I’m making this thread in general for content related to Houthi rockets and missiles created from old soviet weapons. Slow bc I’m on my phone, but I’m going to lean heavily on Oryx and r/combatfootage for this, with a smattering of others
If Iran can supply Houthi rebels with 2,100km missiles, what is the point in the MTCR?

New ballistic, cruise and loitering missiles were shown by the Houthis in the recent military parade in Sanaa, Yemen. Among the new missiles on display was the Quds-3 cruise missile, believed to be a new, longer-range variant of the Iranian Soumar cruise missile.

Quds 3 – a new cruise missile. Like its two predecessors (Quds 1 and 2), Quds-3 is powered by a small turbojet engine, yet it is larger and capable of flying over a longer range. Quds cruise missiles are programmed to fly at a low level and have demonstrated effective radar avoidance capability. They are designed to perform precision attacks on a pre-programmed location based on the target coordinates. The missile achieves an initial velocity using a solid propellant booster which is separated once the missile achieves its cruising velocity.

According to the Iranwatch.org missile report, Quds-1 has a range of 800 km. The second-generation Quds-2, which corresponds with the Iranian Soumar (also known as Hoveyzeh) missiles, has a range of 1,350 km. The range of Quds 3 was not mentioned by the Houthis but is believed to be longer than Quds 2, as the missile diameter is larger, thus capable of carrying a larger fuel tank and warhead. These missiles are based on an Iranian derived from Soviet-era air-launched Kh55 cruise missiles acquired from Ukraine in the late 1990s. The range of Quds-1 is assumed to be 700 km, with Quds-3 achieving three times that range.

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I think London and Paris may already be on the case just need to persuade Berlin.
Mind you the way things are in Vladland it may be the Houthi supplying drones to them.
View: https://twitter.com/mercoglianos/status/1765739450066170148

Despite being widely reported as British-owned, it turns out that the only UK link to Rubymar was its insurance, which is now being disputed by the owners, who have been told that war risk was not part of the fixed-premium deal they signed up to.
Responsibility for the clean-up of oil spills would normally fall to the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds. However Rubymar is a bulk carrier not an oil tanker and therefore IOPC Funds do not apply.
The International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage could apply. However, the treaty states: “No liability for pollution damage shall attach to the shipowner if the shipowner proves that: (a) the damage resulted from an act of war, hostilities, civil war, insurrection or a natural phenomenon of an exceptional, inevitable and irresistible character.”
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View: https://x.com/UKikaski/status/1814831058317418699

View: https://x.com/UKikaski/status/1814806550617461108

There's a veritable feast of potential targets Israel could hit if the Houthis persist.

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This potential move is believed to be in response to President Biden's approval of Ukraine's use of US-supplied weapons on Russian soil.

Yeah sure, brilliant tactical move Vlad. This will only get the remaining limitations lifted.
Yeah sure, brilliant tactical move Vlad. This will only get the remaining limitations lifted.
Plus proper longer range strike missiles sent to Ukraine. If the Houthis actually managed to hit a USN vessel with a Russian missile, there'd likely be Ukrainian-fired Dark Eagles raining down on Moscow and Sukhoi/MiG factories and design bureaus. As for the Black Sea Fleet, there wouldn't be one.
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Most of the targets you see there are not in Houthi controlled territory. Houthis control territory from Marib Basin to the coast. But they only control part of the coast from around 50 miles south of Hudaydah to the Saudi border (although some of those areas are disputed).

A blockade, with inspection of all civilian vessels would be the sensible option. The only port the Houthi's control is Hudaydah. Beyond that there is only about 3/4 tiny fishing ports along the entire c200 mile coast that they control....
Most of the targets you see there are not in Houthi controlled territory. Houthis control territory from Marib Basin to the coast. But they only control part of the coast from around 50 miles south of Hudaydah to the Saudi border (although some of those areas are disputed).

A blockade, with inspection of all civilian vessels would be the sensible option. The only port the Houthi's control is Hudaydah. Beyond that there is only about 3/4 tiny fishing ports along the entire c200 mile coast that they control....
Indeed, this shows Houthi territory.


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