Grey Havoc

Senior Member
9 October 2009
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Sad times.

If i may share, back then on the fleet days, maybe 2014. I visited our naval base and see her. The officers there told us (there are several friends with me) that the boat are soon slated to be a training boat as soon as the DSME-209 commissioned. Unfortunately she has to soldier in active duty much longer.

She was commissioned in 1981, this year marks her 40th year of her service.

The navy may state "oxygen limit" but i'll be honest i'm rather pessimistic. Especially to see that to see the suspicion of blackout/power failure and oil slick plus the supposed "over 700 meters" deep of submergence. Her hull integrity is in doubt.
Sad to hear another subsmash going on. Good to know that other nations are contributing assets to the search though.

Just hoping they get those folk out of their very sticky situation. Fingers firmly crossed.

I did search to see if there was a similar thread and appologise for creating this. Please feel free to merge or delete this thread.
Earlier story (update of an earlier linked article):

I'll be honest... the "Oxygen supply" part is sketchy... not only because the remains of torpedo tube liner was found and shown... but also that Nanggala apparently sailed WITHOUT Oxygen candle.

Generating oxygen onboard can be done by water electrolysis and basically storing air. But there is another way namely burning oxygen candle.

The news about that are still in Indonesian... ignore the apparent blame shifting attempt. The lack of Oxygen candle abroad itself is a scandal. Who clear the submarine to sail without it.


From last Thursday:
Not popular perhaps but with the way things are going out there, I do hope the PRC or NK did not do this.
Not popular perhaps but with the way things are going out there, I do hope the PRC or NK did not do this.

This is pure conspiracy theory thinking. Why is it so hard to accept that a 40-year-old submarine might be lost in a tragic accident, rather than by hostile action?

1) North Korea and Indonesia actually have fairly friendly relations, so they would have zero reason to sink an Indonesian sub. Nor do they have the capacity to find and sink a submarine more than 3000 miles from North Korean territory.

2) China and Indonesia have had some disputes about maritime borders, but escalating from an exchange of diplomatic notes over fishing rights to sinking an Indonesian vessel deep inside Indonesian territory would be bizarre. Seriously, go look at a map to see where the Bali Strait is. That's where the sub was lost, and it's nowhere even close to disputed waters.
I said "I hope the PRC or NK did not do this".

No mention of a conspiracy schmiracy. I think you read too much into what I wrote.

For either of those nations to act outside of the disputed waters is far from impossible.
I said "I hope the PRC or NK did not do this".

No mention of a conspiracy schmiracy. I think you read too much into what I wrote.

For either of those nations to act outside of the disputed waters is far from impossible.

"I hope they didn't to this" suggests you think there is a meaningful possibility that they did. There is not. Hence, "conspiracy theory thinking."
I said "I hope the PRC or NK did not do this".

No mention of a conspiracy schmiracy. I think you read too much into what I wrote.

For either of those nations to act outside of the disputed waters is far from impossible.

"I hope they didn't to this" suggests you think there is a meaningful possibility that they did. There is not. Hence, "conspiracy theory thinking."
I could have said 'either of them" I suppose but your response seems like someone who see's what they want in posts. I am simply saying that I hope they did not do this. The conspiracy thinking is in your head not mine.
The loss of a single person serving their country in an avoidable event is a tragedy, that this continues to occur worldwide, is a disgrace.

I note that they put this news in the 'China' section.


The salve efforts ended.. well as the purpose was, despite our local media or internet buzzers said, was likely to secure some sensitive cryptographic equipment onboard.
Submarine sinkings are notably cruels and murderous events; every major navy in the world seemingly has this kind of tragedy.
1968 was pretty crazy by this metric: USN lost one (Scorpion), Soviet Navy too (K-129), France (Minerve) and Israel (Dakar) too (both in the mediterranean only days apart !)
There wasn't a single survivor of all sinkings... and all of them remain rather mysterious (bar Scorpion perhaps).

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