenght: 41 m

The same picture is on John D. Busick's "Future Flight" (TAB books) on page 130. The picture caption is really poor:

"A militarized version of a spanloader or flying wing (courtesy Lockheed Georgia)"


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Lockheed "global" transport plane from "Globe-trotting Wings" Popular Mechanics May 1987:

Lockheed under a grant from NASA Langley Research Center, is developing the initial design for a "global" transport plane. The technology being studied in laminar flow experiments is the flying wing. Lockheed envisions a stubby-bodied, rear-propfan-driven aircraft with winglets that could carry 150,000 pounds of cargo 6000 miles nonstop. The counter rotating props could develop enough power to give the craft a mach 0.8 cruise speed. The wing design is the real key. Initial concepts call for a 227.2-ft wingspan, on a 125-ft long, 23.3-ft-high body.


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Lockheed laminar flow aircraft concept with split wing tips from "New-Technology Monster Transports Will Dwarf Today's Jumbo Jets" by Ben Kocivar, Popular Science, October 1980:

Laminar flow technology is particularly attractive for large planes flying long distances (more than 10,000 miles at high altitudes). One such NASA [Lockheed] concept includes split wing tips to reduce vortex drag. The 410-foot-long, high-aspect-ratio (long, thin) wings are supported by flying-buttress-like struts from the fuselage. Wings, struts, tail, engine nacelles, and wing-tip fuel nacelles are all designed for laminar-flow control. The long thin wings give this plane a lift-to-drag ratio of 48:1.

Laminar flow technology would add weight. Production and maintenance costs would increase because additional care would be required to create and preserve very smooth, clean surfaces. But the reduced fuel consumption--up to 29 percent--should offset these problems.


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