Combatant Craft, Medium Mark 1 (CCM Mk1) for US Special Forces

Grey Havoc

Senior Member
9 October 2009
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Could this be considered the next generation of USN Riverine Craft, I wonder, although it doesn't say wether or not the USN will be the ones who actually operate them:

(Via the Battleland blog)
Grey Havoc said:
Could this be considered the next generation of USN Riverine Craft, I wonder, although it doesn't say wether or not the USN will be the ones who actually operate them:

(Via the Battleland blog)

Two things wrong with this. It isn't a Secret Project by the definition of what this web forum exsists for. And it certainly isn't a riverine boat, the CCM being a sea going 100-200 tonne vessel for supporting infil/exfil of coastal SOF operations.
Abraham Gubler said:
It isn't a Secret Project by the definition of what this web forum exists for.

My apologies, I should have been clearer. I was intending to use that post to compare the costs and schedule of the ASPB Mk 2 with those of what seemed to me to be a similar modern day program, the CCM Mk.1.

And it certainly isn't a riverine boat, the CCM being a sea going 100-200 tonne vessel for supporting infil/exfil of coastal SOF operations.

Oh? Leaving aside for the moment the question of what exactly the US DOD, USSOCOM, and the contractors involved in the program consider to be a riverine craft, the CCM Mk.1 is intended to, among other things, suplement and eventually replace the The Mark V SOC. Which, last time I checked, is a riverine capable craft.

Up to 200 metric tons?. I don't know the current specs of the CCM Mk.1, unlike yourself apparently, but that seems to be excessive. Has the CCM Mk.1 become the GCV of the inland waterways? Did some acolyte of Rumsfeld or Gates ('systems are important not platforms') decide to combine and add requirements to the program? Or, is it possible that you've confused the CCM Mk.1 program with that abortive attempt, a number of years back, to define requirements for a 'green water' combatant to replace the Cyclone class?
CCM Mk 1 is still being described as a replacement for the NSW RHIB, with a requirement that it be transportable on a C-17 rather than on a C-130. That demands a displacement well below 100-200 tons. The Mk V SOC is only 57 tons and it takes a C-5 to carry it and its support equipment. In the solicitation that was put out, the MKV SOC was considered the upper bound for size on the CCM, with the NSW RIB being the lower bound.

I would not consider the Mk 5 SOC to be a riverine vessel. It's intended for coastal and near-shore operations, not inland operations. The MK V SOC replacement will be the Combatant Craft, Heavy (assuming that goes anywhere, which is far from certain), not CCM.
TomS said:
CCM Mk 1 is still being described as a replacement for the NSW RHIB, with a requirement that it be transportable on a C-17 rather than on a C-130.

Ahhup. My mistake I got it confused with the MREC. NSW have two new vessels they want and they are both called the "medium" something... Anyway still has NO relevancy with this thread and with this forum. You would think after so many call outs on this issue Havoc would know the difference by now :-\ .

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