Future Lukashevich & Afanas'ev 'Space Wings' book


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1 April 2006
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The news from Vadim Lukashevich and Igor Afanasiev: Spiral book will become Vol.1 of two-volume set, with vol.2 dedicated to Buran, MAKS and Kliper. Due to the wish to include other projects from the USSR and the West, and amount of additional declassified info that appeared after start of the writing, publishing postponed to the later summer or even autumn, but will definitely done to the date of Buran maiden flight 20th anniversary. Book should become an ultimate source on Soviet/Russian reusable spacecrafts, and as you can judge from www.buran.ru, it will be illustrated with cool 3D renderings and rare photos. Once more thanks for all SPF members who made their contribution, and they will be not forget as promised.
ook should become an ultimate source on Soviet/Russian reusable spacecrafts
Good news Flateric, I'll be waiting to order a copy.
The news from Vadim Lukashevich and Igor Afanasiev: Spiral book will become Vol.1 of two-volume set, with vol.2 dedicated to Buran, MAKS and Kliper. Due to the wish to include other projects from the USSR and the West, and amount of additional declassified info that appeared after start of the writing, publishing postponed to the later summer or even autumn, but will definitely done to the date of Buran maiden flight 20th anniversary. Book should become an ultimate source on Soviet/Russian reusable spacecrafts, and as you can judge from www.buran.ru, it will be illustrated with cool 3D renderings and rare photos. Once more thanks for all SPF members who made their contribution, and they will be not forget as promised.

Really good news. Please keep us informed, Greg.
flateric said:
Once more thanks for all SPF members who made their contribution, and they will be not forget as promised.

Good news, Flateric.... ;)
Got my Energiya-Buran yesterday. The authors requested Vadim Lukashevich to support them and he helped in any form. So the publication is highly recommended. (ISBN 978-0-387-69848-9)

Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to see Vadim's own 'babies' ;) .

Scott, please check your mailbox for Chelomei's LKS spaceplane ...
I will post here some teasers from an upcoming book, dedicated to Spiral, BORs and Buran, that I was talking about previously.
First comes Dyna-soar preliminary renderings from Alexander Shlyadinsky (St.Petersburg). Alexander is wery well known for his N1 (11A52) reconstruction drawings.


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With transtage added. Graphics by Alexander Shlyadinsky


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Burya and Buran intercontinental cruise missiles renderings
Graphics by Alexander Shlyadinsky


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I've said of this to author already.
The models are looking good :)
But the rendering needs some more work.
Tell him that he needs to make sure that all colored parts should remain colored, even when being lit with a strong light. White-out is something to avoid.


These are just preliminary renderings.
Dyna with Titan III


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Navaho, made using original NA scale model information info via Scott Lowther.
Graphics by Alexander Shlyadinsky

You will be surprised when you'll know that all this done using plain Autodesk AutoCAD!


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Dyna-Soar six-view
Graphics (c) Alexander Shlyadinsky


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AutoCAD...Peppe, BTW, still haven't heard from you - will you participate with your art?
flateric said:
AutoCAD...Peppe, BTW, still haven't heard from you - will you participate with your art?

Of course.

I'm sorry if I still didn't sent anything.
In the last times I was too busy on more sides.

Anyway Gregory I will send you, via your e-mail, the drawing related to X15 and X20 asap.
If you need further drawings about other subjects let me know.

Please still a little patience.....
Dyna-Soar deorbit burn and landing configuration renderings
Graphics (c) Alexander Shlyadinsky


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Really great graphic!!!

Greetings to Alexander, I use Autocad by almost 12 years and I was never able to do something like this (even if I realizied a 3D model of the ISS for one ESA publication).
We surely must reach Josef's level at one perfect day=)
Giuseppe, bunch of your excellent drawings will be used as well...book will be true result of international cooperation.
This is teaser preview of one of the chapters.


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flateric said:
We surely must reach Josef's level at one perfect day=)
Giuseppe, bunch of your excellent drawings will be used as well...book will be true result of international cooperation.

I'm really glad, asap I will send you vectorial drawings as X20 XB70/X15 Delta as well, as also PRIME and ASSET.
I found out the first chapter really excellent, I'm eager to see the whole result (I would also be eager to see it even if I've never participated with my drawings....).
flateric said:
We surely must reach Josef's level at one perfect day=)

Mmmm....something I'm pretty sure to not reach the marvellous 3D capabilities of Jozef Gatial, I'm content if I'm able to produce nice 2Ds......
This is teaser preview of one of the chapters.

Oh my God!

Any possibility of an English edition?.

I love that marvellous books coming from Russia but I'll not have time to learn your language until my retirement...and this will ocur no earlier than 2030 :( :'(
Dyna-Soar with 4 paxes cutaway - made using Scott's data.
Graphics (c) Alexander Shlyadinsky


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X-15 chapter with Archipeppe's artwork


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Due to the additional information that became available recent months (like access to archives of Eugen Sänger via help of his son, Hermuth) and, as one could expect, crisis factors, book is postponed. It will, meanwhile, see the light of the day till April, 12, a Cosmonautics Day.

It grew to glossy 450 hardbound pages with 600+ illustrations, and will be published in moderate print of 1000 copies. Price TBD, but now it's floating around 80-90 bucks.

All people from the forum who made their invaluable income in creation of a book, will not be forgotten, as promised.

Stay tuned.
well, new date is mid of August...

496 pages, 700+ illustrations, more than half of them are previously unpublished


total run of 1500 copies, just 1000 will go for retail sales

those who made their input, will get a free copy


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That work looks so brilliant that I think I'm going to buy it first and later I'll try to solve how can I read it ;)

Flateric, will it be easy to order from a web?

Vadim and Igor just have took the whole print batch from publisher.
Of 1500 copies, just 1000 will go for sale.

Book price is $65 (not includes S&H) - it's not that much for Letter-size 496 pages in full color, 700 photos and illustrations, many of the previously unpublished and declassified for this edition. 80 unique drawings

For orders, contact Vadim Lukashevich directly at buran@buran.ru
As PayPal doesn't allow Russian residents to receive funds from abroad, and services like Western Union want cuckoo comission for transfers, I think that the best way for payments would be banking transfer (of what I've said to authors). Hope they will arrange it soon.

I'll get my copy tomorrow and will give you fast review.

Those who made their solid contribution, will receive their free copy nearest months - we forced to use ground shipping as we are not millionaires.

P.S. This is Volume One of planned three, dedicated to winged space systems. Second is 60% ready, third is 40%.
I received my copy yesterday (as I made a small contribution) - a very curious and wary postman handed it over to me pointing out "It's from Russia - look, it says Moscow - that's Russia you know!" I should point out that I live in rural Hungary, not far from an old Soviet airbase so they know the Russians well round here!

Anyway, the book. First impressions: A large, solid, well produced book, colour throughout, wonderful quality, especially the artwork, but the overriding impression is one of overwhelming detail and thoroughness. My schoolboy Russian allows me only the merest glimpse of what level of detail there must be in text, but the images, photos and drawings alone are spectacular. The section on the X-15 contains stuff I hadn't seen before, and the chapters on Spiral and related projects - well, I doubt very much if 10% of what's there has ever seen the light of day before. I can't recommend it too highly, even if you can't read a word of Russian, the pictures are drawings alone are well worth it. I'll be picking my way through it for months to come. Vols 2 & 3? I can hardly wait!
aemann said:
I received my copy yesterday

A copy arrived in the mail today.

Anyway, the book. First impressions: A large, solid, well produced book, colour throughout, wonderful quality, especially the artwork, but the overriding impression is one of overwhelming detail and thoroughness. My schoolboy Russian allows me only the merest glimpse of what level of detail there must be in text, but the images, photos and drawings alone are spectacular. The section on the X-15 contains stuff I hadn't seen before, and the chapters on Spiral and related projects - well, I doubt very much if 10% of what's there has ever seen the light of day before. I can't recommend it too highly, even if you can't read a word of Russian, the pictures are drawings alone are well worth it. I'll be picking my way through it for months to come. Vols 2 & 3? I can hardly wait!

Agreed in full. A western publishing company would be well advised to give serious consideration to translating this into English and publishing it in the Anglosphere.

I've a number of Russian/Eastern European aviation books... and I can read not a single word out of the bunch of 'em. But I can tell that this is by far the best and most professionally done of the bunch.
My copy is arrived a couple of days ago.
Asap I hope to read it, anyway I know little Russian that allow me to understand the sense of the script, this is sufficient to me.
The rest is only a joy for my eyes.....
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