Get your favourite project modelled by Jozef Gatial!!!

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overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
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Boxkite has come up with an interesting idea which Jozef has kindly agreed to.

The idea is we all nominate different projects we would love to see Jozef work his magic on, and then I will create a poll that will run for a week of the various nominees.

The rules would be:

1) Only 1 nomination per person.
2) The nominator must be able to supply workable drawings to Jozef.
3) Project should ideally not be well illustrated currently (lets not reinvent the wheel.
4) Should Jozef really dislike the project we choose he has the power of veto.
5) Once the poll is over, Jozef can take as long as he needs to model it. Paying work may have to take priority.

So, what do you think?

Nominations can be put here....
Oh wow!

Just one....oh dear....


Lockheed Suntan


If it's possible :

Payen Pa-430 CV

Lockheed X-24C L301

The McDonnell hypersonic vehicles could be fascinating too.
Fairey Delta III for the F-155T
overscan said:
The idea is we all nominate different projects we would love to see Jozef work his magic on, and then I will create a poll that will run for a week of the various nominees.

Point of order: I recommend that the poll be in two discrete phases:
1) Anybody can suggest anythign phase, lasting a pre-set number of days
2) Poll phase, lasting a pre set number of days... with *no* new submissions in that time. That way, there's a fixed list.
Well, I know many will dislike this but... Boeing's JSF contender, the final configuration 374 with the 4 poster tail. Please!
SARO P.187. So ugly it's attention getting. So big for it's role it's astonishing. It would look good shown with another aircraft for size comparison. Maybe a SARO P.177 or something Jozef has already done.
elider said:
SARO P.187. So ugly it's attention getting. So big for it's role it's astonishing. It would look good shown with another aircraft for size comparison. Maybe a SARO P.177 or something Jozef has already done.

2nd vote for the SARO P.187.
I want a B-58 B !

Jozef Gatial works on Convair Super Hustler
so why not the Carrier Aircraft also ?
The Morane Saulnier MS.1001 Statodyne : Fast and VTOL ! ;)
The Morane Saulnier MS.1001 Statodyne : Fast and VTOL !

At last a French contender! Good idea, but I would prefer to see an early unbuilt Kamov design - the 'non-helicopter' Ka-20 from 1948/49. To realize this a Kamov archivist has to help me providing with Kamov's thesis - but this is unthinkable :( . Flateric ;) ?

So let me be a realist. I would like to see a composite: The Tupolev '108' in its delta wing configuration equipped with four P-8 turboprop engines, dropping the Tupolev '100' (as piloted version).

If composite systems are not allowed for this poll, please let me see the Entwicklungsring Nord ERNO 611 V/STOL transport (apparantly the first non-pure military aircraft in this topic). A three-view drawing with dimension is available.

Paul, should the members illustrate their proposals by/with small drawings for better imagination in the final poll?
An excellent idea Thomas.

I'll leave the nominations running for two more days. Once we have the list of contenders I will need pictures of all of them. I'm happy to provide some drawings from my archives...
Thomas, do you have drawing of Tu-108? I saw only sketch from top view. If this plane will be not winner my painting buffer is still full of Steven Hawkins's Black Holes. Really I begin to like this your idea. Secret home archives are slowly opened... but for common use, I think
overscan said:
Deltafan said:
If it's possible :
Payen Pa-430 CV
Care to share a drawing? No idea what that is.

very little (9,5 x 3,4 cm) drawing of this plane that i saw only in the book "Die schnellsten Propellerflugzeuge der Welt" (Ferdinand C. W. Käsmann, Aviatic Verlag, 1996, p.69).

It's the Payen Pa.430CV project for 1938
He seems relatively similar to the Pa.112C1 project (with only 2 x 100 PS)
Thanks to Dany Soar :

At the end of the book (p.164 and 165), a board sais :
Payen Pa 430CV "Fléchair" (N R Payen, F Baudot) 1937 2x radial engines Gnome & Rhône 14M/Baudot (2x 735 kW/1000 PS) contraprops
Length : 9,30 m
Span : 6,60 m
wing area : 27 m²
Flügelstreckung (Wing-?) : 1,6
swept : 67°
flying weight : 3 500 kg
Weight/wing area : 130 kg/m²

P.69, it is wrote too :
"(...) 2x 650 PS Gnome-et-Rhône 14M "Mars". Foreseen for 800 km/h (...)"
My vote is for Consolidated XB-36 July 1942 mockup configuration flying high over European sky
Thomas, do you have drawing of Tu-108? I saw only sketch from top view.

Damn, I'm still looking for my copy of Vladimir Rigmant's "Samolyoty OKB A. N. Tupoleva" book, but I'm afraid to find only the top view :'( . Visiting Vladimir Rigmant in his flat in 1999 I've seen many color prints of wooden Tupolev wind tunnel models. Several of them he used later for articles in the "Air Fleet" and "Vestnik"(?) magazines. I have to dig through my collection ... tomorrow.
Feel free to choose a version ! :D
Maybe taking off from a dispersed site near a typical
french chateau ?


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I am missing three-view drawings of the most interesting Tupolev designs badly. I've checked several books and magazines - unfortunately, only a top view (delta '108' with turboprops) or single model pictures ('135K' with '136' spaceplane or '139' with a huge ballistic missile on its belly) exist :( . So please, my contender is the ERNO 611. General arrangement will follow soon.
This is the unspectacularly ERNO 611. No chance of winning, but there's no accounting for tastes ;) . (Jozef will get the drawing in higher resolution if case of a wonder.)

SOURCE: "Planungsvorschlag und Unterlagen für die Entwicklung eines Transportsystems für den Einsatz ab 1979 (Arbeitsdokument für Vorbereitungsphase) - Teil 1" (VFW 'in-house publication')


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"ERNO 611. No chance of winning"

Why not ?
In a colourful SAR livery, in stormy weather over a sinking ship ...
I really can see this great picture ! ;)
Lockheed's SENIOR PEG design!
I’m going to suggest the Hawker P.1154. Sure it’s a well known ‘what-if’ aircraft but there is no (public) CGI artwork of it. Plus a single model could provide plenty of potential artwork with both RN and RAF versions plus NATO (USMC, F-16/Tornado customers, etc) and international (IN, IAF, RAN, RAAF, RNZAF, RSAF, Iran pre revolution) export in service from 1968-70 through to about now.
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