Fictional German projects


Avation Enthusiast from VN
11 January 2010
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Could anyone identify these planes.These aircrafts seem unknown to me

Junkers SRF german pre war jet record
Jumker EF 115
Hutter Hu. "Zerstorer"
Horten X-1 and X-2
Dornier Do.238


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all fakes but the last picture which is named Do-238. This picture shows a follow-on project of Dornier Do-335 with several design improvements an Jumo 222 engines; never built and it was not named Do-238.

There were Horten Ho-X and Ho-XIII (latin numerics) projects but they looked different.
pometablava said:
References for those supposed real projects?

I've seen the first, the "speed record" plane, in a Heinz Nowarra book or two, along with a *lot* of other, similar configurations. Thhe second I've seen once or twice in rather archaic magazine articles.
Thanks for correction and clarification. Nevertheless one may question the authenticity of these projects - especially the Junkers EF 112 and EF 115 and all these Horten designs. As Justo´s citation shows, the author himself is doubtful about the originality of many sketches. For Horten projects, a reliable source seems to be "Nurflügel. Die Geschichte der Horten- Flugzeuge 1933 - 1960" (Flying Wing. The history of Horten aircrafts 1933-1960) for which one of the two Horten brothers was the coauthor. This book describes two fighter projects (besides the Horten Ho-IX / Gotha Go 229): the Horten Ho-X and the Ho-XIII. The Ho-X was a small single engined flying wing without a vertical stabilizer intended as a "Volksjäger" (peoples fighter) while the Ho-XIII was a sharply swept flying wing/delta with a large vertical stabilizer in which the pilot was placed (similar to the Lippisch P.13). The propulsion for both projects was to be the Heinkel He S 11 jet engine (the Ho-XIII had an additional Walter rocket engine for supersonic speeds).
The task has become huge for aviation researchers on areas of knowledge like this. 30 years ago, there was very little "noise" surrounding the various projects. True, a lot was still to be discovered but when you found information in a book, a magazine or an archive, it was most likely genuine. Not so anymore.

I believe that it is the responsibility of our generation to set the records straight and clarifiy for posterity what is real and what isn't, because if we don't, 50 years down the line there'll be fakes that will widely be accepted as real, and it will have become virtually impossible to tell the wheat from the chaff for sure.

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