COVID-19 Pandemic - stay indoors and be safe, everyone!

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overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
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I don't really want a long discussion on this, because it really isn't related to the forum, but just a quick note to all members to keep up to date with what's happening in your country and area and make sure you follow all advice given.
  • Take heed of self-isolation measures required
  • Minimise unnecessary travel
  • Don't be selfish when shopping - take only what you need
  • Help others in need where you can
  • Catch up on reading some books
Its quite likely we will have periods of restrictions followed by return to relative normality and then more restrictions, so be prepared for a long haul.
A simple and filling recipe for anyone who's stocked up on canned goods and quick cook rice.

Take a can of soup (I've used Creamy Chicken and Beef soup with this.) and a packet of microwaveable rice (Long Grain, White, Brown, all work well with this.)
Cook the soup as per directions and then microwave the rice. Add the rice to the soup and stir it in until thoroughly mixed. I've found it to be a very filling recipe.
A Vietnamese friend of mine still working in Paris told me, if she want a seated place on her subway line, she cough when entering the metro car.
Works every time.

The times we live in.
There's a lot of panic about being locked away from other people, which means social media (and the telephone, and just shouting across the garden fence) are your friend.

The entire disability/chronic illness community is sniggering and saying "told you so!" at the sudden society-wide reversal from "social media is bad for you!"
Funny , few weeks ago I watched Koyaanisqatsi. Had already heard a lot about it , the music of course, but never had watched the film completely.
And now a virus, one of the smallest organic and natural thing, seems to put a temporary stop to this "Life out of balance"…

While the singer was brazilian (to you, Bolsonaro) the producer was italian. One can't invent such things - only the bloody Murphy law.

Meanwhile in France... 45 more days of confinement.
With Boris Johnson as Prime Minister and the words Social Care Package for old gits like me I briefly thought of what a toff's social care team might look like: pic1.
However, reality reminded me that what I probably need is pic 2 (with apologies to the wonderful lady pictured- the late Kathy Staff)


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Special kudos to that dumb couple from Arizona who red "chloroquine" on their aquarium cleaner solvant and... tried self medicating with the substance.
The man died, the woman barely survived.


And she blamed someone other than herself.

"I heard you're supposed to drink water, so I downed a gallon of water-based paint. I was lied to!"
Special kudos to that dumb couple from Arizona who red "chloroquine" on their aquarium cleaner solvant and... tried self medicating with the substance.
The man died, the woman barely survived.


And she blamed someone other than herself.

"I heard you're supposed to drink water, so I downed a gallon of water-based paint. I was lied to!"


Don't play with the chemicals kids. They can be dangerous.
Special kudos to that dumb couple from Arizona who red "chloroquine" on their aquarium cleaner solvant and... tried self medicating with the substance.
The man died, the woman barely survived.


I've heard anecdotes about the 1918 flu pandemic that involved a family that suffocated to death after completely airproofing their house, I've never been able to confirm if the story was true or not.
Btw, was invited for diner by friend yesterday (I know... it's bad, I should stay at home, but he lives just 50m away, and it was my only sortie in a week).
To compensate for this break in our confinement and the anxiety of risking our lives by sharing a meal in company, we pushed hard on discipline and had (drank) two bottles of an excellent 2016 Hydroalcoholic solution. Even more than our government recommends using.
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Btw, was invited for diner by friend yesterday (I know... it's bad, I should stay at home, but he lives just 50m away, and it was my only sortie in a week).
To compensate for this break in our confinement and the anxiety of risking our lives by sharing a meal in compagny, we pushed hard on discipline and had (drank) two bottles of an excellent 2016 Hydroalcoholic solution. Even more than our government recommends using.'s medicinal!
I ate his liver with fava beans, and a nice hydroalcoholic solution !!!


(obviously it completely ruins the punchline, but whatever, even Hannibal L. has to adapt to the times. Even more since he is eating people).

Well some people jokingly and joyfully noted that we in France are even in peacetime specialists of the hydro-alcoholic mixture: Pernod-Ricard, obviously.

And we even made a wonderful meme out of this.

ES0ujelWAAIw7u1.jpg large.jpg

And then reality beat fiction.

Because, you see, the very Ricard company started manufacturing, well, their own hydro-alcoholic disinfectant. And then they got congratulations by Donald J. Trump.

This world is insane.
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More seriously, the wife made a "drive" (supermarket shopping by car, you get the point). Once she came back, I submitted her to a complete disinfection campaign.

We disinfected her clothes

We disinfected the gloves I had passed her

We disinfected the plastic bags

I throw the paper bags into the dust bin, and then poured a shitload of javel into the bin

then I washed my hands. Thrice.


"germs, Smithers ! germs everywhere ! " (Montgomery Burns)

"we will fight on the beaches" (Winston Churchill)
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I never cease to be amazed at the stuff coming out. Alcohol wash products are not required. Soap and water is perfectly adequate if you wash your hands properly and often, not forgetting the backs of the hands etc. You should have seen the state of operations when AIDS first came around, the precautions we were using then were nearly as ott as they could have been but we learn. I hope. Distance and soap/water for washing hands. Sorted.
Do mosquitoes carries AIDS / flu ? NO and NO. Virus are fragiles and die once the blood is digested in the insect belly.
Also it's better to get out at dusk when the hot air mass charged with particles raises as the temperature falls.
I will recommande all and governements in particular to switch shop opening hours from day to night whenever possible.
Also it's better to get out at dusk when the hot air mass charged with particles raises as the temperature falls.
I will recommande all and governements in particular to switch shop opening hours from day to night whenever possible.

Do you have any credible source for this or is it just your own fantasy theory? If not, please stop! Spreading unsupported ideas about how COVID-19 is spread is potentially life-threatening.
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