List of reference books by period or manufacturer: Spanish aircraft


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20 October 2009
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Hi all,
Here is a list of reference books about aircraft produced in Spain. Most are in Spanish language, unless mentioned. For some books, I have not enough information, additions and comments are welcome.

In addition to the books listed below, the yearly magazine Aeroplano, published since 1983, contains numerous excellent articles. Its whole contents is available online at

List of similar threads for other countries:,22054.0.html

General books on Spanish aircraft
  • Aircraft made in Spain De la tela al titanio – El ayer y el hoy de la creatividad aeronáutica en España, by Jesús Salas Larrazábal, Espasa-Calpe, 1983, ISBN 8423967441
    English translation: From fabric to titanium – Aeronautical creativeness in Spain, past and present, Espasa-Calpe, 1983, ISBN 842396745X
    Though a bit dated, it is still a major reference, and the only complete book written on the Spanish aircraft industry. There are many pictures, some are well known and some are not seen elsewhere. The black and white pictures are unfortunately printed in sepia, which tones down the contrast. Does not contain drawings or unbuilt projects.
  • Aircraft made in Spain LXXV años de la industria aeronáutica española, various authors, Fundación Aena Bolsillo, 1999, ISBN 8493058009
    Pocket book. Each chapter is written by a different author and covers a company or a period. The whole gives a very interesting account of the Spanish aircraft industry. There are few pictures and no drawings. Some unbuilt projects are mentioned in passing.
    (The two chapters on Loring and AISA, written by Utrilla and Herraiz, are an abridged version of the book by the same authors.)
  • Selection of aircraft made in Spain Made in Spain – Aeronaves fabricadas en España, various authors, Fundación Aena Bolsillo, 2011, ISBN 8495567601
    Pocket book, same collection as above, with chapters on a selection of individual Spanish aircraft models. Not seen.
  • Aircraft flown in Spain Aviones españoles del siglo XX, by Jaime Velarde Silió, Fundación Infante de Orleáns, 2008, ISBN 9788461280803
    There was a first edition in 1995, titled Aviones españoles desde 1910, ISBN 8487695183
    Excellent reference. The use of each aircraft model in Spain is typically described in about one page, with one picture and a very small drawing. Many Spanish produced aircraft are covered, though the more obscure ones are briefly treated in an appendix at the end.
    The full book is available online at
  • Aircraft used by the Spanish military Aviones militares españoles 1911-1986, by Jesús Salas Larrazábal, José Warleta Carrillo & Carlos Pérez San Emeterio, IHCA, 1999, ISBN 9788461280803
    Not seen, seems a good reference.
  • Aircraft used by the Spanish military Enciclopedia de la Aviación Militar Española, various authors, published as a periodical by Quirón Ediciones and later by Alcañiz Fresnos, also available as hardbound volumes
    This publication purported to describe all the aircraft used by the Spanish military in alphabetical order, but stopped after issue no.130 (at De Havilland).
  • Aircraft produced in Andalusia There is an interesting series of articles by Juan Antonio Guerrero Misa about aviation activities production in Andalusia in the magazine Aeronáutica Andaluza. This includes several articles about aircraft production. Most past issues are available online at
  • Gliders Historia del vuelo sin motor en España 1930-1995, by Miguel Táuler Gelabert, Ministerio de Defensa, 1996, ISBN 8478234985
    Not seen.

Books on Spanish aircraft manufacturers
  • AISA see Loring
  • Alfaro Heraclio Alfaro – Aviador-Inventor, Ingeniero Aeronáutico, by José Luis Sáenz de Ugarte, Diputación Foral de Álava, 1993, ISBN 8478211543
    Not seen, not sure of the relative weight between biographical and technical topics, more information welcome.
  • CASA Los primeros 75 años – CASA, two volumes (1923-1972 and 1973-1998), by José María Román y Arroyo, CASA, 1999, ISBN 8478211543 & 8477826005
    English translation: The First 75 Years – CASA, two similar volumes, ISBN 847782584X
    Not seen in detail, seems a typical company history book.
  • La Cierva Les autogires La Cierva / La Cierva autogiros, bilingual French / English, by José Fernandez, Juan Arráez Cerdá & Arnaud Prudhomme, TMA, 2005, ISBN 2915205043
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories. Covers all models by La Cierva, including those made outside Spain.
  • La Cierva La aventura aeronáutica – Emilio Herrera, Juan de la Cierva, pioneros del aire, autogiros y aerostatos, by Carlos Lázaro Ávila, Nivola, Novatores no.5, 1998, ISBN 8495599198
    Not seen, about both Emilio Herrera Linares and Juan de La Cierva, not sure of the relative weight between biographical and technical topics, more information welcome.
  • La Cierva Cierva Autogiros – The Development of Rotary-Wing Flight, by Peter Brooks, Airlife, 1988, ISBN 1853100404, also published by Smithsonian Books, 1988, ISBN 0874742684
    Not seen, not sure of the relative weight of Spanish and British activities.
  • La Cierva Juan de la Cierva and his Autogiros, by Arthur Ord-Hume, Stenlake, 2011, ISBN 1840335599
    Not seen, not sure of the relative weight of Spanish and British activities. Saw mixed reviews at Amazon.
  • Talleres Hereter see Loring
  • Hispano Aviación Hispano Suiza 1904-1972 – Hombres, empresas, motores y aviones, by Manuel Lage, LID, 2003, ISBN 8488717296
    English translation: Hispano Suiza in Aeronautics – Men, Companies, Engines and Aircraft, SAE International, 2003, ISBN 0768009979
    Very good, covers not only Hispano aircraft, but also engines and armament, and has interesting details about other little known Spanish aircraft. There is information about many unbuilt projects, with some drawings. The book is entirely written from a Spanish perspective, and is comparatively a bit light on French Hispano-Suiza activities.
  • Hispano Aviación El taller de Ícaro – Historia de la Hispano Aviación 1917-1972, by Marcelino Viejo Canalejas, Fundación El Monte, 2001, ISBN 8484550486
    Not seen, more information welcome.
  • Loring Jorge Loring – La pasión por la aeronáutica, by Luis Utrilla & Carlos Herraiz, El Viso, 1998, ISBN 8486022991
    Very good, describes the early career of Jorge Loring with the companies Pujol y Comabella and Talleres Hereter, then his own manufacturing company, and finally the continuation AISA. Does not contain technical details, such as dimensions or drawings.
  • Pujol y Comabella see Loring

Books on specific families of Spanish aircraft

  • CASA Dornier Wal & Breguet 19 Dornier Wal, Breguet XIX – Volando juntos, Flying together, by José Sánchez Méndez & Juan Delgado Rubí, EADS CASA, 2000
    Not seen, more information welcome. Probably covers the production by CASA and the long distance flights made with those aircraft.
  • HA-1109/1112 Buchón Les Messerschmitt espagnols – Des premiers 109 V aux derniers Buchón, by Juan Arráez Cerdá, French language, Avions special issue no.5, 1997
    Good softcover, contains 1/72 and 1/48 scale drawings.
  • CASA C-2.111 (He 111) CASA C-2.111, by Gonzalo Ávila & Roberto Yáñez, Reserva Anticipada, Alas Españolas no.111, 2002, ISBN 849549311X
    Not seen, softcover book.
  • CASA C-352 (Ju 52) El Junkers Ju 52/3m CASA C-352 – El avión y su historia, by Luis González Pavón, self published, 2014, ISBN 9788461687978
    Not seen.
  • HA-100, 200 & 300 La Hispano Aviación – Proyectos HA-100, 200 y 300, by Jesús Salas Larrazábal, Ministerio de Defensa, 1999, ISBN 8478236813
    Not seen, information welcome.
  • HA-200/220 Saeta & Supersaeta Hispano Aviación HA-200/220 Saeta y Supersaeta, by Juan Arráez Cerdá, Quirón, La Máquina y la Historia no.12, 1997, ISBN 8487314252
    Not seen, information welcome.
  • HA-200 Saeta Hispano Aviación HA-200 Saeta, by Gonzalo Ávila & Roberto Yáñez, Reserva Anticipada, Alas Españolas no.115, 2003, ISBN 8495493152
    Not seen, softcover book.
  • CASA C-101 Aviojet Casa C-101 Aviojet, by Juan Carlos Pando, Reserva Anticipada, Alas Españolas no.110, 2001, ISBN 8495493055
    Not seen, softcover book.
  • CASA C-212 Aviocar Casa C-212 Aviocar, by Juan Carlos Pando, Reserva Anticipada, Alas Españolas no.112, 2003, ISBN 8495493101
    Not seen, softcover book.
  • CASA C-212 Aviocar C-212 – Un español universal, by José Antonio Martínez Cabeza, Ministerio de Defensa, 2011, ISBN 9788497816328
    Not seen, seems comprehensive:
  • CASA CN.235 Casa CN.235 M, by Juan Carlos Pando, Reserva Anticipada, Alas Españolas no.105, 2000, ISBN 8495493098
    English translation in 2002, Alas Españolas no.205, ISBN 8495493098
    Not seen, softcover book.
  • Transport aircraft Aviones españoles de transporte – Spanish transport aircraft, by Leopoldo Ávila Casuso & José Antonio Barragán, EADS CASA, 2002
    Not seen, more information welcome. Probably covers CASA aircraft from the licence-built Ju 52 to the C-295.
Added From Fabric to Titanium, English-language version of De la tela al titanio.
Juan Arrez Cerda is a very old and dear friend who I've met, and a prolific writer, with hundreds of articles and over 20 books. Here are some picks two of Juan flying a Ca 1.131, a Bu 131 built in Spain under license.


  • la Base Aérea de San Javier, sede de la Academia general del Aire.jpg
    la Base Aérea de San Javier, sede de la Academia general del Aire.jpg
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  • JAc 3.jpg
    JAc 3.jpg
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  • JAc aboard Bu 31 June 2015.jpg
    JAc aboard Bu 31 June 2015.jpg
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