Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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Scientists have been "surprised" by properties of the Omicron variant as studies suggest coronavirus has "altered the way it infects cells", a professor has said.
He said: "Some experiments that have been done in different groups are suggesting that the virus has kind of altered the way it infects cells.

"This is again potentially due to some mutations that have occurred, and there may, and this is a big caveat, there may be a slightly different profile for this virus [compared to Delta].

"Nonetheless, even if it were a little bit milder, in a very broad sense, the sheer numbers of cases would still translate into some individuals becoming quite sick.

"We're not anticipating that this virus, because of these changes, is going to suddenly become harmless. I think that shouldn't be the interpretation of the work that we and others are doing.

"But what we are saying is that we are learning about the virus all the time."

In Britain, 12 people infected with Omicron have died, while 104 people with the variant are in hospital, according to latest figures from the UK Health Security Agency.
Scientists have been "surprised" by properties of the Omicron variant as studies suggest coronavirus has "altered the way it infects cells", a professor has said.

He said: "Some experiments that have been done in different groups are suggesting that the virus has kind of altered the way it infects cells.

"Nonetheless, even if it were a little bit milder, in a very broad sense, the sheer numbers of cases would still translate into some individuals becoming quite sick.

"We're not anticipating that this virus, because of these changes, is going to suddenly become harmless."

Here’s a good explanation of the changes and findings ;-

In general it’s good news as it’s less likely to lead to the very severe pneumonia.

Media stupidity at its best. Is President Biden a doctor? A member of the CDC? No. Meanwhile, the same precautions are back.

And, like Prime Minister Johnson, he is under pressure to not lock anything down.
Neutralizing molecule could be cheaper than antibodies

An experimental molecule that neutralizes the coronavirus in the same way antibodies do would be cheaper and easier to manufacture, researchers said.

The molecule belongs to a class of compounds known as aptamers. Because they are made from RNA or DNA, aptamers are easier to synthesize than protein-based antibodies that can only be produced in living cells, said Julian Valero of Aarhus University in Denmark. Like antibodies, the aptamers attach themselves to protein targets - in this case, the spike protein on the virus surface - by folding into a three-dimensional conformation. A study published in PNAS shows that in test tube experiments, the aptamer binds tightly to the coronavirus spike, preventing it from breaking into human cells. It inhibits earlier variants of the virus, including Delta, the researchers said. They are planning tests to see whether it also recognizes and binds to Omicron.

Use of the aptamer in patients is still far off, with tests in mice only recently begun. In terms of use in humans, “we’re much closer” to being able to use the aptamer to help diagnose SARS-CoV-2 infections, said Jorgen Kjemsa, also of Aarhus University. Experiments comparing the use of the aptamer to antibodies in widely used rapid COVID-19 tests for infection are underway, he said.
Even if Omicron causes more mild cases it’s now so infectious that it’s starting to shut down parts of the economy. The stupid thing is most of the cases are in 5-14 year olds but no the politicians won’t close the schools or launch a vaccination campaign in that age group. Even though the children are the ones giving it to their families.

Hundreds of trains cancelled as Covid hits railways
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the urgency of understanding how public transportation ventilation systems transmit viruses and how exhaled droplets evolve in ventilated spaces. Researchers have wondered if those ventilation systems can be improved to mitigate virus transmission.

In Physics of Fluids, researchers at IBM Research Europe developed a model with an unprecedented level of detail and focused on conditions that are more characteristic of asymptomatic transmission. The multiphysics model involved air and droplet dynamics, heat transfer, evaporation, humidity, and effects of ventilation systems.

"By visualizing the droplets and the flow, you realize the number of physical phenomena taking place around us that go unnoticed, such as the complex interactions between natural body plumes, exhalation, and ventilation," said author Carlos Peña-Monferrer. "When it comes to preventing risk of infection, this is precisely what makes it difficult to contain."

Related paper:
Even if Omicron causes more mild cases it’s now so infectious that it’s starting to shut down parts of the economy. The stupid thing is most of the cases are in 5-14 year olds but no the politicians won’t close the schools or launch a vaccination campaign in that age group. Even though the children are the ones giving it to their families.

Hundreds of trains cancelled as Covid hits railways

The politicians again?

Even if Omicron causes more mild cases it’s now so infectious that it’s starting to shut down parts of the economy. The stupid thing is most of the cases are in 5-14 year olds but no the politicians won’t close the schools or launch a vaccination campaign in that age group. Even though the children are the ones giving it to their families.

Hundreds of trains cancelled as Covid hits railways

The politicians again?

I meant the British lot.
Well, the world doesn't revolve around England... Wait a minute. What? Really? I was misinformed. Carry on...

“led by Professor Neil Ferguson”

That’s reassuring, he’s a long history of being hopelessly wrong on just about everything;- BSE, swine flu, early Covid mortality, epidemic modelling , getting away with an affair while on lock down.
It looks like Omicron does cause less severe cases for the majority of the population but this is offset by its very high transmissibility. Just the word mild is somewhat misleading in these circumstances.

Government scientists are set to conclude the Omicron strain is milder than Delta for most people, according to reports.

However, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has not yet confirmed this and is set to announce its latest analysis on the coronavirus strain tomorrow.

Scientists still believe the variant is of "serious concern" amid fears its increased transmissibility could "potentially overwhelm" the NHS.

A UKHSA spokesperson said: "We are reviewing all analyses continuously to help inform the pandemic response, which includes assessing the severity of Omicron.
I’d call this news a mix of good and bad.

The virus seems to weaken in absolute lethality yet become more and more contagious ??!!

If COVID becomes as spread as "ordinary flu" or "plain old cold" and also as innocuous (not sure if that word is appropriate, with that bastard thing) then - game over. It's just another "winter annoyance" among others (pneumonia, flu cold... )

Maybe we are at a turning point. I mean, if the virus spreads faster but is less lethal, it's a statu quo for hospitals... or maybe the next waves will reach that tipping point.
Just like "cold" for adults, or bronchiolitis for babies: a major PITA for sure, but not lethal so no point in rushing to E.R or hospitals or doctors.
Not sure what I make of this article and maybe it’s just me but isn’t a lot of it just stating the obvious?

Let's see. Death or holiday sales? Ignore the word 'raging.' It apparently stopped few from shopping.

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I wonder at maths eduction these days. For example if Omicron leads to a third of the hospitalisations of Delta but is almost 5 times more infectious this still gives you a higher total figure. But people cannot seem to grasp that.
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