Thanks to the cranfield file on the SR.177 tunnel work, I think I can get to some numbers on this idea.
SR.177 had 327sqft of wing area, max launch weight around 28,300 ( I suspect higher), recovery 17,000lb. Speeds with blow seem well within catapult and arrestor gear requirements, lower energy hitting the wire than a Scimitar thats for sure, let alone a Buccaneer.
So in theory we have a wing and tail which can be scaled to fit the fighter needs of the RN.
Thus one might get to a conceptual fighter like the Saro twin I've been musing about all these years.
So Wing loading at take off, 86.5lb per sqft
At landing 52lb per sqft.
Thus we can scale for a 40,000lb weight and get a 462sqft wing, the machine weighing 24,028lb at landing.
Weight at recovery would be lower than a Scimitar but speed higher though still within a carriers limits.
Thrust to weight ratio needs to be preserved, so 28,300lb has 24,000lb statis sea level thrust, which means this new machine needs 34,000lb or 17,000lb per engine in reheat if two jets (option A)they'd produce about 12,000lb, which suggests a pair of late Avon's.
..............or two 9,500lb jets (reheat, in dry they'd be between 5,000-7000lb) and 14,000lb for a rocket (option B), which would produce the same sort of performance., close enough for two Gyron Juniors and a enhanced Specter rocket.
Fuel would be about 1,500-1,700gal.
Only thing is I suspect a rather poorer performance as a attack/strike machine, due to those wing loadings.