Feedback requested from all users

I registered but never post on the Secret Projects forum because

  • you guys are so smart you know everything already

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • I have nothing useful to contribute right now

    Votes: 18 72.0%
  • I only registered to access the pictures

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a member of the Secret Services and am here to check for security breaches

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • I read the site in translation and can't write English

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
Reaction score
I've noticed a lot of registered users drop by regularly but never post messages, while the same core people (you know who you are ;D) post lots of interesting stuff.

Here's a brief poll, lets see if anyone bites :)
I must admit that I have nothing useful to contribute right now... :(
Guess which one I picked ;D

Anyway, I don't post all that often because my interests are rather limited. When there's interesting stuff I have to share, of if there's an interesting topic being discused, I post. If not, I don't see the need to just clutter the place with meaningless "yeah I agree with you" types of posts.

And what's with the first one, Paul? Are you guys looking for an ego boost or something? :eek: ;)
I'd have to go with SOC's answer. Don't want to clutter up the gold with minutia.
I enjoy reading at the Secret-Projects stuff, specially those coming from US and the USSR. I'm not a really enthusiast and hard-core of this kind of topic althrough found it interesting and it's funny. It's like some of the true hobby side of this world for me!.

My interests are more on the technical side, specially avionics and weapons systems, no matter if they're secret projects or current things. I don't post that often because my english is limited and I enioy a much better understanding of the language that my own skills for comunicating myself.

I'm also extremly interested on Soviet Air Force and Soviet Armed Services topics, and also from the ex-Warsaw Pact countries, we have here some members from those countries, and I enjoy a lot their posts...

I found the what-if art section funny and curious, but don't take it seriously cause is not my area of's anyway nice to see the ideas and drawings there!...

That's for me ;D
I have nothing ready at the moment, new babies take up a lot of time as do the other 3 kids...

If I do have something it will be from an old magazine but they are mostly in boxes in the attic.

Keep up the good work :)

I currently live in Japan, so not much chance to post 'meaty' stuff.

I admire the pics, and post the odd reply.

I absolutely loooooove the site - ultra kudos to the main contributors, ultra mega kudos to you, Overscan!

When I first found this site I was amazed at the number of interesting projects here and the wealth of knowledge. My main interest is in the cutting edge of all engineering and how it works. At first I asked a lot of questions about things that puzzled me but most contributors seam more interested in rarities and oddities than explanations or engineering discussion. That's fare enough I suppose and I continue to visit the site and enjoy others contributions. Also I'm starting a new job in a new country right now so I don't have much time for my own research. Thanks Paul and everyone else.

Cheers, Woody

PS. why is there nothing here on the origins and proposed designs for Concorde?
Woody - it depends what you are talking about. I'm very interested in technical stuff to do with engines and avionics for example.
Hi all,

I have some photocopied pages of various articles [some very very speculative -
AW&ST] from AW&ST, Flight International and 1 or 2 other publications from the
90's but as I have just moved I am wading through waist high books and paper at the

Once I get a handle of that mess, I will post here off the top off my head "Flight
International, Line Drawing of Boeing Sonic Cruiser" & a re-cap of the accompanying

Maybe there’s another reason for some members, which would click on
“I’m rarely posting, because I’m mainly busy on another forum”
Quite a lot of us are members of several aviation fora, and where to
burn the biggest part of the midnight oil, depends on the personal
preferences. Actually built or unbuilt aircraft ? The great advantage
of the theme of secret projects is its broad spectrum, because every
aircraft is a project at some stages of its live and “secret” can be
interpreted as “not well known to most people” ... although I don’t
want to encourage questions like “what was the best fighter over the
eastern front ?” or “Fi-156 vs.Lysander”. Maybe there are unknown
informations about those themes, too, but there are better suited fora
for such questions!
In my case, I post when I've got a germane comment to the subject. If I don't have anything to say, I don't say it. :D
Hi All,

I never liked the forums where every one just post every casual thought that come up to his mind. I really thought SecrretProjects to be the exception. Quality posts from Quality people. Maybe that's why we have so many visitors and so few posters - they just like reading but don't feel they can stand up to the standards of the "aviation guru" guys.

I just try to make every post I made contain a really worth reading opinion. One that I have thought about for a while before I post it here.

Well there's the option of feedback votes for users - for example I've just turned it on as "Guru" rating, with votes of "Guru!" and "Newbie!" which you could use to show appreciation for posts without posting pointless "wow thats cool" messages. However I don't really like the idea of negative ("Newbie!") voting, which I think goes against the spirit of the board.
However I don't really like the idea of negative ("Newbie!") voting, which I think goes against the spirit of the board.

I think we should use only the "guru" voting. There is a lot of nice people here and this one of the most friendly forums I have seen everywhere. We should take care of that positive spirit ;)
Changed to "Kudos", negative voting disabled. You must have posted at least once to add to poster's Kudos.

definition of Kudos: Acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement
overscan said:
Senior Member
Posts: 687

Evan, I'm not sure you qualify for the "never posts" category ;D

*laughs* No, I rather doubt I do, but the title of this thread did say all users. Just contributing my small comment to the discussion.
I agree with Barry...the reason for my poor contribution is my baby. Since her birth last October my spare time went down but I'm confident to reach back my pre-October quality levels. In the meantime I enjoy other's people wonderful posts.

BTW, still no single "secretproject lady" joining us?. I vote to celebrate that event if occurs. ( I'm still confident that my daughter could win that honour ;D)
overscan said:
Changed to "Kudos", negative voting disabled. You must have posted at least once to add to poster's Kudos.
Where is this? I do not see any "kudos" option.

My comment on this poll: to some extent, it can be perceived as putting pressure on people to post "something". (Hopefully it is not the intent, but it can feel this way.) And in my opinion that would be most unproductive. The last thing we need it more worthless comments cluttering the valuable ones.

I'd almost go to the other side, ie discouraging some of the current comments. Most posters here being well-mannered, we already have rather many posts saying only "Thank you my dear Soandso". IMO those could be done via PM rather than clutter the boards. Or be bundled with the thanker's next post, even if that means a little wait.
(on the other hand, those same comments nurture the delicious erudite polite and friendly atmosphere of the board, and that has value)

It's all a matter of taste, ofc, between the chatty and the taciturn. I definitely prefer to encourage the latter. To use Evan's wording, if you have nothing to say, then please don't say it!

In the same vein, when a poster errs on the mindless babbling side (plus borderline bullsh..ting and trolling as it happened), I would not mind if the moderator gently prodded for more restraint.
Not that the damage was bad yet, but the said atmosphere is worth protecting.
dan_inbox said:
Where is this? I do not see any "kudos" option.

Look at the left. There is "dan_inbox", below "average" and below "kudos".

Regarding to the topic - I had some time ago in the mind the idea to create in the section Site Feedback universal thread, where anyone can post comments like WOW and so and add a link to the related thread/post. Thanks to it, threads in the other sections will not be polluted with this type of posts and we will have positive (or maybe also negative) feedback. What do you think about it?
Its under the posters name, on the left hand - Kudos : 0 with a small "Thanks" link underneath. Everyone who has at least 1 post can click it to add to the users "kudos".

Not sure if I'll keep it yet though.
Thanks guys, found it now. For some reason I was looking for it in the "poll" section.

If I understand it right, the kudos entered that way will show under all posts of that member, not only on the one post we entered it. Then it is a sort of plebiscite of the member in general, not only of one particular post. And in this form I definitely vote for removing it.

I would support a way of giving kudos to a particular post or thread. (Also a thumbs down for unwelcome posts could be useful, but definitely showing appreciation is more priority)
I'm a member of the Secret Services and am here to check for security breaches

To the hell, how much I laugh with this one, LOL ;D ;D ;D ;D

SO.... ;D ::)
Woody said:
PS. why is there nothing here on the origins and proposed designs for Concorde?

Well, we need a thread on this Hawker type 1011, you know the mach 1.2 VG airliner drawn by Jim floyd, father of the CF-105...
I've enjoyed visiting the Secret Projects forum and have learned much about many aircraft that I never even knew existed. That's one of the reasons why I have not posted, my current lack of knowledge of the more arcane aircraft is lacking so it is difficult to research an aircraft whose existence, even on the drawing board, of which you are unaware. I also don't have access to many old aviation magazines, though the public library may have some AWST back issues on microfiche.

I would however like to post my sincere thank you to the posters and moderators who continue to keep this site great. You've taught me so much in the short time I've been here. Perhaps someday I'll have more to contribute than a simple Thank You.

Well- its good to know our efforts are appreciated. All I'd ask is - keep a look out for anything interesting you do stumble on, and share it if/when you do.

overscan said:
I've noticed a lot of registered users drop by regularly but never post messages, while the same core people (you know who you are ;D) post lots of interesting stuff.

Here's a brief poll, lets see if anyone bites :)

I have the same problem with my forum. What I have discovered, If you have about 50% posting somewhat regularly, and roughly 10% as a very strong core group, then you probably have a fairly regular board and shouldn't be too alarmed. You will always have people that register and don't post, or register and post once or twice and not again.
Must go with "you guys are so smart you know everything already".

I may also be erring on the side of caution. Since there appears to be few Canadians on the forum, I had assumed that the few bits that I know about, most viewers wouldn't be interested in. Eg: is anyone interested in the DHC-inspired projects of Beaver Aircraft Canada?
Apophenia said:
Eg: is anyone interested in the DHC-inspired projects of Beaver Aircraft Canada?

I have heard anything since about 2003?

There is nothing inherently wrong with a Beaver or Otter?
"Eg: is anyone interested in the DHC-inspired projects of Beaver Aircraft Canada?"

Of course !
Ok, it's probably natural, that most sections are dominated by US and russian themes,
and by the fast jets, but I think, especially those "small and slow" aircraft are of interest
for quite a numer of people. And perhaps that's exactly the type of forum members, who
don't post here . But we need their experience, too !
Jemiba said:
"Eg: is anyone interested in the DHC-inspired projects of Beaver Aircraft Canada?"

Of course !
Ok, it's probably natural, that most sections are dominated by US and russian themes,
and by the fast jets, but I think, especially those "small and slow" aircraft are of interest
for quite a numer of people. And perhaps that's exactly the type of forum members, who
don't post here . But we need their experience, too !

Okay! Now I just need to figure out how to start a new thread ... :-[

(Edit: Open a section, click on "new topic", give a name to this topic
and every thing else is just the same as answering a post... ;) )
Thanks ... not sure why I was looking for something complicated.
I don't post that much because I am a rotorcraft fan, and there are not that many topics about it, and everytime I think I found some interesting aircraft designs to post, they end up being just some stupid fanart. :mad:

So basically, I don't have that much to say.
Just registered in the past few weeks and have some items from 1930s and 40s USA aviation magazines. When my current move is complete, I hope to post a few that might be of interest.

Best regards,

Artie Bob
I'd love to see it. :)

Welcome to the forum


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