German Sailplanes and Projects


Fight for yor Right!
14 January 2007
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I search for pics, drawings and the data sheet of some german sailplanes and sailplane-projects. I hope you know more...

The types I search for: Braunschweiger Verein für Luftfahrt (BBL) 1 + 2
Akaflieg Braunschweig S.B. 4 and S.B. 6 "Till Eulenspiegel"
Akaflieg Dresden D-B.4 "Ebersbach" / D-B.7 "Ferdinand"
Akaflieg Danzig Dz.2 "Libelle" / Dz.3 "Onkel Ferdinand" / Dz.5 and Dz.6
Berlin F.A.B. 1 and F.A.B. 4

Thanks for your help.

Was at the States Library this week and got "100 Jahre Akaflieg Berlin" amongst others (watch out for mail).
Noz sure, that it answers your question, at least partially, but there is a glider "B 1" mentioned, named "Charlotte",
because it was built in Berlin-Charlottenburg. It was a tailless glider designed during 1921 by Hermann Winter and
Edmund Pfister and deestined for participation in the "3. Rhönwettbewerb" (3. Rhön contest" 1922. With the help of
the Sablatnig company, it was ready for this contest, but crashed, because the flight controls were different from the
usual ones and the pilot hadn't had enough time for training. The wreckage was brought back to Berlin, for about 150 km
of this journey using a kind of handcart (B-1_03.jpg) ! The B 1 was rebuilt and redesignated as B 3, still named "Charlotte".
( (B-1_05/6.jpg) Although you asked for the F.A.B.1, I think, that it's identical with this B 1, as no "F.A.B." designations are
mentioned in this book. "B" clearly stood for "Berlin", maybe "F.A." stould for "Flugabteilung", or something like that ?


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I saw many of those sailplanes in a Germany site from a while,I will search about
it again.
The other aircraft designed by the Akaflieg Berlin you asked about, the "F.A.B.4" maybe is a little
bit more problematic. Mentioned is a "B 4" also designated "A.B.4", but it isn't a glider but a motor
aircraft. The "Deutsche-Luftfahrt-Verband" (German Aviation Association), short DLV had started
a contest for a "Volksflugzeug" (peoples aircraft) in 1930, which should meet the following criteria:
- cheap to build and maintain
- easy to fly, but able to do aerobatics
- aeroclubs should be able to build it by themselves.
The Akaflieg Berlin answered with a design by Dr. Martin Schrenk and Walter Stender. As construction
was quite prolonged and took considerably longer, than expected, the designation "FF" (fast fertig =
nearly finished) was used as an internal joke, but this designation actually found its way into several
contemporary publications ! The design was declared the winner of the contest in 1931 and shown
publicly for the first time on the DELA (Deutsche Luftsportausstellung=Germna Aviation Sport Exhibition).
Unfortunately, the fate of this aircraft isn't mentioned.


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Hi friends,

thanks for your answers..., but this is not the information I need. Wurger: Yes, I know this great site, but there are only small info about sailplanes. Jemiba: the A.B. 4 is an aircraft built by the Akaflieg Berlin, the F.A.B. 4 is a project by the F.A.G. Berlin (Flugtechnische Arbeitsgemeinschaft) der Ingenieurschule Beuth in the 1940s.
Sorry, then it isn't mentioned, what seems a bit strange to me. Maybe the Ingenieurschule Beuth wasn't
integrated into the Akflieg ?
Jemiba said:
Sorry, then it isn't mentioned, what seems a bit strange to me. Maybe the Ingenieurschule Beuth wasn't
integrated into the Akflieg ?

Jens, I don't think Maveric ever said these projects were part of Akaflieg. Go back to the initial post and see for yourself...
Indeed, you're right, sorry. All were Akaflieg designs with the exception of the designs
from Berlin. The Ingenieurschule bestowed the title "Ing.grad" (graduated engineer), but
"Dipl.Ing." (Master of engineering) was accepted as an academic title. That could be the
reason, that the F.A.G. didn't join the Akafliegs.
Anyway, Maveric, if you ever find something on these aircraft, please share with us, ok? What was the role intended for those two F.A.B.`s?
Found the Akaflieg Dresden D-B. 7 "Ferdinand" on (great site!!!).


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Hi Wurger,

the F.A.B. 1 was a project for a powered sailplane between 1936 and 1937.

the F.A.B. 4 was a metal double seat training sailplane. The full text in the article (Flieger Revue Extra No.32): "Das letzte Projekt sollte ebenfalls ein Metallflugzeug werden. Gedacht war der Doppelsitzer hauptsächlich für die kostengünstige Vorausbildung im Motorflug." (1941)

Servus Maveric
A 3view drawing of the Akaflieg Danzig Dz.4 Pinguin can be found in Part II of Flieger Revue Extra about the Akafliegs.

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