Frank Tinsley project: flat submarine for flying attack platforms 1950-s

The guy might be a great illustrator and artist, but he's clueless as an engineer.
The guy might be a great illustrator and artist, but he's clueless as an engineer.
His job wasn't to design practical mechanisms that would actually be built and work as advertised but to sell magazines. And I guess in that respect he was probably quite successful.
I love the retrofuturist design ethic..I hope you repost those pieces of art
I think OBB simply indicated he is one of the fellas here who like futuristic projects - and mildly disappointed with not being recognised as such. Could you please post the images again?
I cannot help the feeling, that this thread went out of control, because of misunderstandings.
Maybe that was at least partially, because not everyone here is a native English speaker, and
perhaps because rhetorical devices like irony sometimes are hard to recognise, even for native
Some people are more sensitive, than others, that's not derogatory, it's just normal, and I think,
everybody knows that, from work, family or the circle of friends. Perhaps it's a reasonable way,
if someone feels insulted just to explain, what was meant, in clear and unambiguous words, and
not letting go on an unnecessary discussion ? And perhaps, if someone is feeling insulted, he could
check again, if there really was an insult ?
I cannot help the feeling, that this thread went out of control, because of misunderstandings.
Maybe that was at least partially, because not everyone here is a native English speaker, and
perhaps because rhetorical devices like irony sometimes are hard to recognise, even for native
Well, I tried to communicate with him on Russian, and frankly, I couldn't figure out what exactly his problem is. He seems to be assuming that he is persecuted because we (including me) did not want him to share information. He also accused SecretProjects in launching DDOS attacks on Russian web libraries and sci-fi forums. I'm... puzzled, to say the least.
I cannot help the feeling, that this thread went out of control, because of misunderstandings.
Maybe that was at least partially, because not everyone here is a native English speaker, and
perhaps because rhetorical devices like irony sometimes are hard to recognise, even for native
Well, I tried to communicate with him on Russian, and frankly, I couldn't figure out what exactly his problem is. He seems to be assuming that he is persecuted because we (including me) did not want him to share information. He also accused SecretProjects in launching DDOS attacks on Russian web libraries and sci-fi forums. I'm... puzzled, to say the least.
Personally, I'm glad to see it. I was becoming afraid that that sort of personality is an American Exclusive; glad to see it's worldwide. Woo!

I got much the same via personal messages with him. I remain baffled where he got the idea that I "hate" him.
Well, without mentioning names (there's always the possibility, that colleagues, family members or the like
may have a look here), there are always people, who have difficulties to communicate with each other, for
what reason whatever.
If this happens here between two forum members, I always recommend the ignore function. To give no answer
at all (I know, that this may lead to torments of Tantalus, but ... persevere bravely !) should be a better way, than
giving an answer, that could be misinterpreted again.
This is a general advice, not related to any specific members here !
Much appreciated. Had been wondering what that beast's cross section was since seeing surfaced image as a chapter header image in Cold War Submarines book bought several years ago.
While it is outrageously impractical, who knows, maybe BECAUSE it is outrageously impractical, I rather like the thing.
A radio control model with some animation could be fun.
No, I'm not going to build one.
Barnes Wallis proposed a similar pressure-hull layout in 1965. See Iain Murray's Bouncing Bomb Man, pp. 217-19. Rather than being for shore assault, it was for deep diving and was to fire Polaris SLBMs horizontally, as if they were big torpedoes. Here's an image of it 'naked' I found online - the real one would have had a hydrodynamic outer hull, a la Typhoon.

Wasn't there some talk of submarine Very Large Crude Carrier type vessels? The art above might make for a good LNG ship.
See also Mitchell, Saunders Roe P.212, Fairfield, 'Moby Dick' SSN. a design for a large nuclear powered cargo submarine :eek:
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