Lazy Dog Bomb


ACCESS: Confidential
10 November 2007
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(sorry for my English)

Lazy Dogs are antipersonnel weapon, bullet-shaped metal fragments for canister/beehive round or similar ammunition. They were also dropped from aircraft, similar to Ranken darts from world war I. I found also some information about Mk.44 cluster bomb, for example in Wikipedia
Wiki says that Mk.44 was pure "kinetic" weapon, after opening the dispenser Lazy Dogs fallen free, driven only by gravity. But in Christopher Chant's book "Modern Aircraft Armament" Mk.44 is described as a slightly more complex weapon, with 10.000 Lazy Dogs in forward compartment and explosive load of 9,9 kg (21,8 lb) TNT in the rear, with time fuse. On the optimum height above the ground this load exploded, crushing the bomb and driving Lazy Dogs downward with very high velocity.
What is true? Or maybe Mk.44 have two versions, the "explosive" and "non-explosive" one?
Also I know that US Navy used (or test) Lazy Dogs in the Gladeye cluster bomb, but without any details. I think it was undroppable dispenser? How big was it? The submunition was free dropped by gravity, or dispensed by pyrotechnic cartridge like in SUU-13? Maybe someone have more information about it?
I have never seen any reference to an explosive charge associated with this weapon except for the fuze which would initiate the separation of the dispenser body halves. Dispersion of the projectiles would have been provided by the delivery speed and release altitude of the weapon.


  • Mk 44 Mod 0 500 pound Cluster Adapter for 10K Shape 2B ''Lazy Dog'' Anti-Personnel Missiles-003.jpg
    Mk 44 Mod 0 500 pound Cluster Adapter for 10K Shape 2B ''Lazy Dog'' Anti-Personnel Missiles-003.jpg
    33 KB · Views: 197
Snakeye was a major success for the Station, but it was only one of the
growing Eye family. Gladeye, for example, was completed in 1962. It carried a
variety of payloads in seven canisters that could be released singly, in sequence,
or in salvo. The canister contents varied from chaff, leaflets, smoke, or CS gas to
Lazy Dog projectiles (inert .41-caliber steel projectiles fitted with tiny tailfins)
and Mk 83 butterfly bomblets.

Gladeye canisters loaded with Lazy Dog projectiles, leaflets, and munitions.


  • Examples of Gladeye bomb canisters.png
    Examples of Gladeye bomb canisters.png
    491.3 KB · Views: 97
The MK-4 Mod 0 "Gladeye" dispenser was developed from 1959 to 63. Demonstrated to President Kennedy
in mid 1963 at NOTS China Lake. Could fit 35,000 lazy dogs in seven Mk-2 Mod 0 cylindrical canisters, with sequential delay fusing. No explosive charge to fire the projectiles. Measured 9 ft 1 in length diameter estimated at 18.7 in. Could hold from 35 to 195 lb each canister, total maximum system weight up to 1,550 lb. Not sure if still in use.


  • Mk-4 Gladeye.png
    Mk-4 Gladeye.png
    420.7 KB · Views: 54
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Naval Ordnance Laboratory looked at using old .50 bullets (the steel cores) as lazy dogs in 1963-64 following introduction of 20 mm. None apparently were suitable due to stability issues. Dont know if they were evaluated any further.
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