LaFayette class, Predecessors and Unbuilt Developments: FL 25, Souverainete....


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
3 January 2006
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We start with the FL-25 class, circa 1984, which was intended as a direct replacement for the Cdt. Riviere. An initial batch of 3 was proposed with a very complete sonar and radar fit. In general the design was reminiscent of the Cassard/C70 AA/F70 AA building at the time, as well as the slightly smaller export F2000. Oddly, the hangar and flight deck are sized for a Super Puma helicopter, despite the fact that the MN has never procured the type.

Specifications for the FL25 shown above were :

* displacement : 3,000 mt
* length : 113 meters
* beam : 13 meters
* draught : 3.9 meters
* propulsion : ???
* speed : 26 knots
* range : 7,000 nm @ 15 knots
* weapons :
--- 1 x 100mm Model 1968 naval gun
--- 8 x MM40 Exocet
--- 1 x Crotale GMLS (26 missiles)
--- 2 x Sadral GMLS
--- 6 x 324mm torpedoes (2 x 3 tubes)
--- 1 x Sea Puma or NH90 helo


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Re: LaFayette class, Predecessors and Unbuilt Developments

It appears the FL 25 class proposal was superseded by two now familiar types in 1987. Plans were announced for 10 "frigates" built to mercantile standard, a requirement which later would be scaled back to the current 6 Floreal class units. Oddly enough, the early specifications indicated that the Floreal class ships would be fitted with active search hull sonars.

At roughly the same time, a requirement remained for a more capable type to be built in two batches of 3, the FL-3000, or "Fregate Leger," which became the current 5 unit LaFayette class. Again, a full radar and sonar fit was initially anticipated, similar to later Kang Ding units for Taiwan. It is unclear at what point the Jupiter radar and sonar were dropped, but it has always been clear that the original intention was to fit an Arabel radar above the bridge on the deferred (and effectively canceled, even as an upgrade) SAAM armed variant for the MN.

The design went through a number of iterations, with length increasing from 110 meters to 119, and finally to an eventual 125 meters for the initial French and Taiwanese variants. Any additional information as to the evolution of the Fl-3000 class is eagerly sought.

The following images were posted by "matt" at the Shipbucket forum:


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Re: LaFayette class, Predecessors and Unbuilt Developments: FL 25, Souverainete

The Souverainete corvette proposal also appears to have evolved, starting as a 91m, 1500 ton export design in the early 1990s, evolving into a 95m long, 13m wide and 2,200 ton vessel by the middle of the decade, when it was featured on DCN's own early website. The design was apparently offered to the UAE and garnered significant interest from Singapore. In effect, the current six strong Formidible class evolved from the much smaller Souverainiete corvette proposal. It's important to note that while the later Formidible class is indeed a direct variant of the LaFayette class, sharing the same waterline beam that is common to all current variants, it's clear that the Souverainete wasn't simply a shortened LaFayette, despite the substantial similarities.

Further information is sought on this type? Any specifications, drawings or illustrations would be greatly appreciated?

The following images were posted by "matt" at the Shipbucket forum:


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Well, at least the images of Souverainete type were posted by me, in fact scanned from some old magazines.

Here some other:


Sorry, i can't find the controls for upload the images to the site...

Re: LaFayette class, Predecessors and Unbuilt Developments: FL 25, Souverainete

jacob said:
Well, at least the images of Souverainete type were posted by me, in fact scanned from some old magazines.

Here some other:

Here's some additional information on the FL105, although I lack any other specifications:

FL105 Frigate

* displacement : 2,540 mt
* propulsion : CODOG - 38,000 shp
* speed : 29 knots
* range : 3,000 nm @ 20 knots
* weapons :
--- 1 x 100mm Compact naval gun
--- 4 x MM40 Exocet
--- 1 x Crotale GMLS (26 missiles)
--- 2 x Sadral GMLS
--- 6 x 324mm torpedoes (2 x 3 tubes)
--- 1 x Sea Puma helo

I am puzzled by the short quoted range?
FL-25 Additional drawing


  • Light Frigate FL-25.jpg
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This is from African Armed Forces Journal February 1998, and deals with the French offer for naval vessels to meet the South African Navy requirement that was eventually won by Germany.

It is worth bearing in mind that the term "corvette" was a political fig leaf that has long since been dropped.


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More on the French LaFayette based/derivitive offer for the SAN.

From AAFJ August 1998.


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