CNAS - While We Can: Arresting the Erosion of America's Military Edge


Senior Member
21 April 2009
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bobbymike said:

I think that the assumptions underlying this paper are flawed.

Historically, American forces have only had a technological edge quite recently. Arguably, the main effect of that technical edge has been to encourage recklessness in our leadership. Technological advances make victory seem sure and losses and costs seem likely to be small. Hence the series of disastrous and pointless wars we have fought during my lifetime.

We also need to remember that, in America in modern times, military technology has always trailed civilian technical advances. Auto and aricraft transportation companies developed the mass production techniques that won WW2. More recently, gaming and communications/networking technology have been the cutting edge of the information age, with military applications following. If there is any truth to the idea that America is losing its technical edge, we need only look to the corporate profiteering that has driven manufacture and services overseas. We still have the edge in ideas. But we offshore the implementation.
iverson said:
bobbymike said:

I think that the assumptions underlying this paper are flawed.

Well everybody is entitled to an opinion.

iverson said:
Historically, American forces have only had a technological edge quite recently.

I'd argue that 70 years is a bit more than "quite recently".

iverson said:
Arguably, the main effect of that technical edge has been to encourage recklessness in our leadership. Technological advances make victory seem sure and losses and costs seem likely to be small. Hence the series of disastrous and pointless wars we have fought during my lifetime.

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