Israeli Avia S 92. Israeli Me 262? .


ACCESS: Restricted
11 October 2008
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A few days ago, i read in an aviation forum, that the israelis obtained from czechs some Avia S 92 in 1950, in response to the Vampire and Meteor egyptians; but they haven´t ever been recognized it.

Does anyone know anything about this? . I think it´s very interesting.

I think it can't be truth. The Czechs planned to organize full cycle of S-92 production (even with some modifications), but it wasn't realized. Actually, S-92 existed in very little number and all of them were no more than restored original German Me 262s. Only 18 Me 262 wrecks suitable for restoration were found, and at last Czechoslovak Air Force got only five S-92 fighters (code numbers V-33, V-34, V-36, V-39, and V-40) and three CS-92 trainers (V-31, V-35, and V-37). At the end of 1950, the 5. stihaci letka (5th fighter squadron) was established and equipped by them; its main purpose was training of military pilots with the new technology. Six "Turbinas" took part in military parade at May 9, 1951, accompanied with nine Yak-23s. Shortly after that, the squadron was disbanded. Most of its aircrafts became instructional airframes for the mechanics, and two (S-92 No. V-34 and CS-92 No. V-35) came to the Prague-Kbely aviation museum. This is all the story of Czech 262s.
Perhaps these people mistake the S92 designation with the S199? The S199 did serve during the Israeli independence war.
I think I know the story here. I might be wrong, so don't take it to the bank.. I seem to recall a site with similar details as this modeling site, but it clearly said the history was fictional and nothing more. Perhaps this fictional history was passed along, I don't know. It certainly wouldn't be the first time it's happened. If I can find the site, I'll post it. Or my memory is playing a trick on me. :)
I think I know the story here. I might be wrong, so don't take it to the bank.. I seem to recall a site with similar details as this modeling site, but it clearly said the history was fictional and nothing more. Perhaps this fictional history was passed along, I don't know. It certainly wouldn't be the first time it's happened. If I can find the site, I'll post it. Or my memory is playing a trick on me. :)
The forum URL containing unfounded details of S.92s being sent to Israel is still available at the following link:

The mention of S.92s at the S.92 page at could be a typographical error, given that Ezer Weizman flew S.199s (see, and the Me 262 article at Wikipedia ( makes no mention of S-92s ever serving in combat.

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