Fairey Gannet ECM/AS.6 radar


ACCESS: Confidential
24 April 2008
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Greetings and salutations,

It's common knowledge that the Fairey Gannet AS.1 and AS.4 had the Ekco ASV Mark 19 B radar and that the AEW.3 had the AN/APS-20F. The AS.6/ECM.6 was an upgraded AS.4 with a new radar. Does anybody know the details of this upgrade and what this new radar was?


Anybody? Surely somebody knows the details on the Fairey Gannet ECM.6. Everybody has heard of it but knowbody seems to have info on the missions its operators 831 squadron used it for.
Thank you sealordlawrence, I am aware of the Ekco site.

I would agree that the asv mark 21 is a strong possibility to be the basis of the upgrade from AS.4 to AS.6/ECM.6. However, the role of 831 squadron and it's aircraft was generally shore based, and rarely went to sea. The extent and detail of the upgrade is unknown but we know there were considerable modifications and additions to the aircraft's electronics suite, giving them the capability to gather signals intelligence and perform a certain amount of communications and radar jamming - primarily to train RN personnel in how to deal with electronic warfare. The upgrade might not have needed to alter the aircraft's ASW fit in any way to perform this new role, but this is just speculation on my behalf.

Any further info on the asv mark 21 is also appreciated. It was used by many aircraft (Shackleton, Argus, Nimrod, even the Indian asw Super Connies!) but there is little real info.
Greetings and salutations,

I have another Gannet question. Does anybody know if the Gannet was armed with any other air launched homing torpedo other than the British mk 30? The Aussies used the Gannet until 1967 when this weapon would surely have been hopelessly obsolete. The mark 43 or 44 perhaps?

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