Elon Musk Interview on the Joe Rogan Experience

Richard N

Lost in the Sky
Senior Member
18 June 2009
Reaction score
Joe Rogan interviews Elon Musk and they discuss AI, supersonic electric VTOL airplanes, tunnels under LA, Not a Flamethrower, and many other subjects.

NSFW--a bit of cussing here and there.

A shame the only thing the MSM can focus on is Musk taking a puff on that blunt.
sferrin said:
A shame the only thing the MSM can focus on is Musk taking a puff on that blunt.

The problem is that Musk seems to be opening himself up for attack, such as his tweets about the British "pedo guy" diver. I suspect he's under way too much stress. If he breaks, the dream of SpaceX might well be doomed.

So while it's not so good to do it on camera, if smoking a joint now and then could calm him down... great.
I agree, at some point he may have to recognize that he really isn't Tony Stark, cut his losses and focus on what's *really* groundbreaking to diversify our species...
martinbayer said:
I agree, at some point he may have to recognize that he really isn't Tony Stark, cut his losses and focus on what's *really* groundbreaking to diversify our species...

I seriously doubt he considers himself Tony Stark. He's way more humble for starters.
sferrin said:
martinbayer said:
I agree, at some point he may have to recognize that he really isn't Tony Stark, cut his losses and focus on what's *really* groundbreaking to diversify our species...

I seriously doubt he considers himself Tony Stark. He's way more humble for starters.

Nevertheless the point remains. He seems to be following an almost Hollywood script... start small, achieve great things, overextend, collapse. In Hollywood, the collapse is followed by struggle, followed by a regaining of what was lost along with gaining new wisdom. However, *reality* tends to end with the collapse (Where's Tucker? Delorean?). Now, if Hyperloop collapses... nothing is lost, because the idea is nutburgers. If Tesla collapses... well, that's bad, but other electric cars will doubtless take up the slack. If SpaceX collapses... that's *bad.*

If Elon Musk is no longer in charge of SpaceX - because he quits, or is kicked out, or in jail, or in a looney bin, or dead, or whatever - chances are *really* good that things like the BFR and Interplanetary Transport will simply cease to exist. His replacement might not have the drive to see them through. Or his replacement may actively kill them, working instead to make Spacex as profitable as possible for the shareholders... focusing less on that whole "future of the species" nonsense and more on the "let's raid the company for stuff to sell off to the Chinese" strategy.

Musk needs to stay alive, stay out of jail and stay out of the nut hatch.
Looks like Tesla board of directors had enough, and decided to reign in... they have hired a bunch of smart recruits to help Elon before he burn himself out. https://www.tesla.com/fr_FR/blog/company-update

now he only has to kick the ambien before ending like Whitney Houston or Dolores O'Riordan - overdosing on the drug, stoned to death, drowning in a tube. :(

Mostly agree with Orionblablam - I don't give a fuck about Tesla (the electric car revolution is now underway with or without Tesla) or Hyperloop, SpaceX is the highest priority

Nevertheless the point remains. He seems to be following an almost Hollywood script... start small, achieve great things, overextend, collapse. In Hollywood, the collapse is followed by struggle, followed by a regaining of what was lost along with gaining new wisdom. However, *reality* tends to end with the collapse (Where's Tucker? Delorean?)

This. Real life ain't a fucking movie script. Also, lack of sleep or bad sleep can kill a person faster than a bullet, with mental health going off the rails on a crazy train (to you, Ozzy Osborne). World record for consecutive sleepness nights is merely nine days. Most people go nuts or dead with far less than that. Sleep a lot and prosper !

One among thousands of tortures invented by mankind along the ages, is sleep deprivation. It's easy, cheap, and extremely efficient. Put a guy in a small cage, then turn the blinding light on, 24 hours a day. Then add permanent 140 decibels noise, also 24 hours a day. Then wait for some days, and watch the result. Most humans end completely broken. Welcome to guantanamo, and welcome to Bachar jails.
Now Elon Musk faces US Air Force investigation into his wild weed-smoking podcast because the drug-taking breaches SpaceX security clearance rules
And mister show-off was too dumb to realize that his pointless antics would lead to this?

Really, he and the Donald should be barred from any public declarations until some nanny has spanked enough sense into their butts...
sure, imagine, if he his stoned too much, he might start speaking about those NRO satellites launched by his Falcon 9...
dan_inbox said:
And mister show-off was too dumb to realize that his pointless antics would lead to this?

It seems that a natural consequence of "celebrity" is "deletion of common sense," especially in the areas of personal responsibility and the ability to determine cause-and-effect results of irrational behavior.

One of Musk's bugaboos is the dangers of AI. But I suspect that something he could make yet another fortune on is an AI personal advisor. What I'm thinking: as soon as you get rich & powerful, you sit in the Arnie Total Recall Chair and it scans your brain and creates a pretty fair simulation of you. Not truly self aware, this digital clone of you is "fixed" in place, so that it does not change. It does not have legal rights, certainly not power of attorney... but this digital clone/assistant watches everything you do and advises you on the subject of whether or not you're going off the rails. A non-sentient AI digital assistant could whisper in your ear and you could be *fairly* certain that it's not trying to stab you in the back and cannot be bribed or intimidated into giving you bad advice.

Perhaps your personal public social media account would have a running graph that shows a simple chart of how far you are from your "baseline." While the details would be unavailable, the public and stockholders could keep tabs on how you're doing.
Orionblamblam said:

Now Elon Musk faces US Air Force investigation into his wild weed-smoking podcast because the drug-taking breaches SpaceX security clearance rules


"Wild weed smoking podcast"? Jesus, he took one puff. ::) Supremely ironic that the media squeals for pot legalization but then so eagerly throws somebody under the bus if they don't share their politics.

Edit: Okay, I did get a chuckle out of this though:


  • elon-musk-smoking-weed-8.jpg
    38.4 KB · Views: 93
Archibald said:
Looks like Tesla board of directors had enough, and decided to reign in... they have hired a bunch of smart recruits to help Elon before he burn himself out. https://www.tesla.com/fr_FR/blog/company-update

now he only has to kick the ambien before ending like Whitney Houston or Dolores O'Riordan - overdosing on the drug, stoned to death, drowning in a tube. :(

Mostly agree with Orionblablam - I don't give a fuck about Tesla (the electric car revolution is now underway with or without Tesla) or Hyperloop, SpaceX is the highest priority

Yep. He seemed sad at times. Taken together, it's almost like he's thinking, "nobody will listen to me about the threat of A.I.? Okay, f--k this noise, I'm out. We're going to Mars."
sferrin said:
He seemed sad at times. Taken together, it's almost like he's thinking, "nobody will listen to me about the threat of A.I.? Okay, f--k this noise, I'm out. We're going to Mars."

Well, there's also the fact that he seems to be convinced of the simulation hypothesis. It basically comes across like religion... but unlike religion, the simulation hypothesis actually has both reason and math to back it up. With what we know right now, the simulation hypothesis is - mathematically - almost certainly true. And that's kind of a depressing thought. It's kind of like running the numbers and coming up with a mathematically convincing argument that there is in fact life after death... and that everyone gets sent to Tartarus where they will be converted into sentient, physically aware cinder blocks and used to build an infinite wall dividing nothing from emptiness.

It's the kind of thought that can make a feller a little goofy. If he truly believes in the simulation hypothesis, it might help explain why he's so frenetic about changing the world... he wants to make sure he's not just an NPC, and to prove his worth to the programmer so he doesn't get summarily deleted.
Orionblamblam said:
sferrin said:
martinbayer said:
I agree, at some point he may have to recognize that he really isn't Tony Stark, cut his losses and focus on what's *really* groundbreaking to diversify our species...

I seriously doubt he considers himself Tony Stark. He's way more humble for starters.

Nevertheless the point remains. He seems to be following an almost Hollywood script... start small, achieve great things, overextend, collapse. In Hollywood, the collapse is followed by struggle, followed by a regaining of what was lost along with gaining new wisdom. However, *reality* tends to end with the collapse (Where's Tucker? Delorean?). Now, if Hyperloop collapses... nothing is lost, because the idea is nutburgers. If Tesla collapses... well, that's bad, but other electric cars will doubtless take up the slack. If SpaceX collapses... that's *bad.*

If Elon Musk is no longer in charge of SpaceX - because he quits, or is kicked out, or in jail, or in a looney bin, or dead, or whatever - chances are *really* good that things like the BFR and Interplanetary Transport will simply cease to exist. His replacement might not have the drive to see them through. Or his replacement may actively kill them, working instead to make Spacex as profitable as possible for the shareholders... focusing less on that whole "future of the species" nonsense and more on the "let's raid the company for stuff to sell off to the Chinese" strategy.

Musk needs to stay alive, stay out of jail and stay out of the nut hatch.

Unless you are part of the Elite (families...network, whatever) then you can apparently eat babies and get away with it.
I would imagine there is a layer that is above the Elon Musks' and Jeff Bezos of the world that we wont ever hear about in the news.
You mean you/we can't vent a little bit, show some stress and humanity, even (dare) smoke some weed once in awhile without being banished from approval of corporate global financial power?
The Human Race is a miserable lot to say the least, and pitiful.
But what do I know, Right?
Orionblamblam said:
sferrin said:
He seemed sad at times. Taken together, it's almost like he's thinking, "nobody will listen to me about the threat of A.I.? Okay, f--k this noise, I'm out. We're going to Mars."

Well, there's also the fact that he seems to be convinced of the simulation hypothesis. It basically comes across like religion... but unlike religion, the simulation hypothesis actually has both reason and math to back it up. With what we know right now, the simulation hypothesis is - mathematically - almost certainly true. And that's kind of a depressing thought. It's kind of like running the numbers and coming up with a mathematically convincing argument that there is in fact life after death... and that everyone gets sent to Tartarus where they will be converted into sentient, physically aware cinder blocks and used to build an infinite wall dividing nothing from emptiness.

It's the kind of thought that can make a feller a little goofy. If he truly believes in the simulation hypothesis, it might help explain why he's so frenetic about changing the world... he wants to make sure he's not just an NPC, and to prove his worth to the programmer so he doesn't get summarily deleted.

I thought his point about the "base level" being a more boring place was interesting. I'd never heard that line of reasoning before. It would be interesting to hear thoughts about what the point of a simulation would be. Could be a lot of things. Hopefully something more meaningful than "Roy".
The late Bob Marley summed up Elon mood pretty well in a great song...


Excuse me while I light my spliff (splif !!!)
Oh God I gotta take a lift
From reality I just can't drift
That's why I'm staying with this riff

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