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ACCESS: Top Secret
25 April 2008
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Kimmel's show is creating quite a stir in China, with diplomatic issues.
What I see in the video is not acceptable from anybody be it kids or whatever bursting in laugh.
Something's not right.

You know, if I was Chinese, I would be concerned about this a hell of a lot more than I would be concerned about Jimmy Kimmel....
So, some six-year-old kid said something that a six-year-old kid might say, and the Chinese are all in a huff. Hmmm. How offended should I be? Let me calibrate my offensometer...

This stuff is genuinely on TV? Sometimes I'm so glad I'm out of touch...
Children, they don't know, what they talking about.

Lucky those children in Kimmel' show had not to adjudication over Belgium
otherwise that Kafka kingdom would look like this…

Michel Van said:
Children, they don't know, what they talking about.

Children are, on the whole, vicious little monsters. Notice that they need to be taught to tell the truth... they don't need to be taught to lie. Somehow I doubt that Chinese children are any different.
The whole "affair" just tells somethig about the quality of TV programs and about a diplomacy, that
obviously is trying to derive a benefit from such a nonsense. Hopefully nobody in other countries
is watching some German satire or comedy programs ! ::)
Doesn't the government of the People's Republic of China have anything better to do? Are we going to hold babies accountable for what they say? This whole controversy is absurd. It's not worth our time.
It's not really what the kid said, but WHY he said it. The continuous venomous anti-chinese denigration, propaganda, racism you name it that is prevalent in that country and is trumpeted and indoctrinated far and wide in every form, this is why he said it. And this is why when grown up, kids like him are becoming the stereotypical gun totting violence advocating racist and xenophobe yobs that are prevalent in that country. And this is why when some of these yobs become politicians and run that country, you have these wars like we have today, millions of dead, tens of millions of lives destroyed, and the continuous threat for more. So yeah, it is a big *** deal for a 6 year old kid to say that.

PS: Of course, it's not only the sinophobia, but also arabophobia, russophobia or just about any-other-ethnicity-phobia that is indoctrinated since birth in that country. Makes one sick.
lancer21 said:
It's not really what the kid said, but WHY he said it. The continuous venomous anti-chinese denigration, propaganda, racism you name it that is prevalent in that country and is trumpeted and indoctrinated far and wide in every form, this is why he said it. And this is why when grown up, kids like him are becoming the stereotypical gun totting violence advocating racist and xenophobe yobs that are prevalent in that country. And this is why when some of these yobs become politicians and run that country, you have these wars like we have today, millions of dead, tens of millions of lives destroyed, and the continuous threat for more. So yeah, it is a big *** deal for a 6 year old kid to say that.

PS: Of course, it's not only the sinophobia, but also arabophobia, russophobia or just about any-other-ethnicity-phobia that is indoctrinated since birth in that country. Makes one sick.

Clueless. ::)
lancer21 said:
It's not really what the kid said, but WHY he said it. The continuous venomous anti-chinese denigration, propaganda, racism you name it that is prevalent in that country and is trumpeted and indoctrinated far and wide in every form, this is why he said it. And this is why when grown up, kids like him are becoming the stereotypical gun totting violence advocating racist and xenophobe yobs that are prevalent in that country. And this is why when some of these yobs become politicians and run that country, you have these wars like we have today, millions of dead, tens of millions of lives destroyed, and the continuous threat for more. So yeah, it is a big *** deal for a 6 year old kid to say that.

PS: Of course, it's not only the sinophobia, but also arabophobia, russophobia or just about any-other-ethnicity-phobia that is indoctrinated since birth in that country. Makes one sick.

Well said. But I understand the truth sometimes hurts, well at least some people... ;)

lancer21 said:
It's not really what the kid said, but WHY he said it. The continuous venomous anti-chinese denigration, propaganda, racism you name it that is prevalent in that country and is trumpeted and indoctrinated far and wide in every form, this is why he said it. And this is why when grown up, kids like him are becoming the stereotypical gun totting violence advocating racist and xenophobe yobs that are prevalent in that country. And this is why when some of these yobs become politicians and run that country, you have these wars like we have today, millions of dead, tens of millions of lives destroyed, and the continuous threat for more. So yeah, it is a big *** deal for a 6 year old kid to say that.

PS: Of course, it's not only the sinophobia, but also arabophobia, russophobia or just about any-other-ethnicity-phobia that is indoctrinated since birth in that country. Makes one sick.

Then why do you glorify that horrible-violence-advocating-racist-country by worshipping its aerospace designs?
Orionblamblam said:
Which truth would that be?

Perhaps it would help to read the statement by lancer 21 in its entirety? I had actually expected that would be obvious from the context , but perhaps that was too much of a leap...

But to illustrate the point, try this for starters as an example of any-other-ethnicity-phobia indoctrinated since birth:

To quote the article, “How do you undo the years of inbred prejudice?”
martinbayer said:
Orionblamblam said:
Which truth would that be?

Perhaps it would help to read the statement by lancer 21 in its entirety? I had actually expected that would be obvious from the context , but perhaps that was too much of a leap for you... ADD much?

Perhaps you would do well to realize that lancer21's statement in its entirety is *not* a meaningful statement of fact, but a collection of inaccurate cliches that are popular amongst those with certain feelings of national inadequacy.
sublight is back said:
Then why do you glorify that horrible-violence-advocating-racist-country by worshipping its aerospace designs?

Perhaps for similar reasons why the USA ran Operation Paperclip?
martinbayer said:
sublight is back said:
Then why do you glorify that horrible-violence-advocating-racist-country by worshipping its aerospace designs?

Perhaps for similar reasons why the USA ran Operation Paperclip?

You want to make sure you have a strong defense against Soviet expansionism? I think yer a bit late to the game.
Orionblamblam said:
Perhaps you would do well to realize that lancer21's statement in its entirety is *not* a meaningful statement of fact, but a collection of inaccurate cliches that are popular amongst those with certain feelings of national inadequacy.

As somebody living in the United States since over 15 years and seeing examples like the one I quoted I disagree with your assertion that lancer21's statement is *not* a meaningful statement of fact, but I guess your feigned surprise regarding German comedy is one of those inaccurate cliches that are popular amongst those with certain feelings of national inadequacy?
Orionblamblam said:
You want to make sure you have a strong defense against Soviet expansionism? I think yer a bit late to the game.

No, the point was actually more about acknowledging excellence in engineering irrespective of politics of the originators, in case you didn't realize that.
martinbayer said:
As somebody living in the United States since over 15 years and seeing examples like the one I quoted

Oh noes! In 15 years, in a nation of 310 million, you saw examples of racism or ethnic phobias? Why, such a thing must be unpossible in, say, Europe! I bet in 15 years in, say Italy or Greece or Britain you'd never see examples of racial tension! It's something uniquely American, ain't it.

your feigned surprise regarding German comedy is one of those inaccurate cliches

Yeah. Even you picked up on it being "feigned."

that are popular amongst those with certain feelings of national inadequacy?

Nobody really feels all that threatened by German comedians these days.
"Nobody really feels all that threatened by German comedians these days."

It depends on the relationship between the countries involved in such a sketch, I think.
Think of a show making jokes about, say, selling greek or spanish slaves to Germany and
pictures of chancellor Merkel with a toothbrush moustache carried through the streets of Athens
or Madrid probably would be a mild form of protest. But self-censorship, somethimes called
"political correctness" is very common and working very well for the media in Germany.
Don't really know, if that's a pro or a con ...
Jemiba said:
But self-censorship, somethimes called
"political correctness" is very common and working very well for the media in Germany.

Not just the media:
Nackte TatsachenWhere we read about the concept "vorauseilender Gehorsam" that translates, roughly, into "anticipatory obedience." Because when has censoring art in the name of a political or religious ideology *ever* gone badly in Germany?
If anyone wants to whine about some 6-year-old blathering idiocy, they should perhaps get their priorities figured out a bit better seeing as how there's a hell of a lot worse going on in the world.
Orionblamblam said:
Oh noes! In 15 years, in a nation of 310 million, you saw examples of racism or ethnic phobias? Why, such a thing must be unpossible in, say, Europe! I bet in 15 years in, say Italy or Greece or Britain you'd never see examples of racial tension! It's something uniquely American, ain't it.

Red herring. Nobody ever claimed that. But complaining "but they are doing it too!" is certainly a standard tactic to try to derail a discussion - did you perhaps learn that in kindergarten ;D ?

Orionblamblam said:
Nobody really feels all that threatened by German comedians these days.

Now this may come as a surprise to you, but German comedians actually don't really try to make their audience feel threatened - perhaps that is one of those 'uniquely American' things
You're quite right about the world, I think, and maybe it's a pity, that just fake tombstones can be
used as bottle message, not the real ones,made from stone. Maybe sometimes letters written by Indian
kids would fall out then :
Or letters from Bangladeshi, who produced who knows what :
The list could be carried on and on. Inmost "civilised" countries it's better, their "involuntary employess", principally
wouldn't need to write letters, the could tell about their fate fro face to face .... if they would dare ! But who realy
wants to talk to a whore ? Or to a construction worker from a "subsidiary" of the construction company, that is buidling
or repairing your house ? Here those slaves (sorry, probably not PC) mainly are from the ex SU states, in the US they maybe
are from Mexico ?
Orionblamblam said:
Because when has censoring art in the name of a political or religious ideology *ever* gone badly in Germany?

Funny you should mention censorship. I've never seen body parts blurred or heard words beeped over on German TV, whereas here it's standard practice, the 1st amendment notwithstanding...
martinbayer said:
Funny you should mention censorship. I've never seen body parts blurred or heard words beeped over on German TV, whereas here it's standard practice, the 1st amendment notwithstanding...

I'm willing to bet that there are lines that German TV won't cross. However, over here it has less to do with anything related to actual decency and more to do with useless idiocy...

martinbayer said:
It may come as a surprise to you, but German comedians don't really try to make their audience feel threatened - perhaps that is one of those 'uniquely American' things
If you mean "uniquely hilarious"...although while Tosh is funny Anthony Jeselnik is far more hilarious and dangerous to your personal psyche if you're in the front row.
SOC said:
I'm willing to bet that there are lines that German TV won't cross. However, over here it has less to do with anything related to actual decency and more to do with useless idiocy...

Absolutely. But contrary to the US, typically these lines are more associated with graphic violence. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the 1st amendment contains a decency exception clause.

SOC said:
If you mean "uniquely hilarious"...although while Tosh is funny Anthony Jeselnik is far more hilarious and dangerous to your personal psyche if you're in the front row.

What I meant is that the lady in question stated that "having to basically flee while Tosh was enthusing about how hilarious it would be if I was gang-raped in that small, claustrophobic room was pretty viscerally terrifying and threatening all the same". You see, for some reason or other she apparently didn't really think that a man openly fantasizing in front of an audience about her getting raped on the spot by several other men was really all that funny or hilarious. Go figure.
martinbayer said:
Orionblamblam said:
Oh noes! In 15 years, in a nation of 310 million, you saw examples of racism or ethnic phobias? Why, such a thing must be unpossible in, say, Europe! I bet in 15 years in, say Italy or Greece or Britain you'd never see examples of racial tension! It's something uniquely American, ain't it.

Red herring. Nobody ever claimed that.

Perhaps you'd care to re-read lancer21's initial screed?

But complaining "but they are doing it too!" is certainly a standard tactic to try to derail a discussion

A discussion about a child saying something turned into an opportunity to whine about America. DERAILMENT ACHIEVED.

Now this may come as a surprise to you, but German comedians actually don't really try to make their audience feel threatened

Are you implying that one comedian making one bad joke is a sufficient basis for your overall stand?
Orionblamblam said:
Perhaps you'd care to re-read lancer21's initial screed?

I just did. Not *once* in his post does he make a comparison to any other country, let alone the specific ones you mentioned, or claim bad things don't happen anywhere else in the world.

Orionblamblam said:
A discussion about a child saying something turned into an opportunity to whine about America.

Things like that can happen in a bar area ;D .

Orionblamblam said:
Are you implying that one comedian making one bad joke is a sufficient basis for your overall stand?

Actually, no. Kimmel plus Tosh already makes *two* comedians making bad jokes - looks like there's a pattern here ;) ...
martinbayer said:
Not *once* in his post does he make a comparison to any other country, let alone the specific ones you mentioned, or claim bad things don't happen anywhere else in the world.

Britain is a violent place full of racist yobs and unthinking thugs.

Now: while the rest of the world may have the same type of unpleasant folk, the statement certainly comes across as anti-specifically-Britain, wouldn't you say? And would you or would you not agree that the statement is at best hyperbolic?

Actually, no. Kimmel plus Tosh already makes *two* comedians making bad jokes - looks like there's a pattern here ;) ...

While I don't doubt that Kimmel has made bad jokes (I don't pay much attention to him), the joke that started this thread was a statement by a SIX YEAR OLD CHILD. If that is enough to trash talk an entire nation... what does Russel Brand say about Britain?
Orionblamblam said:
Britain is a violent place full of racist yobs and unthinking thugs.

Now: while the rest of the world may have the same type of unpleasant folk, the statement certainly comes across as anti-specifically-Britain, wouldn't you say? And would you or would you not agree that the statement is at best hyperbolic?

Since the discussion started with a clip originating in the United States, it should come as no surprise that the analysis of potential causes focused on it. But based on personal experience I completely agree that claiming that Britain is a violent place full of racist yobs and unthinking thugs is at best hyperbolic.

Orionblamblam said:
While I don't doubt that Kimmel has made bad jokes (I don't pay much attention to him), the joke that started this thread was a statement by a SIX YEAR OLD CHILD. If that is enough to trash talk an entire nation... what does Russel Brand say about Britain?

Dunno - I have no idea who Russel Brand is.

But take a deep breath and relax - I'm sure lancer21 was merely pulling an Incognito here, and his remarks really came from a place of love B) .
martinbayer said:
Since the discussion started with a clip originating in the United States, it should come as no surprise that the analysis of potential causes focused on it.

The "cause" is that it's a six-year-old. Children say the dumbassedest things... without need to resort to claims about rampant anti-Chinese propaganda.

But based on personal experience I completely agree that claiming that Britain is a violent place full of racist yobs and unthinking thugs is at best hyperbolic.

And yet Britain has not only a higher violent crime rate, but a murder rate perhaps *twice* that of the US. One wonders why that might be. And not even *one* of Britains "Royals" is an African-American! Racism! Racism everywhere!

I have no idea who Russel Brand is.

Would he be more recognizable if I added a superluous "u" in there somewhere?

But take a deep breath and relax - I'm sure lancer21 was merely pulling an Incognito ...

You mean acting like an unthinking thuggish jackass and lying about it?
Orionblamblam said:
The "cause" is that it's a six-year-old. Children say the dumbassedest things... without need to resort to claims about rampant anti-Chinese propaganda.

If you don't find it deeply disturbing that a child casually talks about committing genocide to get out of paying debts and don't see a need to determine where such horrific thinking comes from, I'm seriously troubled by your attitude.

Orionblamblam said:
And yet Britain has not only a higher violent crime rate, but a murder rate perhaps *twice* that of the US. One wonders why that might be.

Actually, one wonders where you get your facts checked. I recommend the following sites:

Orionblamblam said:
And not even *one* of Britains "Royals" is an African-American! Racism! Racism everywhere!

This might surprise you, but that is actually attributable to the fact that "Royal" is not a position that's up for election, like US president.

Orionblamblam said:
Would he be more recognizable if I added a superluous "u" in there somewhere?

Probably not. I guess I could try to google him in various spelling permutations, since you're not very specific exactly where to insert that 'superluous' "u", but I don't really see a point in that.

Orionblamblam said:
You mean acting like an unthinking thuggish jackass and lying about it?

Surely you have ironclad proof for your outrageous allegations against Mr. Incognito :D .
Totally in agreement with OBB on this one lancer21's orginal post is so over the top given the nature of the commnet of a six year as to defy rational explanation.

When I was six and played war I wanted to kill all the Germans and Japanese OH MY GOD CALL THE UN!!!
martinbayer said:
If you don't find it deeply disturbing that a child casually talks about committing genocide to get out of paying debts and don't see a need to determine where such horrific thinking comes from,

I've read the classics, including Grimm's fairy tales. Kids have been exposed to death (including genocide) since, well, the invention of kids.

Orionblamblam said:
And yet Britain has not only a higher violent crime rate, but a murder rate perhaps *twice* that of the US. One wonders why that might be.

Actually, one wonders where you get your facts checked.

US murder rate: about 4.8 per 100,000. UK: *officially* 1.8... but unofficially, up to about 8.5. It's amazing what you can do when you hide the actual murder stats behind feel-good rubbish.

Orionblamblam said:
And not even *one* of Britains "Royals" is an African-American! Racism! Racism everywhere!

This might surprise you, but that is actually attributable to the fact that "Royal" is not a position that's up for election, like US president.

This might surprise you, but I don't care. I'm especially unmoved by your lack of recognition of sarcasm.

Surely you have ironclad proof for your outrageous allegations against Mr. Incognito :D .

His own words, which have been published and he has not denied. Besides: he's a celebrity making millions of dollars playing a childish game. (At least he's not a soccer player... gah. As someone once said, watching soccer is worse than watching paint dry... it's like watching paint play soccer).

But, hey, getting back onto the original topic: I guess you can get an estimate of a nations political maturity based on their response to the statements of a child. If they take them seriously, that indicates that they take the opinions of children seriously in political matters *generally.* And if you are giving 6 year olds a voice in geopolitics... well, that's pretty interesting. Not mature, not intelligent, not even sane... but interesting.
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