F-35B's afterburner and exhaust nozzle


ACCESS: Top Secret
17 January 2011
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I've seen some photos of the F-35B hovering. The exhaust nozzle at the end of the 3 joint swivel tube appear to be be shorter and different from the nozzles on non-swiveling version of F-135. But I also have seen photos of VTOL F-135 engine on an engine stand that appears appears to show the same exhaust nozzle as on standard non VTOL F-135s.

Which is it? Are the actual nozzles on service F-35B the same as on F-35A?

Also, does the VTOL version of F-135 engine have a standard afterburner flame holders inside the swivel tube? Or is it different?
Nozzle on -600 is somewhat different to that on -100 for obvious reasons (e.g. actuation, petal configuration, etc.).

Also, internals (i.e. flameholder Config, etc.) different to 'standard'. This is part of the LO treatments on the engine.

As for 'VTOL', suggest using correct term - STOVL. :)

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