Did the RAF/RN use Bullpup

Maury Markowitz

From the Great White North!
27 February 2014
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According to the Wiki article and several sources, de Havilland produced the Bullpup with Kongsberg Våpenfabrikk and also purchased a number from the US.

I can't find any information on which aircraft and units may have carried these. Does anyone have a good reference?
RN Scimitars could carry up to four Bullpup, although more normally two on the outer pylons.
Buccaneer was also wired for Bullpup (capability lost as when they were re-wired for Martel).

The RAF didn't use Bullpup but in 1959 they did assess it for tactical use for close support and for supporting landing operations and tackling small ships.

The RN and the RCAF also made quite extensive studies of using the Bullpup as an ASW weapon instead of 2.75in rockets, especially against the diesel-powered Quebecs and Whiskeys that had AA guns. The RCAF were looking to fit it onto the Argus, 8 per aircraft. The RAF kept an eye on these developments, perhaps with an eye to fitting Shackleton, but the RN and RAF didn't take the ASW idea further and not being an all-weather weapon meant the RAF didn't buy it as a close support weapon either.
NATO 2/58 initiated efforts to develop Standard Types, to be procured through NATO Program Offices (if 3+Member Nations came on board). Procurement Budget came from the Customer Nations, who were entitled to workshare pro-rata to their production offtake. The effort lapsed, in part because any competition won by a US product must always be cheaper off DoD's production run. First Standard Type with an NPO was Hawk SAM, licensed by Raytheon to a Special Purpose Consortium; Sidewinder next, BGT as licensee and Prime; NATO Bullpup Production Organisation was formed 17/5/62 in Oslo, Kongsberg licensed by Martin, Prime Contractor, sub-licensing HSD/Lostock for some components and Bristol Aerojet/Banwell for motor casings. The 4 Customer Nations were Norway, Denmark, Turkey, UK, for Scimitar, Sea Vixen 1 and Buccaneer 1. RAF chose Nord AS.30 for Canberra B.15, Akrotiri/Tengah. UK by then had committed to (to be)1,200 from Martin/Maxson. I have CA Release in 1962 for Scimitar, so largely from US, Sea Vixen FAW.1 by 31/12/63 and Buccaneer S.1 4/64, and within baseline CA Release for Buccaneer S.2 and Sea Vixen FAW.2.

I try to capture dates, not of Sqdn. nominal formation, but of achieving NATO Operational status. So, excl. Training Units and non-embarked time, I have:
- Kongsberg Våpenfab.AGM-12B Bullpup-A:
Scimitar F.1
: 800NAS/LM: /R (6 a/c): 12/7/62-14/12/62; 4/5/63-28/12/63;
803NAS/LM: /H: 13/11/62-23/2/64; /R (8 a/c): 17/6/65-1/10/66.

Sea Vixen FAW.1: 890NAS/VL: /R: 25/7/63-28/12/63; 15/6/65-1/10/66;
892NAS/VL: /C: 21/12/63-27/7/65;
893NAS/VL: /V: 22/10/63-22/7/65.

Sea Vixen FAW.2: 892NAS/VL: /H: 19/1/67-4/10/68;​
893NAS/VL: /V: 8/7/66-13/6/67; /H: 8/7/68-17/6/70;
899NAS/VL: /E: 2/12/64-15/8/66; 24/6/67-23/1/72.

Buccaneer S.1: 800NAS/LM: /E: 2/12/64-14/8/66;
801NAS/LM: /V: (10 a/c) 26/8/64-22/7/65.

Buccaneer S.2: 800NAS/LM: /E: (8 a/c) 26/6/67-23/1/72;
801NAS/LM: /V: (12 a/c) 8/7/66-13/6/67; /H: 9/7/68-17/6/70;
803NAS/LM: /H (4 a/c): 23/8/68-1/4/69;
809NAS/LM: /H: (8 a/c) 18/1/67-18/2/68; /R: 6/9/70-24/7/73.
(C: HMS Centaur; E: Eagle; R: Ark Royal; V: Victorious. ZT #3 pic is of XD321, R-104, 800Sqd. on Ark's FE cruise, 4/5/63-28/12/63).

Bullpup has a bad press. In its time it offered mid-course guidance correction, so advance on SNEB, gun.
UK bought 2,500 from Kongsberg, so in all 3,700, to bring to/sustain operational status on some of these a/c (Buccs' prime role was AW, Vixen, Fleet Defence.) How expensive Naval Air is.
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