What is going on with the Italian Secret Projects Book?

I little update : now is not avaible on ibs.it and amazon.it , seems be disappeared by Crecy.co.uk .:oops::oops::oops::oops: . Probably will be avaible on September ( i hope ).
I wonder if that implies a revision/rewrite following a test print, as a printing/delivery delay would normally just see the release date put back as they generally are rather than pull it completely off the website ?
I wonder if that implies a revision/rewrite following a test print, as a printing/delivery delay would normally just see the release date put back as they generally are rather than pull it completely off the website ?
There maybe still a 'proprietary' problem with 'meshing' the texts and illustrations of the 'two' (originally intended) authors: SKYBOLT and PELZIG(?)
Hi Ed! Do you know anything about this book?
I was in contact with Crecy. Is explained this is due to the corona virus. Do not know what it meant, but maybe the author / group around the book was infected.
Calm down, calm down. Get a grip.

There are many reasons a book can be delayed, principally the author having a proper job. Not many of us have the benefit of writing for a living, being paid on a regular basis to produce works.

Aside for having a day job, digging out new material can delay publication, which is very much the case with The General Staff and the Helicopter, which is essentially three years behind schedule.

Personal circumstances can change, and I'd like to think you'd put your family and your/their health before a book.

Other folk can impact a publishing schedule for example your layer-out might be laid low or get another job.

Global situations also change qv pandemics. In general stuff still works in the Covid world but how we work has changed. Adapting to that takes time. Just wait until Yellowstone goes up, nowt will be working.

So, in short, please leave the man alone.


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-NgDbK9N6g
Calm down, calm down. Get a grip.
Not many of us have the benefit of writing for a living, being paid on a regular basis to produce works.

And those of us that do are not paid to produce works like Italian Secret Projects, sadly enough.

I'm actually amazed that such specialized titles get published at all, much less in the numbers we see them these days. So, yes, delays are more than to be expected.
hesham said:

there is also many unknown old designs;

such as Ambrosini SAI-25 fighter,SAI-8 recce flying boat,SAI-9 recce bomber,
SAI-503 fighter,Breda Ba.92 & Ba.93 trainers,BZ.401 light recce bomber
seaplane,BZ.408 float version of BZ.308,CANSA FC.11 trainer,FC.14 developed
from FC.12,CANT Z.1003 land version of Z.506C,Z.1017 torpedo bomber,
Z.510 recce float bomber,CMASA BS.12 four engined seaplane,CMASA
J.S.54 flying boat,Macchi MC.203 recce seaplane,MC.300 fighter,
Piaggio P.25 biplane,P.110 recce seaplane and Umbra AUT.45 bomber.


Ambrosini SAI-504 fighter,Breda Ba.67 dive bomber,Ba.94 recce,Ba.99
bomber,Ba.100 fighter,Ba.202 attack aircraft,Ba.204 fighter & Ba.210
developed from Ba.201,CANSA CT-24,CANT Z.510 recce seaplane,Fiat
CR.23,CR.35,CR.44,CR.50,CR.55,BR.26,BR.30,BR.5,R.5,R.23 & R.25,
Macchi M.31,MC.91,MC.97 & MC.301,Piaggio P.117,Savioa-Marchetti
SM.96,SM.97 and SM.99.

Ambrosini SAI-307 & SAI-204,Breda 600,CANSA dive bomber glider,Caproni
various Projects,CMASA SN.16,Begna Flying Wing,Fiat CR.43,BR.22,BR.25,
BR.26 & many G series,Macchi MC.300,Piaggio various Projects and Umbra

I cannot speak to what the contents are of the book as I am sure they differ from what was originally posted when this project first got going. If you notice, I'm not listed as an author any longer. As far as I knew, the book had been on a slow burn for numerous reasons. My manuscript portion had been completed and turned in along with some of the illustrations as well as a good bit of the manuscript by Skybolt along with illustrations from him. Things got silent at Crecy after they bought Midland's properties and I sought to get it back going again. For a brief time, that seemed to be happening then silence again. Next thing I knew, someone sent me a link to the book on Crecy's site. I had no idea it had progressed to that point as I had zero communication from the company. I also noticed Skybolt was listed as the only author. I contacted Crecy only to be told the guy I had been communicating with was no longer with Crecy and the new person was unaware, seemingly, this was a joint book project. So, at this stage, the content I turned in likely is not in the book...or, at least it shouldn't be. I have asked Crecy to provide a content listing of what is in the book and if none of my content is there, I want them to release it back to me so I can shop it around elsewhere or self-publish it.

hesham said:

there is also many unknown old designs;

such as Ambrosini SAI-25 fighter,SAI-8 recce flying boat,SAI-9 recce bomber,
SAI-503 fighter,Breda Ba.92 & Ba.93 trainers,BZ.401 light recce bomber
seaplane,BZ.408 float version of BZ.308,CANSA FC.11 trainer,FC.14 developed
from FC.12,CANT Z.1003 land version of Z.506C,Z.1017 torpedo bomber,
Z.510 recce float bomber,CMASA BS.12 four engined seaplane,CMASA
J.S.54 flying boat,Macchi MC.203 recce seaplane,MC.300 fighter,
Piaggio P.25 biplane,P.110 recce seaplane and Umbra AUT.45 bomber.


Ambrosini SAI-504 fighter,Breda Ba.67 dive bomber,Ba.94 recce,Ba.99
bomber,Ba.100 fighter,Ba.202 attack aircraft,Ba.204 fighter & Ba.210
developed from Ba.201,CANSA CT-24,CANT Z.510 recce seaplane,Fiat
CR.23,CR.35,CR.44,CR.50,CR.55,BR.26,BR.30,BR.5,R.5,R.23 & R.25,
Macchi M.31,MC.91,MC.97 & MC.301,Piaggio P.117,Savioa-Marchetti
SM.96,SM.97 and SM.99.

Ambrosini SAI-307 & SAI-204,Breda 600,CANSA dive bomber glider,Caproni
various Projects,CMASA SN.16,Begna Flying Wing,Fiat CR.43,BR.22,BR.25,
BR.26 & many G series,Macchi MC.300,Piaggio various Projects and Umbra
We can all take notice: CRECY's (intended) subject-book is, now): no longer listed at all. (It hath disappeared entirely!) There seems to be some (unknown) skullduggery about it (perhaps including SKYBOLT's uncanny 'silence')? Methinks 'this' book is (now) a dead-end due entirely to the mismanagement of CRECY.
From Tony Buttler:

Dear All.

I have been in regular touch with Marco (Skybolt) about Italian Secret Projects. As I understand it he has a very high profile main job, and ISP has to fit around that. I believe he has also had possibly more than his fair share of health issues. Crecy really want to do the book and have been prepared to wait, but sometimes these things just take a long time.

I hope this explanation helps, but I can assure you that the delay is certainly not mismanagement by Crecy, a statement which frankly is pretty insulting!
From Tony Buttler:

Dear All.

I have been in regular touch with Marco (Skybolt) about Italian Secret Projects. As I understand it he has a very high profile main job, and ISP has to fit around that. I believe he has also had possibly more than his fair share of health issues. Crecy really want to do the book and have been prepared to wait, but sometimes these things just take a long time.

I hope this explanation helps, but I can assure you that the delay is certainly not mismanagement by Crecy, a statement which frankly is pretty insulting!
Well, at the least, my 'text' (finally) garnered a riposte. But the (recent) 'texts' by "Pelzig" remains the more telling.
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Ed is very deeply hurt.
What causes this to happend? I want to hear the explain by Crecy.
I hope that after all the problems have been resolved, this wonderful and expected book will be published.
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From Tony Buttler:

Dear All.

I have been in regular touch with Marco (Skybolt) about Italian Secret Projects. As I understand it he has a very high profile main job, and ISP has to fit around that. I believe he has also had possibly more than his fair share of health issues. Crecy really want to do the book and have been prepared to wait, but sometimes these things just take a long time.

I hope this explanation helps, but I can assure you that the delay is certainly not mismanagement by Crecy, a statement which frankly is pretty insulting!

Ed is very deeply hurt.
What causes this to happend? I want to hear the explain by Crecy.
I hope that after all the problems have been resolved, this wonderful and expected book will be published.
Suggest that Ed (when he gets-back custody of his manuscripts) -- will go straight to Fonthill Publishers (maybe Mushroom Model Publishing)? But this time: I suggest he completely 'reorient' his book towards a more 'generalized' presentation of all Italian aircraft -- akin to the 'classic' Jonathan Thompson: "Italian Civil and Military Aircraft: 193-45"(AERO Publishers/1963), the tome of which has yet to be equalled (or repeated) -- so as to not 'duplicate' SKYBOLT's opus.
I politely suggest we stop public discussions of what should really be private disagreements.

Ultimately Marco (Skybolt) has not yet completed his book. Crecy have given several release dates based on estimated completion dates, but until the book is completed, they cannot publish it, and can only rely on information given to them as to when it is likely to be finished.

I'm going to lock the topic until there are new developments on this.
Marco Comelli's book has been at the top of my list for months and months. Is it actually going to come out?

Amazon has it as forthcoming and there are a few on Abebooks for $175.

Eager to know the real story!

Dave G
I was on that thread and it was locked a few months ago due to nastiness. Just looking for an update since then.

I have just noticed that Book Depository and Brown's Books are both listing ISP with a publication date of December 01, 2023 from Crecy. Apologies if I am spreading false hope here, but dare we dream this is finally happening? Can anyone shed any further light on this development please?



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