Iran and the Saudi oil sites attack

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Foo Fighter

Cum adolescunt hominem verum esse volo.
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19 July 2016
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Well, nobody has posted that I can see, on the topic of attacks on the Saudi oil production sites there is a burning question.

Just how far will the Iranians go? Are they trying to get us all involved in another hideously expensive middle east war just to prove a point?
The US stock market was disappointed to learn that damage will be repaired within weeks. They were hoping for a drop in supply to make money. Meanwhile, I'm sure the Iranian government has gotten the call from one of the remaining competent branches of the US government: stop what you're doing or face the consequences. They can enrich all they want but without a credible method of delivery, it boils down to news copy.
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Maybe Japan could explain the pieces of recovered Iranian drones and missiles? And how the hell would they know anyway? How many assets do they have in the Middle East?
I would suggest posters stick to technical discussions and get into the politics of this whole scenario elsewhere.
I hqve yet to see what kind of drones and missiles were used. Anyoje have that information?
I hqve yet to see what kind of drones and missiles were used. Anyoje have that information?

It's right up the page in the link I posted titled, "Saudi Arabia Displays Recovered Drones and Missiles".
And scary. 1300km range for what could be a home made++ precision guided weapon is a disturbing fact to acknowledge today.
And scary. 1300km range for what could be a home made++ precision guided weapon is a disturbing fact to acknowledge today.

Have you seen what's been done in amateur high powered rocketry and modern RC aircraft? A half dozen people (or fewer) could likely build a decent SAM in a garage.
Against an overcast sky, a large-scale, powered model aircraft looks amazingly like the real thing. The capability to shoot down mortars and rockets exists. This should not be a problem.
Those are point defense. Don't imagine that they are made to cover all sensitive places.

Then, if it is doubtful that their main production site were left totally unprotected, still it appears to be the case... What invariably brings into question their offensive strategy in Yemen (forces forward deployed).

It's an interesting case that will probably be debated for years.
If I can surround a home with a fence that is high enough and that provides full coverage then the same can be done against other threats, including airborne.
A highly integrated, computerized system with slightly overlapping fields of fire. I am sure the Chinese are working this out now. Civilian drone owners in the US were tracked down if they caused any trouble.
Have you seen what's been done in amateur high powered rocketry and modern RC aircraft? A half dozen people (or fewer) could likely build a decent SAM in a garage.

Pretty much the plot of the technothriller I'm working on. Sensors would be the major problem, IMO; the state of the art in off-the-shelf RC control systems makes the flight control system far less a limiting factor than it would have been a few years ago. I'd get home from working on the Typhoon's FCS and my next door neighbour would be sitting in the garden tweaking the FCS for his RC helicopters and jets. Plus there's been a massive multiplication in the number of people with FCS experience given all the drone projects springing up.

Speaking of which, anyone know if there's a good open-source survey out there on Counter-UAS programmes? Electronic ones as well as hard-kill systems like Howler and M-SHORAD.
Have you seen what's been done in amateur high powered rocketry and modern RC aircraft? A half dozen people (or fewer) could likely build a decent SAM in a garage.

Pretty much the plot of the technothriller I'm working on. Sensors would be the major problem, IMO; the state of the art in off-the-shelf RC control systems makes the flight control system far less a limiting factor than it would have been a few years ago. I'd get home from working on the Typhoon's FCS and my next door neighbour would be sitting in the garden tweaking the FCS for his RC helicopters and jets. Plus there's been a massive multiplication in the number of people with FCS experience given all the drone projects springing up.

Speaking of which, anyone know if there's a good open-source survey out there on Counter-UAS programmes? Electronic ones as well as hard-kill systems like Howler and M-SHORAD.

Re. a cruise missile, I wonder if it would be possible for a low-altitude home-built to use cellular networks to move data. Instead of being limited by transmitter range they'd be limited by fuel/charge. (If you wanted to maintain full control all the way to impact instead of simply using a GPS. Think FPV racing over tens or hundred of miles.)
Based on the headline of this thread, brought to you a'propo nothing more than pure whim as well as phonetic/phonologic similarity:
OK, I used a broad brush to see what folk would come up with. I was wondering if anyone would notice I did not point a finger at the Iranian military/government. Who is it I was asking about? Would anyone point out the Hawks in many military organisations? Will the Israeli military for example be drawn into this situation and on. I am sure the Israeli military have methods and tactics that could be employed on the black ops side as well as conventional methods. How far will THEY go. ALL of them involved.......
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