Free old French Aircraft Magazines available on the net


ACCESS: Top Secret
8 May 2006
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Hi, i don't know if this info is known on Secretprojects, and i hope i am on the good part of the site to create this topic :

from french site Aerostories i learned about a french site (Gallica) where old magazines are digitally available (for free).

Among these magazines, there are three old french aviation magazines : Les Ailes (943 issues from 1921 to 1940), L'aérophile (303 issues from 1893 to 1947) and L'aéronautique (177 issues from 1919 to 1940) :

There is La revue aérienne too (132 issues from 1908 to 1914) :

It's not high definition (and in french...)... But i think there is some interesting stuffs to find there about old french or other flying objects projects :) (some will be in the Payen topics soon ;D ;))
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Excellent my dear Deltafan,

but how to make a download,I try on download icon,but I can't.
When you got a page you must click (left) on the right top of the page on "Télécharger / Imprimer" to download this page. :)
Deltafan said:
When you got a page you must click (left) on the right top of the page on "Télécharger / Imprimer" to download this page. :)

Thank you my dear Deltafan.
Gallica is the bibliotheque nationale de France browser.If I was a jerk (but I'm not) I would say "congrats folks, you re-discovered France own Library of Congress" ;D
Archibald said:
Gallica is the bibliotheque nationale de France browser.If I was a jerk (but I'm not) I would say "congrats folks, you re-discovered France own Library of Congress" ;D

Except the Library of Congress (or any other major U.S. public library that I'm aware of) doesn't share old aviation magazines online!!!
I speak French and was unaware that such old magazines were available online as I assumed the French copyright laws would prevent it. This is fantastic! For example, in about 30 seconds I found these images of one of my favorites, the Mauboussin M.40 Hémiptère, that I had never seen before. Thanks, Deltafan!


  • mauboussin hemiptere les ailes 1936-06-18.jpg
    mauboussin hemiptere les ailes 1936-06-18.jpg
    251.6 KB · Views: 249
Online publication of these documents seems fairly recent, a couple of years ago I searched Gallica for similar content and it was definitely not there.
A few early volumes of L'Aéronautique which are not on Gallica are available at, courtesy of the MIT library:
Only slightly related, but I am sitting in Paris-CDG airport right now and had some time to kill during my layover today so I went over to the French national air and space museum at Le Bourget. For once, I lucked out, as their library is only open on Saturdays on the first Saturday of the month, which is today! I was only able to make some photocopies and take some bad phone camera photos of photos, but I'll have some stuff to post when I get back home next weekend on both the Farman "Moustique" series and the Mauboussin "Hémiptère." Cheers, Matthew
The Server is failure and went down,is that me only ?.
The Server is failure and went down,is that me only ?.
No, but you need sometimes to get out and try again a few time later. The first days that I used it, I needed to do so many times. But yesterday, for example, there was no problem.
My dear Deltafan,

I always find this.


  • 1.png
    41.3 KB · Views: 31
My dear Deltafan,

I always find this.
I Don't know why. Maybe it's your computer or your access provider.

I tried one hour ago, I failed to open the webpage, but I tried just before this post and there was no problem.
Bravo Deltafan ! You solved two issues a) the lack of Flight Global archive and (related) b) finding something to do during that dreadful lockdown
For the administrators : is it possible to change the name of the topic with : Free old French Aircraft Magazines available on the net (or a more "good English" title ;) )

Of course !
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Bravo Deltafan ! You solved two issues a) the lack of Flight Global archive and (related) b) finding something to do during that dreadful lockdown
Yes, but warning : we are visibly a lot to do the same thing on Gallica and the site server seems to have trouble managing the influx of visitors ;)
Well, the server really seems to have been a bit overstretched, but worked quite ok during the last days.
Just a question:

Of the 26th of April 1956 issue, only some pages seem to be available and the 1st of April 1966 issue
seems not to be there at all. Anybody, who experienced the same ?
Of the 26th of April 1956 issue, only some pages seem to be available and the 1st of April 1966 issue
seems not to be there at all. Anybody, who experienced the same ?

And me too my dear Jemiba.
Of the 26th of April 1956 issue, only some pages seem to be available and the 1st of April 1966 issue
seems not to be there at all. Anybody, who experienced the same ?
For 26.04.56, I tried two times :
-the first time, I could not open page 7 and beyond page 16 (to page 26 and the cover)
-the second time there was sometimes a little white cross in a little black square instead of a page for some of the pages that I could open the first time, but I could open pages 22 and 26.

For 01.04.66, I tried three times :
-the first time I could open only page 7,
-the second time I could open pages 7, 11, 13 to 18, 22 to 24, 26 to 31, 33 and 39 to 54
-the third time, there was only a little white cross in a little black square for the pages 7 and 11, but I could open all the same others than during the second time.
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two new French aeronautical magazines on Gallica :

-Bulletin de l'Association des amis du Musée de l'Air (Newsletter of the Association of Friends of the French Air Museum of Le Bourget). 8 available years, 8 issues.

-Pégase : revue de l'association des amis du musée de l'air (Pegasus : journal of the Association of friends of the French Air Museum of Le Bourget). 44 available years, 170 issues.
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