Ideas From Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V.


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1 February 2007
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These are taken from an EADS presentation at Paris on its Innovation Works "virtual" R&D organisation. They show "new air transport concepts" produced by its Bauhaus Luftfart aviation research "think tank" in Germany.

The first two appear to be a small fan-in-wing VTOL transport, either a regional or business jet, while the latter pair are rather unusual rotorcraft concepts...


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Re: EADS Innovation Works concepts

That last one... a Quad Tilt Wing/Rotor????
Re: EADS Innovation Works concepts

More style than substance, perhaps, given the "Bauhaus" connection. But interesting that the Germans have not given up on VTOL airliners...
Re: EADS Innovation Works concepts

The Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V. is an association with a certain support from the state,
that means, supporting it, generally is profitable for companies, as it slightly reduces
the amount of taxes ... ;) It's not really a subsidiary of EADS.
But the third design, this 3 engined thing with bent wings and tail, that just have catched
a VW Beetle, reminds me tremendous to the good old Colani designs !
Oh, I really miss them ! But I couldn't find, that he's a member .... ;D
Those funky Bauhaus folks..

...are at it again. This is from a presentation by German engine company MTU. It is labelled HyLiner Boxwing. The other images - including another view of the Boxwing - are from the Bauhaus Luftfahrt website:

There was a previous thread on the Bauhaus "think tank"...,2054.0.html


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Re: Those funky Bauhaus folks..

I think the Bauhaus boxwing's pretty sweet looking. Much better than the tubes-with-wings flying around today, and yes in this case this even includes the Connie and Concorde!

BTW, are these the same Bauhaus guys that take Mercedes-Benz AMGs and shove another 500 HP into them or the like?
Re: EADS Innovation Works concepts


Bauhaus Luftfahrt presented the first-ever model of a 300-seat, ultra-efficient aircraft called the "Claire-Liner" at the 2008 Berlin Air

Fuel can be saved by reconfiguring the wings. A box-wing combines two different wing shapes. The overall shape has extremely good
aerodynamic characteristics and also makes the aircraft very stable.

EADS is one of the founding members of Bauhaus Luftfahrt, which is an internationally oriented think tank that develops sustainable, innovative solutions for future air transportation. Its research projects take a holistic approach to the complex system of aviation, taking into account technical, economic, social and ecological aspects.



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Re: EADS Innovation Works concepts


The air transportation of tomorrow will have to live up to the highest economical and ecological standards. HyLiner is a hybrid aircraft that will meet these expectations. "Hybrid” in this case refers to a combination of individual technologies into an ideal whole. The mission (short- and long takeoff), flight dynamics, propulsion, steering and materials all belong to the hybrid concept. The goal – based on a collection of potential ideas and technologies – is the development of concepts, designs and eventually flying models for an ultra-quiet, low-emission mid-range aircraft with extremely short take-off capabilities.

The Hyliner ESTOL with Liftfans is a jet for medium ranges able to take-off on very short runways. To save fuel, this version of the Hyliner ESTOL would fly at approx. mach 0.75. To increase lift, various possibilities are being investigated. Options include thrust vectoring technology, applied to engines with a high bypass ratio and a lift fan system integrated in the wings.



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Re: EADS Innovation Works concepts

Hyliner is a concept HYbrid airLINER combining different technologies.

Here the Hyliner ESTOL with Liftfans, a jet for medium range able to start on very short runways. The lift-fan technology is integrated into the wing in order to give better ascending force to the aircraft when it is starting.

NOTE: Image has been reduced in size.



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Re: EADS Innovation Works concepts

The Hyliner with tilt wing rotors can take off vertically like a helicopter and cruise like a fixed wing aircraft. It is a multi-modal transportation concept able to lift rail cars with passengers or goods off of a train, transport them over a short distance by air, then put them down in another place either onto rails, or onto a ship, or onto a road vehicle. Passengers could so travel by various means of transportation without leaving their seats.



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Re: EADS Innovation Works concepts

Triton said:

If I remember correctly, the turbine engines are buried in the tail and power the fans remotely, maybe by direct drive via a C drivetrain. The engines are actually mounted backwards to take advantage of a special thermal recovery heat exchanger configuration (though the C bends for the inlet and exhaust tubes hurt efficiency you would think...).
Re: Those funky Bauhaus folks..

Brilliant design!

Here's more on Bauhaus and their HyLiner fan-in-wing business jet project:

A calculation method for parametric design studies of V/STOL aircraft

Also, a small item found online on the MTU Aero Engines website:

Bavarian think tank

Bauhaus Luftfahrt bears a proud name and lives up to it. Inspired by the tradition of the Bauhaus, in the 1920s a school of design in Dessau, Germany, the Munich think tank focuses on the future of aviation. Under the roof of the system management company, engineers, designers and economists collaborate in an interdisciplinary effort, closely meshing science and industry.

Since its launch in November two years ago as a joint venture of EADS, MTU Aero Engines, Liebherr-Aerospace and the Free State of Bavaria, the small blue-chip company is growing slowly but securely. “We keep expanding and have some intriguing vacancies you will find on our Web page,” explains Prof. Dr. Klaus Broichhausen, who has been leading Bauhaus from day one.


Another topic here on Bauhaus (perhaps they should be merged?):,2054.0.html
Re: New ideas for aircraft from Germany

Some of those designs look like something Luigi Colani would make.

I wonder how well they would fly?
Re: New ideas for aircraft from Germany

Is no. 4 an airplane or the gondola to a hybrid airship? What are those cables?
Via the link Jemiba posted (found under 'Airplane Concept'):​

Landing gear and tires are about 20 % of an average airplanes weight. Therefore aviation industries are searching for alternatives. Our concept combines lightweight hovercraft technologies and a box wing airplane. This light airplane consumes less fuel, saves time and needs less space while landing and take off. The result: a lot of energy could be saved and the whole infra structure of airports could be changed in the future as well. Project partner: Jan Weigand.
Neat, but regardless of technical merit, I can't see airport authorities stepping up to make the the billion-dollar investments in infrastructure to make this work. The hybrid joined wing configuration is interesting, though.
Also, there is something to be said for landing-gear and landing skids... yes, it might be more efficient not to have them, but this seems a bit too complex a solution...
I do agree that it would be interesting to see a detailed analysis of this particular box-wing configuration.
New concept for the ILA 2012 in Berlin.
All-Electric Airliner Feasible by 2035–Bauhaus Luftfahrt
By John Morris
Source: AWIN First
September 08, 2012
An all-electric, zero-emissions airliner could be in service by 2035 if the aerospace industry pursues development of the necessary technologies over the next two decades, according to the prestigious Bauhaus Luftfahrt think tank.

Extensive studies of realistic roadmaps for future lithium batteries, high-temperature superconducting motors, aerodynamics, structures and materials show these can all be ready by 2030, with entry into service five years later, says Dr. Askin T. Isikveren, the head of Bauhaus’ Visionary Aircraft Concepts research group.

Bauhaus says the most economically feasible aircraft will be a 190-seater regional airliner for routes up to 900 miles. “In 2035, 79% of the world’s aircraft of this size will be used on these stage lengths,” he says, providing a ready market.

But will airlines want to buy an all-electric airplane in the A320/737 category, instead of its rival, which Bauhaus assumes for comparative purposes to be a turbofan-powered airliner with electrical architecture based on the Boeing 787 but evolved to 2035 technology?

Bauhaus’ Ce-Liner will be about 40,000 lb heavier than an A320, he allows, incurring 21% more in navigation fees and 14% more in airport charges, but it will recoup all of this through avoiding emissions taxes. “All in all, it will be a cash-neutral outcome compared to the equivalent evolution of a 2010 aircraft,” says Isikveren.

Is it worth doing just to break even? “One can get zero emissions for a neutral cash operating cost,” he insists. And then one must consider the benefit to the environment. The highly ambitious goals of the EU’s FlightPath 2050 vision for aviation call for a reduction of 75% in CO2 emissions and a 65% reduction in noise from aircraft in 2000 “and challenges like these can be met only through new ideas and innovations, through thinking in ambitious terms.”

Bauhaus Luftfahrt is exhibiting here for the first time in its own booth at Hall 2/2407.
Source: Aviation Week


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Let's see... 'Charge Carrying Containers' (batteries) in the underfloor hold area, replacing the baggage and revenue earning cargo, and ah,yes 'high temperature superconducting motors'; think it will be a while before those become available...

They aren't thinking just years, but decades ahead. Today the best "high temperature superconductor"
just needs temperatures of around -138 C, but development is still on. And if we'll get electric energy from
wind- , solar- and tide-power stations more or less for free, than even saacrificing some underfloor cargo
volume will be lucrative ! ;D


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A rival concept to 'no. 4':,7182.msg192395.html#msg192395


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here is anther ideas from Bauhaus Luftfahrt.


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