E-books from NASA

Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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NASA offers now E-books
for Free, yes gratis as for the Kindle™, SONY® Reader and, eventually, the nook™.

"X-15: Extending the Frontiers of Flight" by Dennis R. Jenkins

"Apollo of Aeronautics: NASA's Aircraft Energy Efficiency Program, 1973-1987" by Mark D. Bowles
and more to come
Just to be clear, these were already in pdf format, these releases are converted for ebook readers.
iPad is not for Nerds. It's for ordinary people which by the way are a lot more than the others. All the things you guys wish the iPad had would be on the next Android tablet.

I truly loved the video though. As Steve Jobss said it himself the core of Apple is about believing that people with passion can change the world.

Remember that the iPad has iPhone software 3.2. I do believe that some form of Multitasking will come with iOs 4.0

Rumour sais that lack of camera is due to AT&T but they offered better pricing models instead. Besides, in the many years I have a computer I realized that people just don't like being seen in video chat. I don't know anyone who uses video chatting in any significant way.

As far as flash goes, we all know the story here. Its not very stable, secure, indexable or battery friendly technology. Most importantly it is not open standard. HTML5 and other technology will take over eventually but that will not happen if someone big does not take a stand.

As far as the name goes...the tampon issues is only limited to the US and by the time the iPad becomes a popular culture thing the new meaning will overide the old one. The more I think about the more the iPad name makes sense to me.

If you really think about it all the things the iPad does not have are not going to be used by the vast majority of people and all the things it does have are a significant improvement over what we have now.

People do not buy netbooks because of flash or multitasking, they do it because they are small, cheap and have a good battery life. The iPad takes on those qualities pretty well.

To naysayers, don't forget what happened to the iPhone. People did buy it. But it will take time before it becomes more nerd friendly because frankly you guys are not the target audience any more. Apple was all about building product for geeks. Its not any more.
Some great new releases from NASA http://www.aeronautics.nasa.gov/ebooks/

Perfect for my Kindle ereader :)

"NASA's Contributions to Aeronautics, Volume 2"
Edited by Richard P. Hallion
(posted September 2010)
The second volume includes case studies and essays on NACA-NASA research for contributions including wind shear and lightning research, flight operations, human factors, wind tunnels, composite structures, general aviation aircraft safety, supersonic cruise aircraft research and atmospheric icing.

+ .mobi | + .prc | + .pdf | + .epub

"NASA's Contributions to Aeronautics, Volume 1"
Edited by Richard P. Hallion
(posted August 2010)
Since its creation, NASA has steadily advanced flight within the atmosphere, repeatedly influencing aviation's evolution by extending the rich legacy of its predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, or NACA. This first volume in a two-volume set includes case studies and essays on NACA-NASA research for contributions such as high-speed wing design, the area rule, rotary-wing aerodynamics research, sonic boom mitigation, hypersonic design, computational fluid dynamics, electronic flight control and environmentally friendly aircraft technology.

+ .mobi | + .prc | + .pdf | + .epub

"Modeling Flight"
by Joseph R. Chambers
(posted July 2010)
For years, NASA has used subscale models of aircraft to test how they would perform at full size. In fact, since the 1920s during the days of the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, scientists have continually refined testing techniques including building and using new facilities, making models more sophisticated and learning how to best interpret the results. Using these techniques, NASA has made many contributions to a broad range of aircraft including general aviation, fighters, civil transports, lifting bodies, reentry capsules, parawing vehicles, and supersonic transports. This book describes the issues that must be considered when transferring subscale results to full-scale application, and reviews results obtained in historically significant aircraft programs conducted at NASA's Langley Research Center, NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, and NASA's Ames Research Center.

+ .mobi | + .prc | + .pdf | + .epub
Just a post with some updated links:

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