

I really should change my personal text
23 January 2014
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I'm writing an article on "Frankenweapons," such as the "FrankenSAM" being developed for Ukraine. The definition of a Frankenweapon is blurry, but a reasonable definition would be a weapons system made up of components from multiple nations, or components from weapons that normally wouldn’t be combined.

Can anyone think of some good examples?
Cropdusters and CRISPR CAS-9 follow-ons....genetic engineering scares me more than the splitting of the atom ever did
during 2011 "Arabic Spring" there were allot "Frankenweapons" in Libya and Syria

like this rocket launcher from Libya
British 3 inch aerial rocket launchers fitted to tanks for ground-to-ground use (from Wiki):

In 1945, some British M4 Sherman tanks were fitted with two or four rails – one or two either side of the turret – to carry 60-pound headed rockets. These were used at the Rhine Crossing by tanks of the 1st Coldstream Guards. The tanks were called "Sherman Tulips".
British 3 inch aerial rocket launchers fitted to tanks for ground-to-ground use (from Wiki):

In 1945, some British M4 Sherman tanks were fitted with two or four rails – one or two either side of the turret – to carry 60-pound headed rockets. These were used at the Rhine Crossing by tanks of the 1st Coldstream Guards. The tanks were called "Sherman Tulips".
12th Manitoba Dragoons did much the same in their chase for improved Firepower with their Staghound armoured cars.
Some of the experiments were a fascinating study in improvisation .
during 2011 "Arabic Spring" there were allot "Frankenweapons" in Libya and Syria

like this rocket launcher from Libya
See what you can do with a modified Electrolux canister vacuum, just reverse the airflow and you can launch any thing, you can barely see the 500 mile extension cord as well. 2025 Tesla's have an option of Honda generator aux power units which also turns them into hybrids and not the hybrid which is a loaf on the top shelf either.

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